Starry, starry night - GoT - Part 11 - Tyrion x Reader

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(Y/n) had quickly made her way to her rooms. She was leaving now. At this instance. No explanation. No word. Nothing. She didn't care if she had no escort. No bannermen to watch over her. She was leaving this accursed place. This accursed city. That accursed man. For when all was said and done, no matter her isolation, she was a lioness. A Lannister just like any other. And woe betide anyone that dare stand in her way. That thought they could prevent her for getting as far away from Tyrion, as she possibly could.

She had told herself not to cry. That she had already wasted far too many tears on her cousin over the years. And he didn't deserve more. He didn't deserve her. He could have his whores. He could have whoever he wanted. It was no longer her concern.

Throwing open the door, she made her way into the room. Reaching for the bag within which she had brought some of her most precious possessions. The lioness pushing her memories and much loved objects, carefully back into leather satchel.

"Milady....... Is everything alright?" Her handmaid enquired, as she quickly raced into the room. The older woman wondering what could have come over her mistress.

"Everything is quite well, Hildy. I am leaving Kings Landing. You may return home with the bannermen when you are ready. I have other places to be." (Y/n) explained, as she closed the bag and made her way to the door. The maid quite taken aback by the steely determination in the voice of the lioness. By the fire in her eyes.

"But......... but milady. Ya can't just go. It's dangerous on tha roads without an escort. There are thieves, bandits, desperate men that could hurt ya, kill ya. Home is more than a few days ride............."

"But I am not going home, Hildy. Not yet at least. There is a place I wish to see again. A place that I wish to lay my eyes on for one last time before I live out the rest of my days in lonely isolation. And I no longer care about what happens to me. I have been at the mercy of the gods for so long, that if they wish my death, I will happily surrender my life. I do not need bannermen, an escort. I will find my own way." (Y/n) explained, as she and Hildy hurriedly made their way towards the stables.

"But.............but, with all due respect, milady, ya know nothing of tha world. Ya don't know what's out there............" Hildy spluttered out, as she caught the lionesses arm. Pulling her to a stop. (Y/n) placing a reassuring hand on the older woman's cheek.

"Then I will learn, Hildy. The world beyond my gilded little cage may be a frightening one, but it is perhaps time I learnt about it. Now, you must promise me that you will tell no one I have gone. Not my uncle, cousins, anyone. They will discover my absence soon enough. But it will at least give me some time to get out of the city. To get as far beyond these walls as possible. From there, I shall see. And don't worry about me. I shall eventually be home. I promise." (Y/n) told the concerned maid, before kissing her gently on the forehead.

"For now, just go back to my rooms and pack all my other things. When you and the men are ready, you can head home." (Y/n) continued. Giving Hildy one last smile, before turning and heading out of the castle.


"Don't tell me they sent another one a ya." Bronn chuckled, as he made his way back into the room. He had heard the knock at the door, and just presumed that another young woman had been sent to the Keep. The sellsword girding himself to deal with three women. A large smile kissing his lips, as he looked at the naked women led on the bed.

"What? Oh no. It was a lady." One woman began.

"We invited her ta join us, but she seemed a little..........prudish." The second one giggled. Bronn's eyes growing wide, as he got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"This lady. She wouldn't happen ta have been exquisitely beautiful, with bright green eyes, long blonde hair, and a rather regal bearing, would she?" Bronn enquired, as he dropped himself into a chair.

"Yeah, why?" The first woman confirmed, as she moved forward on the bed. Both women watching as Bronn seemed to turn pale. Quickly jumping to his feet and making his way to the room in which Tyrion was still changing.

"She didn't happen ta say anything did she..........."

"Aye.......she asked for Lord Tyrion. Tilly told her that he was getting undressed in the other room. We said that we would get him for her, but she told us not ta bother. Then she asked us ta give him a message................"

"Which was................?"

"Goodbye." Both women said in unison. Bronn looking at the woman for a moment. Having the worst feeling that Tyrion was going to blame him for all this.


"This is all your fault! You and your ideas." Tyrion growled, as he and Bronn moved quickly through the corridors. Tyrion just hoping that this wasn't as bad as he thought. That (Y/n)'s goodbye, might have meant something else. That she had been able to see that those two naked whores in his chambers, informing her that he was getting undressed in another room, weren't anything to do with him. That he hadn't turned to these women, as soon as she had left her room. But he knew that he was fooling himself. If it had been him, turning up to her room to find two naked men opening the door. Informing him that (Y/n) was undressing, he could imagine that he would also think the worst. And given his past, he really couldn't blame her for believing the worst. Yet how he was going to fix this, he didn't know. All he could hope was that (Y/n) would listen to his explanation. That she would listen to Bronn. And that she would trust him.

"I knew ya'd say that. I asked ya if ya wanted me ta send em away.........."

"And I said no, so I didn't ruin your evening. Didn't ruin my evening. I had it all planned out, and I didn't want anything to spoil it. Including you. But I seriously doubt that that will happen now." Tyrion interrupted. His heart beating at a pace, as they got closer to (Y/n)'s rooms. Sure, that he would find his cousin in tears. Cursing him to the gods.

"Just leave it ta me. Ya sister already made (Y/n) think that I'm nothing more than a walking hard on. I'll just tell her tha truth. Tha they were both with me." Bronn tried to reassure. The sellsword not sure whether he was trying to convince Tyrion or himself, that it would work. The taller man reaching out and knocking on the door, as they got to the lionesses rooms. An older woman poking her head nervously around the ingress.

"Y-y-yes milord?" The women enquired, as she looked between the little man and the sellsword behind him.

"I wish to see my cousin. Is Lady Lannister here.........?"

"She.......Lady Lannister...........ya see................"

"Is she here or not............?" Bronn interrupted. Pushing on the door. He and Tyrion looking at the room that was littered with gowns, and a few well packed travel cases. But certainly no (Y/n).

"Where is she? Where is (Y/n)?" Tyrion asked urgently, as he turned to look at the woman. The maid wringing her hands, as she wondered whether her lady had had enough time to leave the city as she wanted."

"Well, she..........she............."

"She, what............."

"She's gone!"   

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