Chapter 47

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Yoko POV:

After we all changed back into our uniforms, we all met up with the rest of the testing schools in the building to get our results.

"Y-Y-Yao-Momo..." I cried. "I'm so nervous..."

"Me too." Jiro said weakly.

"As long as you gave it your all, I'm sure everything will be ok." Momo reassures us.

"If I didn't pass, I'm suing that tired-ass dude." Chisako growled.

Mera explains to us that anybody with a lower score than 50 will not pass. Then the results came on.

"Todoroki, Todoroki, Todoroki, Todoroki..." I muttered as I scanned the board. I could hear Mineta and Deku both muttering, "Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi..."

Todoroki Yoko!

"I PASSED!" I cheered.

"Tokoyami Chisako." Chisako sighed in relief. "Good."

All around me, my classmates shouted out with joy as they one by one found their names.

Wait a minute, something's wrong.

I started to scan the T section again.

Where's Shoto?

"WHERE'S MY NAME, DAMMIT?" Bakugou growled with a murderous look on his face.

I looked over at my brother. He had a knowing/sad look on his face as he also failed to find his name.

"Todoroki!" Inasa walked over to Shoto, glowering. After a moment's hesitation, Inasa slammed his head down onto the pavement and yelled, "I'M SORRY! You failing to was all my fault! FORGIVE ME!"

"Hey, cut that out, it was my fault too." Shoto said softly. "You really gave it to me straight back there. And thanks to that, I've come to realize some important things."

"Todoroki, you failed?" Mina said.

"Shoto! No way!" I yelped.

Apparently, Bakugou hadn't passed too.

"Shh, Kacchan, there are people around here..." Chisako rolled her eyes as Bakugou through a hissy fit.

"You two are both top-class..." Mineta exclaimed to Shoto and Bakugou. "The egotistic and self-centered portions of your personalities backfired, one might say." he patted Shoto's shoulder, grinning smugly. "And so, the hierarchy has crumbled!"

"YOU LITTLE--" Me and Chisako both started to go for Mineta while Denki tried to hold us back.

"Oh man, Todoroki..." Deku said.

"Todoroki, I'm so sorry..." Momo murmured.

Bakugou's expression darkened.

Ahem. May I have your attention please? Mera asked us. We'll be handing out papers, now. The specifics of your scoring is on there, so please look over them carefully.

I accepted my piece of paper and looked it over.

"Hey, Yo-chan, what score did you get?" Denki peeped over my shoulder.

"92!" I said proudly. "How about you?"

He grinned. "78. I did pretty well!"

"yeah, you did!" I smiled.

"YES! 80 POINTS!" Chisako yelled from where she stood next to Kirishima and Bakugou.

"hold up, Yao-Momo, you got a 94?" Jiro's jaw dropped.

Mera gave us a surprise announcement - that those whom didn't pass will get another chance in March if they attend a special training course.

Chisako smirked. "So, Kacchan, looks like I'm going to get ahead of you!"



"Wow, I can't believe I got this!" I held up my card proudly.

"Me too!" Mina's black eyes and gold irises gleamed.

"Yooooooo-chaaaaaaaaaaaaan." Denki walked over. "So, how about that movie date, huh?"

"Yeah! When do you want to go?" I asked.

He shrugged. "We don't have school on Saturday, how about then?"


Chisako sniffed and wiped away a fake tear. "Their all so grown up..."

"Stop sounding like a old man." Bakugou told her.





"Aaaaaaaaaand their fighting again." we all sweatdropped.

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