Chapter 4

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So look, guys, I have a splitting headache, my lungs are sore, I'm constantly cold all the time, and I can't walk around my house without losing half of my energy and panting like I just ran from Japan to Canada.

I'm sick, that's what i'm trying to say, 'kay? So bear with me if this chapter is crappy.


Yoko POV:

Aizawa grinned at our dumbfounded faces after informing us that the person in the last place for the test will be expelled. 

I need to do my best. Now, logically speaking, I doubt Aizawa will actually expel the person in last place. But then again - in the five minutes I've known our homeroom teacher, I'm getting the vibes that he is not joking. 

I shouldn't worry though. I confidently know that with my quirk, I'll be able to easily place in the top ten. And this is the golden opportunity to take note of my classmate's quirks, so I should pay attention and find the strongest and weakest.

50 meter dash, grip strength, standing long jump, side stepping, throwing - all of that was a child's game for me. My quirk allows me to manipulate and control inanimate and nonliving objects, which includes my own clothes. For the dash, I simply touched my shoes with two fingers and willed them to push me faster than my opponent, which ultimately gave me the score of 4.2 seconds. Back in middle school, my top score was five seconds. Looks like I improved.

For the grip strength, I didn't actually use any of my physical strength - I manipulated the weight. Cheating? Maybe. But sometimes, you gotta cheat in life. I learned that the hard way. 

Standing long jump and side stepping was easy as well. For the former, I did the same thing to my shoes as I did for the dash, and for the latter, I just didn't use my quirk and got a total of 87 steps before I slipped.

During all this, I observed that Yuga Aoyama's quirk gave him terrible stomach pains if he used his laser for more than one second, that Tsuyu runs in the position of a frog (lol), and that Uraraka can make her clothes weightless to make herself lighter and faster.

How very fascinating.

It was time for the throwing event.

I watched as Uraraka's ball went over infinity.

"Wow! Uraraka, that's awesome!" I said.


When it was my turn, I touched the ball and commanded it to go as far as it possibly could.

"......" Aizawa looked at the device in his hands. "I can't be sure, because I'm pretty sure the ball combusted when it went through the atmosphere."

"Whoops." I said, chuckling nervously.

And then it was Midoryia's turn. He nervously stepped  into the circle and brought his arm back.


Purple energy pulsed through his arm. Now, I'm no expert at medication or whatever, but I was pretty sure he was going to break his arm with that kind of power.

46 meters.

"Huh? BUt I was trying to use my quirk..." Midoryia stammered.

"I erased your quirk." Aizawa said. He lifted up the hair from his face, revealing bloodshot red eyes. The white cloth around his neck was floating.

He glared at Midoriya. "That ridiculous entrance exam....completely irrational to let someone like you in."

"Erased?" Midoriya said, shocked. "Those goggles...of course! He's the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!"

Shota Aizawa: Quirk: Eraser. He nullifies others' quirks by just looking at them!

"I think I've heard his name before!" I said. "He's an angler-type hero!"

"I saw you can't control your quirk." the teacher pointed at Midoriya. "You'd just be incapacitated again. Were you hoping someone would step in and help you afterwards?"

"N-no! It's not like that!" Midoriya stuttered.

Aizawa shot out the cloth, capturing the green-haired boy. "Whatever you were planning...would have inconvenienced those around you."

"Way back when, a certain hot-blooded hero...saved over a thousand people in a disaster and became a legend. You've got the same reckless streak,'re totally useless after saving only one person."

"Izuku Midoriya. You cannot become a hero with that power of yours."

 I winced. Damn, this teacher was harsh. 

Aizawa's hair settled back down, then he closed his eyes, sighing. "You got your quirk back. Give it another go. Let's get this over with."

Suddenly, Midoriya started to mutter at rapid speed, clutching the ball. It seemed like he was planning out a strategy in his head. I leaned in, curious to see what would happen. 

"You have no chance." Aizawa said.

"Not yet!" Midoriya brought his arm back and swung.


Holy shit--


"This pain..." Midoryia clutched his broken finger. "It's nothing like before!"


"Sensei..." Midoryia looked up, his eyes so fierce and determined that I had to take a step back. "I can still move!"

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