Forgive me - The Expendables - Part 3 - Church x Reader

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Church furrowed his brows as (Y/n) began to laugh. The agent having to admit that this was not quite the reply that he had been expecting. Or hoped for. In truth, he had been planning this moment for some time. Well, not exactly this way, or at this moment. But to ask (Y/n) to marry him, certainly. He had had the ring burning a hole in his pocket for months. He had had a whole romantic getaway planned in his head. A wonderful trip where he would organise for the bed to be covered in rose petals. For the best champagne to be waiting on ice. For there to be soft music playing in the background, she that he could whirl her around and then pull her into his arm, before dropping to his knee and asking her for her hand. But now, as she wiped a mocking tear from her eye, Church couldn't help but think that something he believed would somehow make things better. Would make her finally see that he really did love her, had gone terribly, terribly wrong.

"Oh boy, you really must be desperate, Church. Marriage? Jesus H Christ. Get up off your knees. You look completely ridiculous." (Y/n) finally replied, as she made her way over to one of the chairs and dropped down. No longer even bothering to point her gun at him.

(Y/n) had to admit that she had heard some ridiculous things come out of people's mouths before. But this, this had to be the most ridiculous thing ever. The idea that Church would ask her to marry him. Would want to "settle down" with her, seemed to be absolutely and utterly ridiculous. She had to be realistic, she wasn't the kind of girl that most men would see as the wife type. She had basically been born into the forces. The only life she had ever known, was travelling the world from one base to another. First with her parents, and then on her own. The time that she had been with the Expendables, the longest that she had ever stayed in one place. She had always prided herself on being a the rough, tough, take no nonsense, type. And given her job, she had always lived life as everyday would be her last. So, she had never thought of marriage. Never wanted to put someone through that phone call if something had gone wrong. And given what she still did, she didn't want to put Church through that either. (Y/n)'s mind going back to what had happened with poor Billy.

"Just get out, Church. I'm not in the mood for your crap. It's too late, and I want to go and see Galgo tomorrow, first thing. To be honest, I'm not even in the mood to shoot you anymore." (Y/n) sighed, as the thoughts in her mind began to tumble. Began to betray her. The images of a simple ceremony with just the two of them. Of a wonderful honeymoon in some far flung island. Of being able to know that she would have someone to come home to at the end of the day, rather than just an empty, quiet apartment. To not have to wait for when the agent felt like a booty call.

"(Y/n), it's not a joke. I mean it, really. I want you to marry me............."

"No Alex, all this is just a way for you to get me to forgive you. To sweet talk me into forgetting all about this, and not minding when you make me, and the boys go out on another one of your death wish missions. I love you, Alex. God knows why, and I must be out of my mind. But I do love you. So, this little charade of yours, is just cruel. We both know that you answer to only one mistress. And I don't want to play second fiddle to the company. If I was going to marry someone, I need to be the only one. Because I don't like sharing. I don't want to share you. Now please, just go." (Y/n) interrupted. Another sigh leaving her lips, as she dragged herself from the chair, and made her way back to her bedroom.

"Turn the light off on your way out. And make sure that you haven't fucked up the lock on my door." (Y/n) added, as she closed the door behind her. Doing her best to not let the agent hear the tremble in her voice. Doing her best to not let him hear that this had affected her. That a little part of her wanted to believe what he had asked.

Church looked down at the ring in the small, black velvet box. He knew that for once on his life, he had meant every word. That for once in his miserable existence, every word that had left his lips, had not been a lie. He could understand why (Y/n) hadn't believed him. Had thought that he was mocking her. Had thought that what he was doing was for the company, as with everything else he did. Yet even though he wanted to follow after her. To try and tell her his proposal had been the real deal. He knew that now was not the time. That he had pushed his luck enough. And that no matter what she had said. (Y/n) still had her gun.

With one last look at her bedroom door, church placed the ring box on the coffee table. The agent making his way to the door, before turning out the light and leaving.


(Y/n) reluctantly dragged her weary body from her bed. She hadn't been able to sleep. Hadn't even been able to close her eyes. Church's proposal going around and around in her head. What if it had been real? What if he really did want to marry her? Would he hate her now for laughing in his face? Would he speak to her again? Would he still love her? The doubts and questions haunting her, as night had become day. But now was not the time. She had to go and see her friend. She had to see if Galgo had woken up. And whether he had or not, she would have to deal with Church after she had checked on the Spaniard.

Making her way into the kitchen, (Y/n) doubled the strength of her usual morning coffee. The sergeant knowing that she was going to need all the help she could get, if she was to make it through the day. With a tired sigh, she slowly made her way into the lounge room, her eyes falling on the small box that Church much have left. (Y/n) deciding to look, thinking that even if the proposal was fake, she would be interested to see if the agent had at least put some thought into the ring.

Putting her coffee down on the table, she picked up the box and opened it. Her breath catching in her throat, as she took the band from its cushion and read the inscription. 'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness it will bind our two hearts'. (Y/n) couldn't help but let the tears roll down her cheeks at the last words of the text. Church had always teased her for liking the Lord of the Rings movies. For getting lost in Tolkien's world. Yet it was now obvious that he had been listening to her when she had told him about why she found comfort in it. Why it brought her such joy. And last night he had tried to prove to her that he loved her with a symbol that she knew so well. Tried to give her that joy in the real world. Tried to give her the one ring of her own. A ring that would bind their two hearts. His alteration to the well know inscription, telling her more than words ever could. Yet she hadn't let him.

(Y/n) jumped to her feet. She had to make this right. To show him that she really did love him. But it was going to take something a little more than just going to find him. It was going to take a little, well, a lot of planning. And visiting Galgo, might just give her the time that she needed to come up with a plan. 

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