Chapter 63

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Yoko POV:

Apparently, Eri were at the headquarters, which surprised us all.

At exactly 8:00am, we heroes were all gathered around the base of the Eight Precepts. Nighteye handed out papers with the quirks of everybody part of the organization.

The head of police was about to press on the bell to the house to let them know that heroes were here when the gate got smashed aside by a huge villain.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" the villain roared.

He swept aside several of the police, sending them flying. Deku jumped up and catched them to safety.

"What are you doing here?" The villain asked. "I'm curious! So tell meeeee!"

"Get back!" Ryukyu ordered the police, and turned into a massive dragon and blocked the villain's punched.

"For time being, we should not split up." Ryukyu said in dragon form. "The Ryukyu group will deal with this. Everybody continue forward."

We all ran into the building. I looked back, gave Uraraka and Tsu a encouraging smile and thumbs up, then followed the others in.

Two men tried to stop us with their respective quirks, but we managed to avoid them and make a beeline for the door.

"Nothin' particularly sus, eh?" Fat Gum yelled as we ran.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this!!" Rock Lock replied.

Sir stopped and pressed a few tiles down on the floor. A secret door opened.

"Whoa!!" I exclaimed.

Bubble Girl started forward, when Centipeder exclaimed, "BUBBLE GIRL! WATCH--"

Two men burst out, but Bubble Girl easily apprehended them with her martial arts.

"I'll take care of this! Go ahead!" Bubble Girl ordered.

"Right! FOllow me!" Sir said, rushing into door, all of us following behinds.

"Aaa! Its a dead end!"

One for All, Full Cowl!

Red Gauntlet!

BOOM! Deku and Kirishima busted through the wall.

"Let the girls do somethin', hmm?"Chisako grumbled. WE stepped through the hole when the walls around us started to....move around?

"Stay back! Eraser, can you--?"

"I can't if I can't see his eyes!" Aizawa explained.

"I'll go this way!" Mirio volunteered, and went through the wall, disappearing.

"Togata-Senpai!!!" I exclaimed, but he was gone.

Tamaki started looking around, looking terrified, when a hole appeared in the ground, and we fell through.

"WHOA!" I flailed around, and landed with a thump.

I opened my eyes, to see I was....completely alone.



Chisako POV (omg FINALLY):

"Hah?" I sat up. "Ugh...where are we?"

"Watch out!" Fat Gum picked me up and set me down as I saw three men advancing toward us.

"Looks like we can fight them--" Fat Gum started.

"NO!" Tamaki said suddenly. He had a expression I had never seen on him - fierce, anger. "I can take on them alone."


"GO!" Tamaki ordered, his dark eyes flashing. 

I really wanted to fight, and didn't want to leave Tamaki alone, but we obliged and started running.

"Damn, where's Yoko?" Sir Nighteye said suddenly.

I stopped. "YOKOOOO?"

"We cannot stop now!" Fat Gum said. "She'll find her way to us! Lets go!"

"Senpai, why did you leave Amajiki all alone?" Kiri cried.

"Tamaki is the strongest outta us." Fat Gum said. "Its his heart that's weak. He'll pull though."

We kept running.


I looked back just in time to see a block of cement hurtling toward Aizawa.

"Hey!" I jumped in the way just as Kiri and Fat Gum did as well. I felt myself sinking into his fat...

We slammed into the wall, and when I sat up I saw that we were in a different room.

"HUh?" Fat Gum Looked down. "You two! Why are you guys here?"

"We tried to jump in to save our teacher, but we sank into your fat!" kirishima said as he got up.



Before I could even say "Precipitation of the cheese", a fist appeared out of nowhere. I was too slow to dodge, but Kirishima threw his body in front of me and took in the brunt of the attack.

"Shiiit, the hell?" I coughed from the dust and looked up. Kirishima had been slammed into a wall. Fat Gum's costume was ripping. I only had dust on me.

"Kirishima!" I yelled.

"SUNNY, GET BACK!" Fat Gum kicked me out of the way just as the man who had punched Kiri delivered another attack.

"Ya know." The man said. "You guys are boring. I think I'm going to have a little fun with you."

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