Chapter 68

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Yoko POV:

I stared up at the ceiling.

"Yoko, we're going now."

"Mm." I stood up and grabbed my school bag, smoothing out my skirt.

Deku gave me a sympathetic look and we made our way to the car waiting for us.

It was a few days after the raid. We were all healed (almost), and now we were heading back to U.A.

When we arrived, we had to have talks with the staff and fill out the forms. So we arrived back at Heights Alliance late at night.






I tried for a toothy smile, but it was kinda hard. My brain hurt. My eyesight was fuzzy, so I had to blink a couple times when Shoto leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I'm glad your all right." He said.

"Nwehh....I missed you...." I sniffed, hugging Shoto.

"EVERYONE! I KNOW WE WERE ALL WORRIED, BUT LETS CALM DOWN!" Iida shouted, waving his arms. "You all saw the news! OUr classmates went through a lot!"

"Iida, Iida." Deku said. "Thanks, but...I'm all right."

"Well, in that case..." Iida pushed up his glasses. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

"I'll make some tea!" Momo said.

As I let go of Shoto, strong arms from behind me made their way around my waist.

"You. Me. Date." Denki ordered, burying his head into my neck.

"Aww, missed you too." I said. "Where are we going?"

"Your room." he said that as if it was obvious.

"Denki!!" I slapped his arm.

"Anyways, are you ok?" he asked quietly.

"Physically? Yeah. Mentally? Absolutely not." I rubbed his hands.

"Hey, Kacchan~~~" Chisako sang in that annoying sassy voice of hers.

Bakugou gritted his teeth as he flopped down on the sofa. "I'm...glad your ok, Extra."

She gasped dramatically. "What, I don't get a kiss or anything?"

He perked his eyebrows. "Do you want one?"

She put her hands on her hips. "Mmmm, do I?"

"Mmm, yes you do." Bakugou pressed his lips against hers, then let her go. "I'm going to sleep. Bye, bitches."

"Bruh, I feel so single." Sero and Kirishima said, sweatdropping.

Chisako got over her shock from Bakugou and started twirling a strand of hair. "Well, Kirishima, I have this cousin I can hook you up with..."

"Matchmaker Chisako, back at it again." Ojiro sighed.

"I...." Shoto started. He glanced at the phone in his hand. "I need to go to sleep. Kirishima, Uraraka, Midoryia, Tsuyu, Yoko, and Chisako, I'm sorry. I'm glad you are all ok." he walked out.

"He must be tired." I noted.

"Aren't you?" Denki asked.

I shrugged the best I could with him hugging me. "I am, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

We started to chat more, merging conversations with the others. Soon, it was late. Almost everyone was back in their dorms. It was only me, Chisako, and Denki left.

"I'm going to bed." Chisako gave Denki a I'm watching you look. "Touch her, and there will be blood today."

Denki swallowed visibly. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good." she sashayed out.

"How's your wound?" he asked me.

"Its fine." I said. "Its Togata-Senpai who had to stay in the hospital longer."

He stuck out his bottom lip like a small child. "Humph, I want more attention!"

"I'm giving you attention right now!" I giggled (oh gosh, triggering word right there).

"AHH!" He shrieked as I tickled him. "OH GOSH--PFFT -- STOP - HAHAHAAH--"

"Shh." I hushed him, but tickled him more. "People are sleeping."

He broke into a fit of laughter. "PffFFFFTtttt---sToP--Ahahaa--"

To get him to stop laughing, I did the sensible thing: kiss him. Of course he stopped.

"Awww, not a fan of PDA, aren't ya?" Denki teased.

"Shut up." 

They developed into comfortable silence.

"How are you....coping with...his death?" Denki asked finally.

I rested my head against his chest. "It still feels like a dream. I can't believe he's dead. Its like, I just wait for someone to pop and yell, 'HAH! SIKE!', and tell me its all a joke...."

Denki looked down. Even though Yoko still seemed cheery, it was obvious something behind her smile had broke. She had experienced death firsthand. 

"But I guess I'll have to get used to it." I sighed. "As a hero, that won't be the last life I can't save."


I sat up and grabbed her phone. I read the ID, and scrunched up my nose.

"Sorry, Love. I have to take this call."

"Yeah, ok."

I walked over to the kitchen, took a deep breath, and pressed the green button.

"Dad, what do you want?"

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