Chapter 81

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Continued from last chapter.

Yoko POV:

As the two teams made their way onto the battlefield, I felt SHoto shift from next to me.

"Making decisions fly, eh?" He mumbled. "Lets see if Yaoyorozu's operation will be able to pierce through them or not."

"Operations?" I asked.

Class B members started running through the maze when Fumikage's Dark Shadow confronted them.

"Kuroiro!" Kendo said.

Kuroiro grinned. "Oh yeah."

My class members were walking through the maze, when Dark Shadow slithered back to Fumikage and...punched him, hard.

From Dark Shadow popped out Kuroiro. Kuroiro's quirk allowed him to hide in black spaces, so he had used Dark Shadow.

"Hmph!" Momo threw two nets at the enemy member, although Kuroiro simply hid in the shadows to avoid the attack.

"Fumikage Tokoyami..." Kuroiro chuckled. "We were fated to meet.

Fumikage grunted as he got up. He took off his cloak. "I have accepted your challenge. Let me show you a new move I have made under the tutelage of Hawks. Black Fallen Angel!"

"Black...Fallen....Angel?" Kuroiro repeated.

Chisako snickered from in front of me. "Oho, Kuroiro's in for a surprise."

"You know what Fumikage will do?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I'm his sister." Chisako pursed her lips. "My brother did a lot of training under Hawks. He told me every day how Hawks would fly off and leave him in the dust. Pretty soon, I could tell Fumi-kun was regretting his decision to get interned by Hawks. know what, you'll see."

"I like the name of the new move!" Kuroiro laughed. "Lets see what it can do!" he disappeared.

"He is moving through the shadows!" Momo realized.

"He's charging us alone??" Aoyama exclaimed.

Kuroiro sneakily appeared behind Aoyama and grabbed his cape, starting to throw him off balance.

"Is that what you were thinking?" Fumikage asked Kuroiro.

Dark Shadow had attached himself onto Fumikage, spreading his claws, levitating.

He was flying.

"FLYING???" Setsuna and Awase yelled.

"FLYING?" Denki and Sero yelled.

Fumikage flew toward Kuroiro and snatched Aoyama back.

Momo looked around carefully, then called, "Aoyama! Use your navel buffet! Tokoyami! Keep flying around!" she started to run.

Dark Shadow covered himself with Fumikage's cape, as Aoyama shot bright lasers everywhere, making it impossible for Kuroiro to hide.

"THERE HE IS!" Momo yelled as Kuroiro dropped to the ground. "HAGAKURE!"

"Ya got it!" Toru started to run toward Kuroiro when a small pop was heard.

A small mushroom appeared on Momo's nose.

"Fufufufufuf~~~~~" Kinoko Komori giggled as she sprayed her humidifiers everywhere, making mushrooms grow rapidly. "Plan B! I'll cover you in mushrooms, shroom shroom!!"

"Ah!" Momo tried to dust off the mushrooms growing on her cape.

"EEeek!!" Toru said. "These are revealing my curves!! How embarrassing!"

"The ground is completely covered in mushrooms!" Fumikage exclaimed.

"I cannot see Kuroiro!" Aoyama said.

"Uh oh..." I said as I watched through the cameras. "Looks like Kendo-san has outsmarted Yao-Momo..."

"No." Shoto said suddenly.


Shoto stared silently, sending chills (literally) down my back. "You'll see."

"Ken-chan is reaaaaal smart and strong!!!" Aika said. "She's like a big sister to all!!"

"EVERYONE, REMAIN CALM!" Momo yelled. "WE MUST---"


Huge concrete letters appeared, courtesy of Manga Fukidashi, separating Momo from the rest of the team.

Itsuka Kendo appeared from behind a surprised Momo, and raised her giant fists. However, Momo reacted quite fast and made a shield out of tungsten in a heartbeat. But Kendo easily broke through it, throwing Momo back.

Kendo started to punch Momo at full speed, barely giving the latter to think. Momo desperately kept up her shield, but I could see that she was soon going down.

"THAT'S OUR KENDO!" Tetsutetsu and Etsudo whooped.

"Actually, I'm not sure that was the best move." Shoto interjected.


"If Kendo separated Yaoyorozu from the team with caution," Shoto continued, "she's misjudged her. If she actually wanted to be careful of Yaoyorozu,  she would have crushed her 4 on 1 with her team's power."

".........I'm confused." Chisako said.

"Just watch."

As Kendo prepared to strike again, gold sparks bounced off Momo's body. Grinning, a huge cannon appeared from Momo's, um, chest.

"No way! A cannon???" Tetsutetsu exclaimed. "Is she trying to kill or something?"

"Apologies for frightening you." Momo said. She swung the cannon, knocking Kendo back. She aimed for over the giant letters.


At the same time Momo fired, Kendo threw Momo back.

Back at the place where Toru, Aoyama, and Fumikage were, things were chaos. They were covered in mushrooms, and Fumikage had dropped Aoyama.

Fumikage looked up as he heard a boom. He quickly grabbed Toru, and Dark Shadow grabbed the luggage Momo had shot over. It contained high-tech glasses for Fumikage to see and other anti-mushroom stuff.

Fumikage shot toward Kinoko and Kuroiro. He swept Kinoko aside and captured Kuroirio inside his cape.

Suddenly, Fumikage started to cough violently, doubling over. It turns out Kinoko had made a mushroom that damaged his windpipe.

As Fuimkage coughed, Toru took on Fukidashi with a flurry of punches and blows. She was just about to overcome him when a giant hand reached out and trapped Toru.

"Sorry I'm late." Kendo panted. "But its hard to move around like this." she nodded to Momo, who was unconscious next to her. But Momo had attached herself to Kendo with ropes, and her other hand was still stuck on the cannon.

Victory goes to Class B - 4-0!!!!

"Ahhh! That's too bad!!" Denki griped.

"Momo was real smart!" I added. "But...she got overpowered."

"Hm." Aizawa and Vlad King observed the battleground, which had been destroyed due to Fukidashi's giant letters. "We guess we can take a small break..."

A short while later, the battlefield was back to normal, and it was time for the third round to start. 

Shoto, Iida, Mezo, and Ojiro vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Pony Tsunotori, Sen Kaibara, and Juzo Honenuki!!

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