Chapter 5

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Yoko POV:

It turns out I'm not the only one shocked by Midoryia's sudden power.

"!!!!!!!" Bakugou started to go for Midoriya. "WHAT THE HELL?! EXPLAIN YOURSELF, DEKU!"

FSH! Aizawa captured Bakugou with his cloth. His eyes lit up and erased Bakugou's quirk.

"ARGH!" Bakugou strained. "What the...this's thick!"

"It's a 'capture weapon' made from a carbon fibers and a special alloy wire." Aizawa explained. "Geez. Stop trying to use your quirk already. I'm getting a dry eye here."

Backlash of quirk: the affect wears off if he blinks!

Aizawa sighed, releasing Bakugou. "What a waste of time. Prepare for the next event."


"Here are the results." Aizawa put up a hologram. "Also, I was lying about expelling someone. That was a rational deception to bring the best out of all of you."


I let out a relieved sigh. So he was kidding.

"Well of course it was a lie..." Momo said. "It wasn't that hard to figure that out."

Ignoring everybody's outraged looks, Aizawa started to walk away. "Anyway, we're done here. Your documents about the curriculum is back in the classroom. Go take a look."

He handed out a piece of paper to Midoriya. "Have Recovery Girl fix you up. Tomorrow's trials aren't going to be any easier."

1. Momo

"Oh, nice, Yao-Momo!" I congratulated her.

"Thank you!"

2. Shoto

I shuffled over to congratulate him, but one harsh look from him and I backed off with comical tears in my eyes. Mean...

3. Tenya

4. Bakugou

5. Me!

"Yes!" I pumped a fist. "5th isn't so bad!!!!"

"WHAT do you MEAN I'm 9th??????" Chisako yelled at the results. "HUH? HUH?"

"At least you got into the top ten, Chisako. It's not that bad..." Uraraka stated.

"Hey hey! Kaminari! What place are you?" I asked Denki.

"16th..." He said, laughing a little. "Guess my quirk is kinda weak..."

"I'm sure it isn't!" I said. "What are the details of your quirk anyway? Something to do with electricity, right?

"Electrification." Denki confirmed. "Its where I can store up electricity and cover myself up in it. I can also shoot long distances..."

"Kind of like Pikachu! And you look like him too!" I wheezed.

Denki POV:

A cute girl is talking to me! My heart felt like it was going to explode. The last time a girl had struck up a actual conversation with me other than Yoko was when my mom had asked me what kind of fish I liked.

"Do you like Pikachu?" Yoko asked, her brown eyes wide. "I do!!"

"Um, yeah!" I smiled. "He's cute, isn't he?"


(A/N: 😏)

"What's the drawback of your quirk?" Yoko asked, looking up at me. I'm short, but she's shorter. Makes me happy.

"Heh, I turn into a idiot for a hour..." I scratched my neck. 

"Pffffffft!" She laughed again.

"What's your quirk??" I asked her, ready to mock her as well.

"Its called 'Inanimate Manipulation'!" she explained. "I can touch any non-living, non-breathing object, and manipulate it with my mind! Cool, right?"

Oh shit I can't mock her that's actually a really cool quirk. "Yeah!"

"Hey, the class is going back in, are you guys going or not?" a boy with red and white hair asked. It was the guy Yoko had pointed out as her brother. 

"Hold your horses." Yoko said. "I'm coming, ShoBro."

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call you whatever I want, ShoToe."


Were they really siblings? They look nothing we walked back inside the school, the boy shot a menacing glare at me that clearly said 'Stay away from my sister'. Scared, I crept away from Yoko and went to bother my other classmates.

Even if they don't look alike, it's clear that they share 'good-looking' genes...


Yoko POV:

It was the end of the day. Me, Momo, and Chisako were walking out of U.A. with Shoto walking behind us when we heard a familiar voice call our names.

"Yao-Momo! Yoko! Chisako!"

We turned around, only to be crushed under a hug from Aika and Etsudo Hayashi.

The twins both had short blond hair, freckles, and blue eyes. The biggest difference between them was their height. Etsudo was 5'5, and Aika was 5'1. The difference was quite concerning.

"How was your day?" Aika asked us.

"Great!" Momo smiled.

"Awesome!" I grinned.

"Horrible." Chisako grumbled.


"I'm just telling the truth. The truth is always the truth." Chisako said, shrugging.

"How about you?" Momo asked the twins.

"It was awesome." Etsudo said. "This girl in our class - her name is Kinoko Komori - she can make mushrooms bloom everywhere!!! It took three hours for them to get off my shirt! In other words, it was awesome!"

"There's this one girl, her name is Ibara." Aika said, frowning a bit. "She talks weirdly."

"Etsudo talks weirdly as well, yet she's your sister and you don't care." I pointed out.

"I am right here." Etsudo pouted, but didn't deny what I said. Honestly, I love her so much. A little concerning and annoying at times, sure, but aren't we all?

"How about you, Shoto?" Aika glanced at my brother. "I'm guessing you didn't make any friends?"

He did not reply.

"He didn't even talk to any of our classmates. He's such a bore." I snorted.

"For real, even Yoko interacted with this cute boy that looks like Pikachu!" Chisako exposed me, grinning. 

"Ooh, I sense love in the air!" Aika sniffed.

"As if Yoko will ever pull. Girl has no rizz." Etsudo shook her head sadly.

Even Momo nodded along. "Perhaps if she dressed better."

"Guys...please stop slandering me..."

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