Forgive me - The Expendables - Part 4 - Church x Reader

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"So? What do you think?" (Y/n) asked the still unconscious Galgo.

"Yeah, I know that it may not be the best idea. That the whole thing could go terribly wrong. And if it does.........well it will probably go terribly, terribly wrong. But it was the only thing that I could think of. The only way that I can get him away from here. Get him away from the reach of the company. So that it can just be me and him. So that I can show him that I'm sorry for not listening to him. That I love him." (Y/n) continued, as she squeezed her friend's hand.

"Will you wake up, you Spanish sausage! Most of the time, we can't get you to shut up. Now that I need your advice, you won't wake up. You do know that it feels like a bit of an insult to mine, and Docs work in the plane, don't you? We did a damn good job of patching you up." (Y/n) sighed, as she dropped her head onto the side of the bed. Wishing that the older soldier in the bed, would do something. Would murmur. Wiggle a finger. Anything.

From the moment that she had met the gregarious and loquacious Spaniard, (Y/n) had liked him. Admittedly, he could sometimes be a little too garrulous. Not seeming to shut up until Gunnar huffed and threatened to shoot him if he didn't stop talking. But she had always like him. He was fun to be around. A little crazy at times. And that mischievous sparkle in his eyes had always made her smile. Or roll her eyes. Or shake her head. But whatever it was that it made her do, it always made her feel happy. He had a good heart. Was loyal to the team. And she admired him for that. Admired the fact that despite what had happened to his other team, he managed to keep going when others may have buckled.

(Y/n) wasn't really sure what he would say to her confession about Church. Galgo hadn't had the same dealings with the agent as the others, as Barney had. But still, Church was the agent that would send them all on the dumb, do or die missions. That had helped get the Spaniard in the predicament that he was currently in. Yet, (Y/n) had a strange feeling that he would tell her to go with her heart. That if she loved the agent, it shouldn't matter what the others thought. That it was her life, and she should live it as she wanted to.

"You know. You're a lot smarter than the boys give you credit for, Gally." (Y/n) chuckled, as she got to her feet and placed a kiss to the Spaniard's forehead.

"I'll see you when I've fixed this. And if it works out that you would actually have told me to keep as far away as possible from Church. Then I'm afraid that you, like the others, are going to have to accept it. Though I have a feeling that that passionate Spanish heart of yours, will understand." (Y/n) added. Squeezing Galgo's hand one last time before she made for the door.

"Oh, and Gally. Wake up please. It's really too quiet around here. And there is this pretty little nurse that said you look cute. Don't want to miss out on that." (Y/n) chuckled, as she closed the door behind her and set off to put her plan into action.


Church sat at his desk, working his way through the pile of paperwork. He had thought that (Y/n) would have called him by now. That she would have used the number to his private cell. That she would have seen the ring that he had left. Would have read the inscription and seen that he had meant every word. That he really had listened to her when she had told him that her father was the reason that she loved the world of Tolkien so much. That he had been listening, when (Y/n) had told him that when her father came home in the evening. When he came back from deployment, he would read the stories to her. It being the only real time that the father and daughter would spend together. The only time her pops forgot about being a soldier and remembered that a little girl loved him. That she wanted to be just like him. But there had been nothing. Not a call. Not a message. Nothing. And Church had to admit that he was getting a little, no, make that a lot worried.

It wasn't the first time that (Y/n) had been mad at him. Certainly, wouldn't be the last. Yet he had hoped that despite the fact the Spaniard was in the hospital, (Y/n) would forgive him. That she would realise that he didn't want to lose her. That he never wanted to lose her. So, he wasn't going to wait any longer. He was going to call her. Talk to her. But as soon as he pulled the phone out of his pocket, his cell began to buzz and vibrate. The agent smiling, as he saw that the call was from (Y/n).

"Hi honey." Church said, as he pressed the button to answer the call. His brows furrowing slightly, as no one answered.

"Well, it's nice to see that we have to right woman, agent Church." A deep, croaky, electronically altered voice replied. Church finding himself gripping his cell phone tighter, as the voice chuckled.

"Who the hell is this?" Where is (Y/n)? You better not have hurt her....." The agent growled. His mind racing with the thought of all the people he had come up against, that might have been watching them. Might be using (Y/n) to get to him. To hurt him.

"You are in no position to ask questions, agent Church. Your job is to do as you are told. That is if you want to see this beautiful woman of yours again. We have to admit that she put up quite a fight when we came for her. But apart from a few cuts and bruises, she is in good health, but that will only last for as long as you do as you are told. If you deviate from what we tell you, then sergeant (Y/l/n) won't stay so healthy." The voice taunted. Church irate at the thought that someone would hurt the woman he wanted to marry.

"How do I know you have her? How do I know that she is even alive?" Church asked, as he got to his feet and began to pace his office.

"Oh, I assure you, agent Church, the sergeant is alive. It is just that we have had to gag her. Your lady does have very sharp teeth. But we did find something in her apartment. Something very interesting. Something gold, with an inscription. 'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness it will bind our two hearts'. Very touching. And oh, so sweet." The voice continued to mock. Church feeling his chest tighten, as the voice read out the inscription on the inside of the engagement ring.

"What do you want?" Church continued. Doing his best to stay calm. Knowing that he had to keep as level-headed as possible, if he was to get (Y/n) back.

"That is easy, agent Church. We want you. You have made a lot of enemies over the years, and some of those enemies have paid highly for you head. And we intend to deliver said head. If you tell anyone in the company about our little conversation, your lady will die. If you tell those Expendables about this, your lady will die. If anyone is seen to be with you, then your lady will die. Do we understand one another?" The deep voice told him. Church finding himself nodding to the demands.

"Alright. Whatever you want. Where do you want me to go to?"

"You will get on the next available flight to Hawaii. Once there, you will go to the Montage Kapalua Bay Hotel. At the counter tell them that your name is Mister Smith. Go to the room that they give you and wait for further instructions. And please, agent Church, don't get any clever ideas. We will have people watching you at every moment. And you wouldn't want anything to happen to this beautiful lady of yours. See you soon, agent." The voice explained before ringing off. Church not thinking about how Hawaii was a strange place to take a hostage, as he grabbed his bag and put his gun in its holster. Not thinking about anything other than getting to the airport. Getting to the main island. And getting back his (Y/n). 

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