Chapter 88

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Hoo-whhe, chapter 88? (and part 99?)


BUT this story aint finishing anytime soon!

3rd person POV:


Class 1-A chattered among themselves as colourful decorations hung on the walls, with delish food set out.

"You heard, we're doing internships again!"

"Yeah, with such short notice..."

"You and Tsu are going back to Ryukyu, right?" Jiro asked Uraraka, folding her hands.

"Yeah, I guess so." Uraraka said.

Mineta bounced up and down. "Christmas eve is the best!"

"What will you do, Yoko-chan? Midoryia-kun?" Iida asked. "Will you go back to Nighteye?"

"Well, when we called them..." Deku said. "The new leader, Centipeder, apologized because they were too busy. So..."

"Yeah, but after that, I got a invitation!" Yoko reported.

"You did?" Mina said, sipping some sparkly water.

"From Edgeshot's agency." Yoko said. "He offered me a internship with the Lurkers."

Denki gasped. "Hey hey, if you accept, that means you'll be training with me and Sero and Mineta!! Since we're with Mt. Lady."

"True." Yoko said. "But see...I, um...I got another invitation, that same day."

"From who?"

"Endeavor." she mumbled.

The other students stared at her for the count of five.

"Well." Tsuyu said at last. "I would go to Edgeshot-san if I were you."

"That's what I'm planning to do." Yoko beamed. "I'd love to train under the No. 4 hero!! It'll be awesome!!"

"Dad's gonna be pissed." Shoto muttered.

"Let him." Yoko shrugged. "I don't give a shit on what he thinks."

While they talked, Bakugou stood off to one corner, baring his teeth at Chisako and Mina. "What are you guys sneaking around for?"

"Hm?" Chisako looked up at him, hiding the santa claus jacket she had been planning to throw onto him.

"Sneaking around? Us? No way!" Mina gave Bakugou a cheeky smile, then slammed on a santa hat onto his head.

"HEY! I'M NOT WEARING THIS!" BAkugou screeched, shaking it off.

"EVERYONE ELSE IS!" Chisako draped the santa jacket over him. "SO YOU HAVE TO, TOO!"

Bakugou gritted his teeth.

"Hey, Bakugou, you going back to Jeanist?"

"Huh?" Bakugou grumbled. "No. He's missing, apparently."



"..." Chisako wrestled on his jacket onto him. "Well, you can go to any agency you want, since you got a lot of offers before Jeanist."

"How bout you, huh?" Bakugou growled. "Going back to Fat Gum?"

"Nah." Chisako said. "Miruko's back in town. I'm going back to her."

"HEY!" Mineta slammed his hands down. "ITS A HOLY NIGHT! STOP TALKING ABOUT SCHOOL!"

"Well, Mineta's got a point." Sato smiled, laying down a plate of turkey. "Who's hungry?"

Just as they were about to dig in, the door of the dorms creaked open and a voice trailed out, "Sorry we're late."

Aizawa appeared, with Eri walking out behind him. She was wearing a santa jacket and hat, her blue  hair billowing down her back.

"Trick or....Treat?" Eri said.

"No, you have the holidays mixed up." Aizawa said. 



"Is Togata-Senpai here, too?"

"No, he's celebrating with his own classmates."

Everybody cheered and the party resumed, Eri included. Merry music filled the room, along with the happy laughs and chatters. The students stuffed themselves with the delicious food and sang songs.

Then came the gift exchange. 

"ITS  A PIKACHU STUFFY." Denki declared as he held up his new gift.

"Yeah, your welcome!" Yoko smiled.

"Eheheh....a mood ring...." Chisako wriggled the ring onto her finger.


Far far away.

"AHCCHHOOOOOOO!" the whole team of Karasuno sneezed.

Nekoma stared at them. 

"Uhm.....are they ok?" Kenma sweatdropped as he poured more soup into his bowl.

"Probably not." Kuroo snorted.

Anyways. Back in the MHA dimension...

The party slowly ended. Everybody helped clean up.

"Midoryia. Bakugou." Shoto said.

The two boys that he called turned.

"If you both have nowhere to go..." Shoto said. "Wanna come to Endeavor together?"

Yo wassup.

If ya wanna see how i look like, I posted a reveal on my "Random Shit" story. I did a reveal for 100 followers.

Now. Time to address the hellhound in the room.

The Endeavor Agency Arc is literally just about Endeavor and his interns (Shoto, Bakugou, and Deku). Do my OC's have anything to do with it?

Not really...

So instead of writing about the glories of Endeavor, I'm going to write about Yoko and the Lurkers.

Don't worry, I'll keep in the important parts.


- DGD/Mrs. Kaminari

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