Starry, starry night - GoT - Part 14 - Tyrion x Reader

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The old man grumbled, as he heard a loud whinny and clatter of horseshoes on the cobbles of the courtyard outside. Grumbling all the more, as he slowly got to his feet. The pain in his knees reminding him of his advancing years. He knew that the visitor to the great castle could be no family member. Lord Tywin would usually send a raven if he or one of the other lions, were going to be coming to stay. He, along with the other family retinue, then able to make the cold castle warm and welcoming for when the Lannisters would arrive. So, as no raven had come to call, whoever the rider was, they certainly had no reason to be at the lion's ancestral home. They were certainly not welcome. And he would be sure to send them away with a flea in their ear.

"What do ya want ere? Be off with ya. We aren't open ta travellers! Does this look like an inn to ya?" The elderly servant called out. His tone leaving no doubt that he was far from happy about having to make his way out into the inclement weather. Already missing his nice little fire and warm bowl of soup.

"Reben?" A soft, weary voice called out in reply, from under the large, sodden hood of the horse's rider. The grey haired, stooped man finding it hard to believe what he had just heard. For it was a voice that he hadn't heard in what seemed like a lifetime. A voice that he never believed that he would hear again, after she had been taken from the castle so many years before.

"Milady (Y/n)?" The retainer enquired, as he made his way over to the horse. Gripping hold of the reins of the great beast to steady it, as the visitor pulled down the hood to reveal a pair of jewel like green eyes, and a head full of soaked golden hair.

"I hope that Casterly Rock is open to this traveller." The lioness continued with an exhausted smile. Before she slowly lowered herself from her mount. Reben doing his best to hold the horse and the lady. Her knees appearing to buckle slightly, as her feet touched the floor.

"Please forgive me, milady. I didn't know.........ya uncle never told us that ya were coming. If I had know it were you, I'd..........."

"Its quite alright, Reben. Uncle Tywin didn't know that I was coming. But I do hope that you don't mind if I stay? I will only be here for a few short days......"

"Mind? Why should I mind, milady? This is tha home of tha lions. This is your home as much as any other." Reben interrupted, as he helped the lioness into the castle. Escorting her to his little room. Aiding her, as she removed her large, water laden coat, before he sat her down in front of the fire.

"Elyse is in the kitchens. She'll be so glad ta see ya. I'll go and get ya some hot food, while she light a fire in the best room and make tha bed." Reben told the lioness that he hadn't seen since she was a child. The old man unable to stop himself from smiling as he looked down at her. Not sure why she would have just come to the castle after all these years. But knowing that it was not his place to ask. Nor in truth did he care. It was just good to have the sweet girl, back.

He, along with all the others that served the Lannisters had heard the rumours of what had happened before (Y/n) was taken from Casterly Rock that day. About how she and Tyrion had been caught kissing, by the shill old harridan, Linster. The other servants not sure what all the fuss had been about, given that it was not above the nobles to wed their cousins. Given that the lord of Casterly Rock himself, had been wed to his own cousin. The old woman's reaction seeming even more ridiculous. Yet away the young, weeping lioness had been taken. Not to be seen at her ancestral home since that day. He had also heard that she had been confined to her own little home. Away from the world after refusing to wed. After refusing her father. So, the fact that she was here right now, made it all the more special.

"Now, ya get yaself warm, and I'll be right back." Reben added, as he placed a large fur around (Y/n)'s shoulders, before scurrying away to find his wife and give her the happy news.

(Y/n) couldn't help but sigh as she leant back in the comfortable chair. All of a sudden feeling incredibly tired. All of a sudden realising how much the journey had taken out of her. All of a sudden realising that she was safe for the first time since she had left the Red Keep. The lioness feeling at home, despite how many years it had been since she had last step foot in the great building. Since she had run though the corridors, doing her best to hide from Tyrion.

Tyrion. She was sure that everything that she did. Everything that she thought and said, led her back to him. Yet given what had happened in Kings Landing. What she had seen in his room. It would appear that the gods did not want to let her go. That her maidenhood was too great a prize to let her surrender it to her cousin. And because of this, she should not spend the rest of her days hoping to see him again, as she had done before. That she should make these next few days, the last days that she gave her thoughts to him. Though she did have a feeling that that would be easier said than done.


The tavern was bustling. Everyone appearing to be on the road at the same time. Tyrion glad that gold spoke louder than anyone else, when it came to vying for two of the inn's few rooms, for the night.

The little lion hadn't really noticed Bronn's grumblings, as they had made the first leg of their journey. His mind too filled with awful images of (Y/n) being dead. Of what her face must have looked like when the door to his rooms had been opened by two naked women. Of how she must have felt, and what she must have thought. To care about the sellsword's complaints. The young Lannister just hoping that he would find her at Casterly Rock. That he would get a chance to explain.

Tyrion had decided that he would drink in his room, alone tonight. That he was not in the mood to join Bronn and all the other patrons that filled the tavern below, as he normally would. The same glass of wine having rested in his hand for so long that he had quite forgotten that it was there. His eyes firmly focused on the flickering flames of the fire in the small hearth. Sure, that he could see (Y/n)'s face in the licks of burning light. The embers that drifted up the chimney, reminding him of the stars that had filled the sky the night that she had been taken from him. The little man hoping that if he could be with her at Casterly Rock, at the same time, on the same night. Then the stars and moon might just take pity on him, and allow him to have his (Y/n). 

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