Chapter 1

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Fuyumi Todoroki inhaled the fresh spring air with a deep sigh, admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms in the courtyard. After a long day of dealing with crazy elementary students, relaxing with nature was the best way of calming her nerves.

However, she felt herself clenching her fists in annoyance. The continuous shouting and crashing coming from the training room was disrupting her peacefulness. Although she had gotten used to it, she wished that it would be quiet just for once.

And suddenly, her wish was granted.

Maybe they're taking a break...? Fuyumi frowned and started getting up. I should make some tea or something--

A ear-splitting scream made her flinch.

"Is someone hurt?" she shouted, running down the antique halls and swinging the doors to the training room open. "Are you guys ok--huh?"

Her younger cousin turned around, her eyes brimming with tears and her hands shaking. "F-Fuyumi...WE GOT IN!"

"What?" Fuyumi was taken aback.

Yoko Todoroki threw her hands up in the air in celebration. Honestly, it was sort of a weird sight - ice and dirt caking the walls and several objects lying on the floor, flames flickering around them. A tall boy with white-and-red hair in slightly burnt shorts and a tank top was fiddling with a white envelope, his expressionless face contradicting the giddy grin on the brunette jumping around. 

"We got in, we got in! We got into U.A.!" Yoko squealed. Her flannel was ripped to shreds and her glasses had a crack in them, but she couldn't have looked any happier.

"Oh!" Fuyumi finally came to a realization of what Yoko was talking about, and a big smile spread across her face. "Congratulations! You too, Shoto!"

The two girls did a little happy dance together.

"Of course we got in, we went through with official recommendations." Shoto Todoroki clicked his tongue in a disinterested manner.

"Gah, be more enthusiastic!" Yoko begged her cousin. "Please? We got into U.A.!! Freaking U.A.!!"

"So we did."

Yoko slapped her palm against her forehead. "Sometimes I wonder how we're related."

"Did all your friends get in as well? Momo? Tenya? Chisako?" Fuyumi listed the names.

"Yep! Momo-Yao got her results when I was with her, and Tenya texted me as soon as he got his!" Yoko replied. "Although Chisako hasn't said anything yet. I should probably ask her."

"She had to do the practical exam, right?" Fuyumi asked. "Because she wasn't recommended by anyone. Tenya as well."

"Yeah, she was complaining about it for a while. I'm gonna go text her--"

"Clean up before you do." Shoto used his quirk to put out the fires and tossed Yoko the objects that weren't completely burnt. "Recycle them or whatever."

"Jeez, no need to throw them." She caught them and activated her quirk, manipulating them until the burn marks and black crisps were gone. Her quirk definitely came in handy when repairing broken or unusable items around the house.

"You can clean up the rest!" Yoko sang and ran off before Fuyumi or Shoto could stop her.

You see, Yoko has been living with her cousins ever since she was a tiny, useless baby. Her mother's brother was Endeavor, and she and her husband were pro-heroes as well, so the Todoroki family worked in a close-knit group. However, a hero's work does not come without casualties. Yoko's parents, the duo known as the literal power couple, were killed one night by a villain with the name of Muscular, along with another pro-hero couple, only when Yoko was a few months old. Thus, Yoko ended up growing up in Endeavor's household, not known as a cousin but as a second daughter.

Don't worry, it's not like Yoko actually remembers her parents or anything. So this book isn't gonna be like a 'I'm taking revenge for my deceased parents' sort of thing.

Yoko hummed as she typed out a message to Chisako, her friend.


hey besteehee
did you get in or nah

that one bitch 😤
course i did
i passed with flying colours
2nd place, baby!

aww babycakes you did so well 🥹

that one bitch 😤
thanks honey bunchkins
hopefully we're in the same class
i don't want to be apart from my
sweetheart for an entire year

i hope so too
you're the only one for me

that one bitch 😤
you too, love 😘


"The way you guys text each other and how you actually talk to each other is so different..." Fuyumi commented from behind Yoko.

"Gah, when did you get in here?" Yoko chucked her phone against the wall and looked at Fuyumi innocently.

"Four seconds ago, after I cleaned up you and Shoto's mess." Fuyumi huffed. "You know, someone might get the wrong idea between you and Chisako. Why do you even text like that?"

"Because it's funny. Do you need anything?" Yoko batted her eyelashes.

"I have your uniform and your hero costume survey you need to fill out. Better do it before Dad gets home, unless you want him nagging you for the next few days." 

"You're the best, Fuyumi! Thank youuu!" Yoko retrieved her (broken) phone and gave the older girl a side-hug. Then she took the uniform and slammed the door in her face, mumbling something about the length of the skirt.

"...maybe if I'm the best, you could clean up your own messes..." Fuyumi sweatdropped. But she knew better than to badger her younger siblings - they were going through 'puberty', which pretty much meant they didn't need her anymore.

"Well, I knew this would happen one day." She sighed and trudged to the kitchen to start dinner.

This was re-written and edited so much lol

- tiger

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