Chapter 64

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Continued from last chapter.

Chisako POV:

Fat Gum sent a strong punch toward the dude that attacked us, but suddenly, a wall appeared and deflected the punch. Another man appeared behind Dude.

"Kirishima..." I ran to his side,being careful not to touch his ragged skin. He was grunting. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Fat Gum take in another round of punches from the enemy.

"Aghh! Agggh!!" Kirishima panted, his skin clunking. " hurts...."

"Fuccckkk, you can't bail on us now, Shitty Hair!" I snapped. "You've gotta be unbreakable! If your spirit breaks, then we are done for!"

"Ghhh!" Fat Gum grunted as more punches connected with his body.

I stood up and started to sneak toward the villains. 

I gotta admit - I was nervous. I acted all confident outside, but inside, I wasn't so different from Tamaki. Anger just helped me cope with it.

I closed my eyes as Fat Gum got punched over and over. I could hear Kirishima stammering Fat's name.

"Ya gotta be strong! That way, you can conquer the villains! Kick their buts! But don' forget, just because your stronger doesn't mean y' smarter! Ya gotta use y' brain sometimes, eh? That's advice from the Bunny Hero to you, Sunny!"

That was what Miruko had said to me during my time with her.

"AAAGHHH!" Fat Gum screamed in pain.

From behind the stalagmite I was hiding, I locked eyes with Kirishima. I nodded to the dude who can make barriers. 

He's mine.

Kirishima nodded, and before you could say "Fuzzy purple chickens", he threw his body in front of Fat and got hit.

Licking my lips, I jumped out of my hiding place and aimed my fingers at Wall Dood. He seemed to anticipate my move, so when Punch Dood was busy with Fat and Kiri, he held up a wall to block my attacks.

"Not so fast." Wall Dood said to me as I got blasted back into a stalagmite.

I heard Kirishima getting defeated, and Fat Gum preparing to deliver the final punch.

Wall Dood turned back and forth from Punch Dood and me. "Ah..." he pointed at me. " are not smart. You did not think I would block your attack."

I rolled my eyes, half from the pain, and the half from annoyance in peoples lack of intelligence. "Your wrong, you snorting slime-covered piece of rot. Notice anything different about me?"

His eyes travelled down to my skirt, then widened. "No--"

I smirked. "Hatsume didn't just make me gloves. She also gave me utility belts in which I can store small explosives made from my feelings in. Kinda like my boyfriend's gauntlets, though I doubt you would care."

At the same time Fat Gum blew Punch Dood away, the belt I had tossed in Wall Dood's direction exploded, making a huge sonic boom.

Dust and shrapnel dug into my skin as I got blasted back. I had forgotten a tiny detail in my plan - how was I going to avoid my own explosives?

Thousands of feelings at once washed over me as my ribs broke with a sickening crack. Exhaustion, Curiosity, Idiocy, and Depression - ugh, like I needed any more depression in me.

Black dots danced in my eyes. I managed to see Fat Gum in No-Fat version, carrying Kirishima and trudging toward me.

"Nice job, kiddo." My mentor congratulated me.

Then I passed out.

Next chapter will be mostly about Yoko!

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