Chapter 77

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Continued from last chapter.

3rd person POV:

"The League of Villains." Endeavor said, breathing heavily as he leaned on Hawks for support. "Dabi."

"Huh?" Aizawa looked up at the TV.

"Dabi."  Shoto said.

"Rest! I'll take care of him!" Hawks told Endeavor. "I only have these small feathers left, but at least I can stall for time."

"Huh! Gimme a break! Just came to collect that nomu." Dabi spread his hands. "I mean--"


The fire disappeared, wind billowing everywhere.

"I heard th' news and hopped right over!" The Bunny Hero: Miruko, said. "Looks like things are really heatin' up here, eh, Endeavor?" her white hair billowed behind her. To Dabi she said, "YOUR ONE OF THOSE LEAGUE OF VILLAIN BRATS, AREN'TCHA? IMMA KICK YA TO KINGDOM'S COME!"

"Aw, just when things were getting good!" Dabi sighed. "Ujiko, a little help here?" black liquid poured out of his mouth just as Miruko struck. He disappeared.

"He's gone! Dammit!" Miruko whined. To the other heroes she said, "Hey, isn't this like the Kamino...?"



Endeavor got admitted to the hospital, where when he came out after two days, he had a large scar on the left side of his face. As for Miruko, she 'hopped' away as fast as she had appeared.

Hawks' feathers were slowing growing back, but it would be another day or two before he can start flying again


The sound of clacking bowls and chopsticks along with the sound of sloshing noodles filled the silent house.


The door opened.

"Ah!" Fuyumi Todoroki exclaimed to the large, bulky man who had entered. "Nice work out there. You must be tired!"

"..." Enji Todoroki, Endeavor, leaned against the doorway. A large scar was visible on his face. "Long time no see."

Natsu, Yoko, and Shoto Todoroki all looked at Endeavor with emotionless faces while they slurped soba.

"...that's a nasty scar you got there." Shoto said to Endeavor as his noodles met with his lips with a loud smack.

(A/N: it sounds like shoto and the soba are kissing ._. bet you todoroki simps want to be the noodles lol)

Slurrrrrrppppppp. Natsu and Yoko continued to eat loudly as they glared at their dad.

"Hey! You three! You promised to at least thank him and welcome him back today!" Fuyumi whispered. "Dad's trying to face his past, y'know? Even if you hate him, don't have it written all over your face!!"

"...I can hear you." Endeavor said.

"......" Natsu set his chopsticks down and stood up. "Sorry Sis. I can't do this." He started to go out the door when Endeavor put a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Natsu." Endeavor rumbled. "If you have something to say, say it."

Natsu glared up. "Say it? That's rich, coming from a guy who wouldn't look at me in the eyes after years. You've got some nerve."

"...." Yoko lifted her head slightly to look at Natsu with wide eyes.

"Its funny, I had no idea Shoto's favourite food was soba until now." Natsu said. "And I bet you didn't even know Yoko now has a boyfriend. For some reason, Fuyumi and Mom have no problem forgiving you, but as far as I'm concerned, that crazy bastard in you is still going strong! They act like you've changed, but you haven't changed at all! You completely neglected us. We listened to Mom screaming, Shoto crying, and Yoko wailing. Not to mention what happened to Touya-Nii! Just because you left to fight some big bad villain doesn't change anything! AND HERE YOU ARE, DECIDING TO HAVE A CHANGE OF HEART! DO YOU KNOW HOW ANY OF US FEEL?"

"From now on, I will face my past and atone my mistakes." Endeavor said.

"OH, IS THAT SO?" Natsu yelled.

"Natsuuuuuuu!!!" Fuyumi cried in exasperation.

"Sorry Sis! Thanks for the food!" he zoomed off, leaving the rest of the family in awkward silence.

"I'll be in my room." Yoko said in a barely audible voice as she stood up.

Endeavor watched his daughter walk out. "Yoko. What is this about having a boyfriend?"

Yoko didn't trust herself to look into Endeavor's pale blue eyes without breaking down."What does that matter to you?"

"You are my daughter--"

"Last time I checked, I was only a burden to you." Yoko murmured. "I agree with everything Natsu-Nii said, you know. Your actions now won't change your actions in the past. Its not going to bring Touya-Nii back."

She pushed him aside and ran to her room. She flung the door open and curled up on her bed.

Nothing is going to bring Touya-Nii back.

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