Nemesis - Sherlock - Part 1 - Mycroft x Reader

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"I am so sorry, Mister Holmes, sir. I tried to stop..............." The nervous new assistant tried to explain, as Mycroft stormed towards his office. Completely ignoring the younger woman that was hurriedly trying to catch up with him.

He had been informed that they were coming. But he had never expected that this infernal person would just push their way into his office. Help themselves to a glass of his 25 year old, single malt Scotch. Before taking his chair and informing his secretary that they would wait there for him.

The powers that be. Those above even his own paygrade, had informed Mycroft that they had someone that they would be bringing in. That they would like this someone to share his role. The older Holmes knowing that even though he was perfectly capable of doing the job that he had been doing by himself, for not an inconsiderable time. That he was perfectly capable of running the British Government all on his own. He could say very little. Mycroft just hoping that he could be so incredibly insufferable, that this interloper would decide that they didn't want to share his duties. Though given their current actions, Mycroft had a sinking feeling that it might be harder to get rid of this goldfish, than he had hoped.

Goldfish. Perhaps not the best description for this person. Mycroft had been given a run down of the mystery person's qualifications. Of their education and experience. The older Holmes reluctantly admitting, though only to himself of course, that he was ever so slightly impressed by what he had seen. Not that that was going to stop him from treating this person with utter contempt though.

"Yes, yes, that will be all........" Mycroft finally retorted, as he reached out one hand and took hold of the handle of his office door. Using his other to dismiss the rather flustered younger woman.

"What do you think............." Mycroft began to enquire, as he pushed his way inside the room. The rest of his question drifting off into the heavy atmosphere, as the person in his chair, turned it to face him. His eyes growing wide, as he saw a face that he hadn't seen in years. A face that he hadn't really wanted to see again. Or at least that was what he had told himself for years. A face that he was sure, was still as beautiful as the last time he had seen it.

"Ah, Mycroft. I would say that it was nice to see you again, Holmes. But we both know that that would be a lie. Though it is nice to see that your taste in fine liquor has not diminished over the years. Though I must admit that I prefer the Glenfiddich Grande Couronne to the Glenlivet. That extra year of aging just gives it a little something." The visitor chuckled as she placed the now empty, finely cut, crystal glass tumbler on the desk in front of her. Crossing her arms and waiting for a suitable retort from the man that stood, motionless in the still open doorway.

"Dear god! Mycroft Holmes is actually lost for words. Well, there's a first. Although I must admit that it's a pleasant change. You always did have a habit of talking too much. Engaging mouth before brain. But given that your brain has always been inferior to mine, I shouldn't expect anything less............."

"Inferior!?" Mycroft exclaimed in disbelief, as he finally closed the door behind him, and moved stand in front of his desk. To stand in front of the smiling woman.

"Yes, Holmes. Inferior. Would you like me to spell it for you? Perhaps give you the dictionary definition? If I'm honest, I am surprised that the government has lasted this long with only you in charge. But things will be much better now that I'm here.............." The woman continued. Mycroft doing his best to not lose his temper. Not wanting to let his emotions get the better of him.

"You mean that you.................?"

"Yes, Mycroft. I am the one that has come to show you how it's really done." She explained. Her smile growing a little wider, as the great Mycroft Holmes continued to appear dumbfounded.

Why of all people did it have to be her? Why did it have to be (Y/n)? And why had he failed to realise, that given what he had seen of her education, it could be her? They had met years ago. In truth, it actually felt like a lifetime ago. After being home schooled, Mycroft had finished his education at Oxford. The oldest Holmes shining in even the hallowed halls of that great institution of education. Yet he had had a rival. A rival that had found their home at Cambridge. And that rival had been (Y/n). Then a beautiful young woman, that to Mycroft, shone brighter than even the sun itself. Her intellect amazing even him. Over their time at the universities, they had been pitted against one another in this thing or that. Both old institutions trying to prove that it was the greater. Mycroft having to admit that (Y/n) had bested him on more occasions than he would care to remember. Yet during this rivalry, Mycroft had discovered, despite himself, that he had been drawn to her. That they had begun to spend more and more time together. And that the friendship that had built up between them, had finally become intimate. The older Holmes sure that with (Y/n), he had truly felt what love was. The ring that he still wore on his finger to that day, a promise from her that she would always be there for him. Would always love him. But one day, everything had changed. Or should that be, he had changed it. A letter from his parents suggesting that they had noticed a difference in him on his last visit home. That his grades had been slipping. And that they expected more. Mycroft realising that it could only be because his attention was being held by (Y/n). That spending time with her, had become more important than his education. And so, he had done the only thing that he thought that he could at the time. He had pushed her away. He had become cold and aloof. Telling her that he had lied. That he did not care, and never had done. The heartbreaking look on her tear soaked face, as he had turned and left her flat, still the stuff of his nightmares.

He had not seen her since that day. He had heard that she had graduated early. That she had accepted a position with a certain government department. But now it would appear that she was back to haunt him. That his friendly rival had become his nemesis. An inescapable agent of his downfall.

"Well, I don't know about you. But I have better things to do than sit here watching you do your impression of a stunned mullet. But I will be back bright and early tomorrow morning. And I can assure you that things will definitely be changing around here." (Y/n) told him, as she slowly got to her feet and moved around the large desk. Momentarily standing before Mycroft before heading for the door.

"Oh, and Mycroft.........." (Y/n) called out. Mycroft turning to look at her.

"Don't think that you can get rid of me. Not this time..........." She informed him. Giving him a nod, before leaving the room. 

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