Chapter 34

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Denki POV:

Oh gosh.

Oh gosh.

Did that...just really happen?


"Can I talk to you outside?"

"Yea, sure..."

We both left our classmates and went outside the hospital. The black sky was littered with stars.

"What is it?" Yoko asked me.

"Uuuuuuuh...." I fiddled with my fingers. 

Was I really gonna do this?

"Kaminari?" Yoko said. "If this is about stopping me from rescuing Bakugou--"

"Its not that!" I yelped. "Just..." I scratched my neck.

Oh gods, just do it, Denki! I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath. "Ok...."

(A/N: guys. get ready for cringe. Get the popcorn, the blankets. THIS IS NOT A DRILL)

"I really like you...more than friends. I've liked you since I saw you walk through that door. I don't know if you return these feelings--"


"--but I just wanted you to know my feelings--"


"--and hopefully it won't affect our friendship--"


I stopped when I heard Yoko say my first name.

She kissed me.

It wasn't even a kiss - just a small peck on the lips - but it still warmed me to my toes.

Then she walked away.

I stared at after her.

She better not die...

Flashback over.


Yoko POV:

Oh gosh.

Oh gosh.

Did that....just really happen?

I had a silly grin on my face as I met up with Chisako, Shoto, and Kirishima.

"Well don't you seem happy." Chisako said, stepping on my foot.

"Ow!!" I said. "Is Momo coming?"

"We don't know--"

"Look! She came." Kirishima said. "And...Midoryia."

Behind Momo walked out Deku.

"Yaoyorozu, what is your answer?" Kirishima asked.



"Iida." Chisako said, as the class rep walked over.

"Why?" He yelled. "WHY YOU THREE?" He pointed at Shoto, Deku, and Chisako. "HAVE YOU NOT LEARNED YOUR LESSON?"

"?" I blinked.

"Iida--" Deku started to walk over, only to get punched by Iida. We all covered our mouths at the action.

"I'M FUSTRATED! I'M WORRIED TOO! NOT JUST ABOUT BAKUGOU!" Iida yelled. His voice grew smaller. "Do my feelings not care?"

"Iida." Shoto said. "We're not going to confront them, head on head."


"We're going to rescue him without combat." I said. "So...we are not technically breaking the rules."

"I agree with the Todoroki's!" Momo cut in. "I believe that we should not fight! However, if you do...i will take the liberty of preventing you!"

"in that case..." Iida looked up. "Take me with you!"

"Mister, you just punched Deku. I like your attitude." Chisako said. "Your in."

"All right. The tracking device says that the nomu is at the Kamino. We should arrive there around 10." Momo reported as we boarded the train.

"Umm...did you tell the others about the specifics of our plan?" Deku asked.

"Yeah, and they just tried to stop us..."

I sat down next to Chisako. "Hello."

She didn't answer, and simply kept staring at the small dot on the tracking device.

"Helloooooo." I waved my hand in front of her.

"Shut up." She mumbled. "I was there...I coulda saved him..."

"Your beating yourself up too much." I said, resting my head on my arms. 

She grumbled a insult, most likely directed to me. "Did he do it?"

"Who did what?"

"Kaminari." She said. "Did he tell you his feelings?"

I blushed when I recalled the time I kissed Denki. "Ummm yes?"

She smiled. "Oho?"

"Don't oho me." I grumbled. "Its just.......I like him too!"

"Congratulations, your the last person to know."

"Shut up! Whats it with you and Bakugou, anyway?"


We started to hit each other until Kirishima leaned over and pulled us apart.

Finally, we reached the Kamino ward. Kirishima started to dash away, but Momo caught him.

"Wait!" Momo said. "We must be careful from now on." she bashfully pointed to a thrift store. "Disguises!"


Soon, we were all disguised.

Deku wore a fake goatee and sunglasses. Kirishima had his hair down and wore these weird horns. Iida's hair was pushed back, and he was wearing a fake moustache, white shirt, and suspenders. Momo's black hair was wavy, and she had a pink dress on. Chisako wore a beanie to hide her hair, and a huge oversized sweater that she looked emo. Shoto wore a black wig and and vest, and I wore a white turtleneck below a long trench coat.

"Hey, Yao-Momo, couldn't you have made these with your quirk?" I asked.


"She just wanted to see a cheap store." Chisako muttered, adjusting her glasses.

"Hey! Look, isn't that U.A.?" 

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