All life is here - Part 1 - Bruce Banner x Reader

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(Y/n) sat outside her little store, watching as the people of the great city went about their day. All life was here, the good and bad, the high and mighty, and the poor and destitute. All of them passed (Y/n)'s little shop, and all seemed to know her in one way or another.

Her store wasn't much, just a little book shop. Yet she could boast that she not only had the old fashioned penny dreadfuls and slushy romantic novels of the worst kind, but also some of the best quality first editions and manuscripts. Which made her out of the way little world, popular with anyone that had an eye for quality, knowledge, and uniqueness.

The weather in New York was unusually pleasant for the time of year. An Indian summer of a day which had made even (Y/n), who usually rarely came out from under a huge pile of musty old tomes, venture into the sun. The young woman sighing happily, as she closed her eyes and let the rays of the great celestial orb kiss her skin.

"Morning (Y/n) honey." A sweet southern accented voice called out, causing (Y/n)'s eyes to fly open. Her twinkling orbs falling on the grey haired African American woman that owned the soul food restaurant just down the street.

"Morning Miss Jean, sorry you startled me." (Y/n) said apologetically, as she rose from her seat and offered it to the older lady. An offer that Miss Jean took happily.

"Don't worry about it none, sugar. Its all good. Its one heck of a day don't ya think? Beautiful. But I find that this kinda heat brings out the crazies." The older woman said, as she and (Y/n) watched the world go by. The pair smiling as old Mister DeAngelo waved at the two of them. The pale haired gentleman taking his little beagle, Nero, out for its usual walk.

"I suppose your right. Though sometimes I am not sure I notice the difference between the crazies and non-crazies anymore. They all seem to be one and the same thing, these days. As far as I am concerned, the word "normal" is a misnomer, because I don't think that there is a single one of us that's normal." (Y/n) chuckled, as she leant against the door of her store. Wiping the back of her hand across her brow, as a thin sheen of perspiration made her skin glisten.

"Yeah, I think that you might just have a point there." Miss Jean agreed, with a chuckle of her own. The older woman realising just how much the city had changed, and not necessarily for the best, since she had moved to New York from Baton Rouge some thirty years earlier.

"Oh, guess what? Do you remember that I told you how I managed to get my hands on that first edition copy of Frankenstein? The one that was published without Mary Shelley's name. Well, I got a buyer, and you'll never guess who it is?" (Y/n) said excitedly, as she crouched next to Miss Jean.

"Well, obviously its someone interesting, cos I've never seen you this happy about a buyer before. So, do tell." Miss Jean chuckled. Enjoying the large smile that had creeped across (Y/n)'s lips. The older woman sure that (Y/n) didn't smile nearly enough.

"Tony Stark! The Tony Stark. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. Iron Man himself." (Y/n) declared, like a giddy schoolgirl. Still finding it hard to believe that she was actually going to be able to meet the man himself.

"You don't say. Well, my, my, my. But from what I've heard about Mister Stark, you should be careful around him, sugar. He is said to have an eye for pretty women like you. Though from what I've seen in those magazines, that boy is pretty easy on the eyes himself." Miss Jean said. (Y/n) laughing as she saw the mischievous twinkle in the old woman's eye.

"I'm sure that you could give him more than a run for his money, Miss Jean. And even though your right, that he is quite a handsome thing. He's a little to brash for my tastes. Not my kind of thing at all............."

"Then what is your thing, honey? I swear that I have never seen you with a gentleman. A beautiful thing like you should have a handsome man on her arm. Should be being wined and dined. Yet you seem to be content with your books. Its not healthy." Miss Jean interrupted, as she took (Y/n)'s hand.

"I know that your right. I should get out more. Spread my wings a little. But...........I suppose that I feel like I don't need to. Why leave home when you have thousands of worlds right at your fingertips. Whenever I'm sad. Whenever I'm lonely, I just pick up a book and I can be anywhere and in any time. If I reach for an Conan Doyle, I am whisked off to Victorian London, solving crimes with Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The three of us doing our best to outwit the nefarious Professor Moriarty. If a pickup a Dickens, I can find myself joining the ghosts as they haunt Ebenezer Scrooge. With Henman Melville, I can be hunting a great white whale with Ahab and Ishmael. With C.S.Lewis, I am in Narnia. And with Poe, well........with Poe, I can be the Raven itself, quaffing 'Nevermore'. So, I sort of feel that all life is right here in my store. That, and I've just never been lucky enough to meet someone that I thought was for me. A sweet man, with a kind heart and good nature. A man that doesn't mind my little eccentricities. That is a little eccentric himself. A little.......well, a little different. But after all this time, I guess that I've just begun to believe that there probably isn't anyone out there for me. And to be honest, even though it would be nice to have someone, I am happy as I am." (Y/n) replied. Shrugging slightly, as she smiled at the older woman.

"Oh my. Will you look at the time. Mister Starks security chief said that he would be here at eleven. I better go and get ready." (Y/n) said, as she looked at her watch. The younger woman giving Miss Jean a peck on the cheek, before she disappeared back into her store. Miss Jean smiling and hoping that her young friend was wrong. And that the right man for her, would one day walk right into her store.


"Bruce! Are you coming or not?" Tony asked, as he stuck his head around the door. The billionaire rolling his eyes, as it became obvious that Bruce hadn't heard anything that he had just said.

"Hey! Banner!" Tony called out again. Doing his best not to laugh out loud, as Bruce looked up from his work. Appearing completely and utterly bemused.

"Oh, Tony. Er........what was that?" Bruce enquired, as he pushed his spectacles back up his nose.

"I said, are you coming or not?" Tony reiterated, as he made his way into the lab, and leant against Bruce's table.

"Coming? Coming where................"

"Jeez, Bruce. The bookstore, remember? I told you about this place that had a first edition of Frankenstein that I was keen to add to my collection. I told you that the owner had a large number of other first editions and manuscripts for sale. Then you started talking about Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and how you would like to see if this place has a copy of that too. You have been insisting on coming with me when I go and pick up my book, for days. And now that I'm going, you've forgotten all about it." Tony explained. Sure, that he was going to have to start stapling post it notes to the doctor's forehead, so that he would actually remember what he had been talking about.

"Oh, er..............yes, of course. I remember now. Um............are we going now...............?

"Yes Bruce. Now. Happy spoke to the lady that owns the store and told her that I would be there to pick up my book at eleven. So, take the lab coat off and let's get going." Tony affirmed. Shaking his head and chuckling under his breath, as Bruce struggled to pull off his white coat, and then nearly fell over his own feet, as the pair headed for the garage. 

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