Chapter 56

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Continued from last chapter.

Yoko POV:

Bubble Girl, Mirio, and I continued down the building when we heard a big CRASH from the office.

", should we go check on them?" Bubble Girl asked.

"Yea, lets go." We turned around and started to walk back to Sir and Deku. We opened the door to see Deku with a nosebleed, papers flying everywhere, and Sir looming over Deku with the stamp still in his hand.

"He's employed." Sir Nighteye said, pointing at Deku.

"Wah!!! You did it, Midoryia!" I said excitedly.

Deku smiled, wiping away the blood. "I'll do my best!"


The next day.

"We will patrol the streets for surveillance. Mirio, Midoryia, and Yoko. Bubble Girl with me." Sir ordered.

"Surveillance?" Deku asked.

"Ah! Sir has been running a investigation on a small group!" Bubble Girl explained.

"A small, villain organisation called the 'Eight Precepts of Death'." Sir provided. "There leader, a person named Chisaki, has been doing suspicious activity lately." he showed us a picture of a young man with a huge mask.

"A Yakuza?" I asked. "But....aren't those people usually docile?"

"Yes, but we recently found out that they had gotten in contact with the League of Villains." Bubble Girl said.


"However, we do not have any evidence that they are planning anything criminal. Now, go on."


"Follow me!" Mirio said in his usually excited voice.

We started to walk through the crowds of people.

"Hey, we haven't told each other hero names!!!!!" Mirio said.

"Mine's Deku!" Deku said.

"Oho? That's a unusual hero name!" Mirio said. "How about you, Yoko?"

"I'm Animator!!" I said.

"I'm Lemillion!" Mirio exclaimed. "Even if I can't save everyone, I can save a MILLION!"


"OK, DEKU, ANIMATOR!" Mirio pumped his fist. "WE ARE HEROES! Be sure not to let your guard down!"

"Yes sir!!!!!"

We were walking past a alley when I heard a little oopmh, and a small thud.

"Huh?" we all turned.

Deku stared down at the small girl that had crashed into him. She was no more than 6 years old, with long pale blue hair and a small horn on her forehead. She also had a concerning amount of bandages on her arms and her sharp crimson eyes looked scared.


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