No fun - Part 12 - Tony Stark x Peter Parker x Reader

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The whole team crammed themselves into the Quinjet. No one wanting to be left behind. They all wanted to see where the young Stark had been hiding. What she had been able to do while she had been away. What the granddaughter of Howard Stark had been able to create from nothing. How she had been able to go from anonymity, to be the newest hero in the world. To be the Iron Knight.

Peter and Tony sat across the way. Watching as (Y/n) spoke quietly to Clint. To Scott. The billionaire feeling the twinge of jealousy as his daughter, his daughter, spoke more easily with the other two fathers, than she ever had been able to speak to him. He had to admit that sometimes, over the years, it had been like (Y/n) was just another employee of Stark Industries. That she was just there to repair weapons, suits, and anything else that had got broken, when she was needed. Tony realising that that was probably one of the reasons that she would do things like take the cars. Would need bringing back to the compound by police. That it was because she could see that too. Because she felt like that too. That she didn't feel like his child, but someone that could be dismissed if she did something wrong. Sent away if the mood took him.

Tony had seen the difference in (Y/n) when she had come back from spending time with Clint and his family on the farm. When she had come back from going bowling and having milkshakes with Scott and Cassie. There was an easiness about her when she returned. A joy. And Tony wished that he could make her feel that way too. That he could be the father that she deserved. That he could have given her the love that she deserved. Yet he knew that the love she had found, was, yet again, given to her the others, and not him. Because of Bruce. The doctor listening to her when Tony was too busy to be concerned with anything that she had to say. Because of Clint and Scott that had welcomed her into their own families. Because of Steve, Bucky and Sam, that had taken her under their wings. That had become like big brothers to her. Because of Natasha, who was the closest thing to a mother that (Y/n) had ever known. The only woman in her father's life, that hadn't wanted him to ship her off somewhere so that they didn't have to deal with a child. Thor, who could make her laugh, even when she was at her lowest. And the final nail in his fatherhood coffin, was that even Loki. Loki, the God of Mischief himself, spent more time with (Y/n) than he did. Tony wondering if she hated him, as much as the frost giant hated Odin.

He had no idea how the two old soldiers had persuaded (Y/n) to allow them to take her back to her home. How they had persuaded her to let them, and all the others see what she had been able to create in the little backwater that she had found. But he had to confess that he didn't care. What was important was that she was still there. That now, even if she didn't agree to come back to the compound, he would know where she was. He would know that she was safe. And that somehow, someway, he could try and make up for his lack of care. For the lack of love. Something that his father had never wanted, or been able to do for him.

Peter watched (Y/n) as she smiled at Clint. At Scott. The three conversing quietly. Her hand resting in the archers, as the jet sped its way to the small town that she had given Sam the coordinates to. He had raced after the rest of the team earlier that day. Hoping that Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes would be able to persuade (Y/n) to stay. Or at least get her to take them to where she had been all this time. And to the young man's delight, they had. Though in truth, he had hoped that she would stay. That she would want to expound more about what she had said earlier. But since the old soldiers had taken her for a coffee, she hadn't spoken to him. She hadn't even looked at him. And Peter couldn't help but feel despondent. His mind still filled with the notion that (Y/n) had found a guy. That she had been out on dates. Peter knowing that even though he and (Y/n) had gone and done things together on a number of occasions. Not once had he ever asked her out on a date. Not once had he ever taken her to the movies, or for something to eat. Not once had he ever given her flowers, offered her his hand to hold, or told her how beautiful she was. Even though he had wanted to a thousand times. Knowing that the feeling of love that she should have got from him, now seemed to be coming from another guy. Peter just hoping that now he knew where she was, he could somehow, someway make up for never having told her how he truly felt for her. Hoping that this Cody guy, wasn't as important to (Y/n), as he feared.

"We're here!" Sam exclaimed from the cockpit. The ex-pararescue airman bringing the Quinjet to gently rest in the field that (Y/n) had told him he would find. The area a little away from her workshop. From the town. In hopes that the arrival of the world's greatest heroes wouldn't freak out the locals.

"Okay............." (Y/n) began. As she quickly looked out of the window to make sure that the coast was clear, before she got to her feet and turned her attention to the team.

"Just.........just don't be weird, okay? I live here. The people are nice, and I don't want to freak them out. Just act like normal people. This isn't New York, and they aren't used to seeing Spiderman swinging through the high-rises. Iron Man flying down to his favourite restaurant for lunch. Gods wielding enchanted hammers. Or soldiers and spies with big guns fighting in the streets, on a daily basis. The biggest event around here, is the pumpkin festival. So, just be chill. And Bruce.........please no Hulk." (Y/n) told them. The others promising to be on their best behaviour. To act like, as (Y/n) had put it, normal people. The back of the Quinjet opening and allowing (Y/n) to make her way out.     

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