The Ishtar's daughter - The Hobbit - Part 5 - Thorin x Reader

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"What are you?" Thorin enquired bluntly, as he hesitantly took a seat on the ground. The dwarf making sure that he wasn't going to be resting on one of the strange symbols that he had seen glowing as he had watched the Ishtar's daughter, before looking at her.

"What am I.................? A complicated question son of Thráin. And, I suppose, that the answer is just as complicated..............." (Y/n) mused for a moment. Reaching out her hands to warm them against the fire in the middle of the clearing.

"Most of the time, I say that I am just, well, But I doubt that answer will suffice here. What I am, is as old as the elves, but younger than the mountain that you travel to liberate. I am the product of Sauron's evil. A child of the dark and the shadows. A child that I was led to believe that she was the dark lords own, until I discovered the truth. Until I met my real father. Until Gandalf found me." (Y/n) began to explain, as she wrapped the length of cloth a little tighter around her hand. The black blood staining the piece of material.

"My mother was a powerful sorceress by the name of Ealara. My father told me, that when he had known her, she was gentle, kind. The sweetest of beings that used her magic to help others. But, when Sauron heard of the love between my mother and father. When he heard that she was with child. That the child was that of Gandalf, he lured my mother to his darkness. His power corrupting her. Corrupting the child that was growing in her womb. Turning both into the darkest of creatures. When I was finally ripped from my mother, I was little more than darkness. A girl able to use the night, to use the shadows, to kill. As wicked as any that called Sauron, master. That is why I can sense them. That is why I can smell them. The odour of orc and warg, of any that holds evil in their heart, the first I can remember. I am ashamed to say that I did my mother's and Sauron's bidding for more years than I care to remember. I have killed more dwarves, more elves and men, than you would ever wish to know. Yet at the War of the Last Alliance, things began to change. When damage was done to the dark lord's physical form by Gil-galad and Elendil. When the ring was cut from his finger by Isildur, giving Middle Earth over to its years of peace, my mother passed with her master. But I was able to use the shadows, to use the ensuing madness to escape the battlefield." (Y/n) continued. Her still dark eyes focused on the flickering flames. Thorin listening in disbelief. Not sure if there was anything that he could say or should do, as she made her confession.

"After many moons of hiding, Gandalf finally found me. Not the best first meeting a father and daughter could have.........but after many more moons of his patients and care, I finally believed that I was not the child of Sauron. I believed that my mother had been corrupted. I came to realise that I was Gandalf's daughter, and that my powers could be used for more than destruction. That what had been done to me, could be used against the very creatures that had corrupted me. And so, that is what I now do. I use the darkness to protect the good hearts of this world. I atone for the lives I took by watching over others. By guarding ones like you and the rest of the company. That is why my father had me follow you. Why he has had me watch over you when he couldn't. Because he knew that I would never let any harm come to any of you.................."

"But your blood. The spell.........that was a curse............"

"A curse? Believe me Thorin Oakenshield, if I had wished to do you or any of the others any harm, I would not need a curse. I would have been able to dispatch each and everyone of you without any of you knowing or seeing anything. Just as I did with the wargs and their riders. Just as I would have done in my old life. But this spell was one of protection. Fourteen drops of my blood to protect each dwarf and a halfling. Fourteen drops of black blood to conceal you and protect you. To have a shadow watch over you. To always have a shadow at your side so if you are threatened, I can be with you." (Y/n) interrupted, her eyes flying to meet those of the Lonely Mountain's heir. The Ishtar's daughter's reply a little harsher in the beginning than she had meant it to be. (Y/n) not liking the idea that the prince would think that she would need a curse to take out the entire company if she had wanted to.

"And what now, prince? Now that you know what I am. Now that you know I have probably killed more of your kind than the dragon that you go to face and the defiler himself. That the darkness of your very own homes and mines allowed me to do Sauron's bidding, what do you wish? Do you wish me to go? To try and take that blade of yours, and cut me in twain? To call for the rest of the company and attempt to destroy the darkness that has protected you so far?" (Y/n) enquired. Her tone now low. The Ishtar's daughter detecting a quiver in her tone, as the handsome dwarf looked down at his blade. Sure, that she had never dreaded an answer more in her life. Dreaded the thought of having to leave the company she had already grown so fond of. Of having to leave him.


Thorin looked down at his side. His mind caught up with everything that the beautiful female had just told him. Everything that she had had admitted. About all the wrong that she had done. All the evil that she had committed. His eyes suddenly focusing on the hilt of his sword. Even if he wanted to, he doubted that he would be quick enough to pull the weapon from its sheath before (Y/n) vanished into the darkness that was all around them. Before all that was left next to him were a few wisps of dark smoke. For even if her mother, if she hadn't been corrupted by the powers of the dark lord, she was still a wizard's daughter. The daughter of a sorceress and would undoubtedly have inherited her parent's abilities. So, such an act would be fruitless. But he knew he didn't want to. He knew that he could not do her any harm. That he had no desire to have her leave them or chase her away. To have her leave him. Thorin sure that before she had even stepped forward to help Bilbo with the Trolls, he had seen her beautiful visage in his dreams. Caught a glimpse of her in the shadows cast by the dancing flames of a fire. Seen her watching over all of them in the darkest hours of the night.

"I wish.............." Thorin began, as he slowly raised his head. His deep blue, shimmering eyes looking into (Y/n)'s, now once again own blue orbs.

"I wish you to stay. To stay with us. To stay with me." The prince continued, as he slowly got to his feet and offered her, his hand.

"Now, perhaps we should go and speak with the others. I should imagine that Balin and your father are on their second pipe by now and have no intention of finishing for some time to come." Thorin added. The prince sure that Gandalf had told his old friend as much about his daughter, as (Y/n) had told him. And that neither wanted to tell the others.

"As you king." (Y/n) replied, as she took the dwarves hand, and allowed him to escort her back to the others. The Ishtar's daughter hoping that the rest of the company would take her news as well as Thorin had.  

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