Chapter 2

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Yoko's POV:

A few weeks later.

Shoto and I stood in front of the infamous U.A., both of us too awed to speak. I forced down my growing excitement and pulled out my phone to scroll through my recent texts.

"So Aika and Etsudo are in the other class, but Chisako and I are in class 1-A. It would've been nice if we were all together, but at least we were separated into pairs...and Momo-Yao and Tenya are in 1-A as well. That's great, I can copy their answers on tests!" I exclaimed happily. Its not like I was stupid, but Momo and Tenya were definitely smarter than me. That's why I liked being with them. "And I'll make so many more friends this year!"

"I don't get why you care about your friends and whatnot." Shoto grumbled. "We're here to become heroes, not to be buddy-buddy with our classmates."

"You say that because you don't have any friends." I scowled at his unwillingness to interact with other people. "And besides, when you become a hero, you'll have to cooperate and work with other heroes on missions, so being actively social will help with your future."

"Yeah right." Shoto scoffed. He started walking ahead of me, his hands shoved into his pockets like a emo boy.

What a bore... I knew Shoto's upbringing clouded his views, but still...he was being a 'lil too harsh, in my opinion. Then again, Endeavor was so incredibly cruel to him, and just to him, so I can't exactly say anything.


....what a jerk.

How'd he even become a father? And an esteemed hero?

We entered the school and made our way through the hallways.

"Dang that's a big door." I murmured as we entered the classroom marked 1-A.

My seat was in front of a boy do I describe him? He looked like this:

(Ok so where Yoko's sitting is supposed to be where Kirishima sits

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(Ok so where Yoko's sitting is supposed to be where Kirishima sits. But I  moved Kirishima to somewhere else. Hope y'all are ok with that. I like Kirishima and all but I had to move him....)

I was behind a boy with blond hair and black lightning streak on one side. He looked nice. As in, the personality nice. Not appearance nice. Its not that he was ugly, though. Just not nice. Wait, what am I saying?

I shook my head and looked around. I caught Momo's eye and beamed. She waved at me, and I did the same.

Momo Yaoyorozu was another recommended student and the daughter of a very prestigious and well-known family. Since Endeavor was the number 2 pro hero, he had to attend various events with not only other pro-heroes, but rich families as well. While Shoto wasn't allowed to socialize with anyone, I was set free to make friends with kids from other families. That was where I met Momo Yaoyorozu and Tenya Iida.

Speaking of Tenya...

"YOKO! I AM GLAD TO BE CLASSMATES WITH YOU THIS YEAR! LET'S HAVE A GOOD TIME!" Tenya Iida shouted in my face, making a chopping motion with his hand.

"Me too, Tenya." I said, my voice almost getting drowned out by his.


"You do that." I loved Tenya and his uptight attitude.

"Hey beautiful!" the blond boy in front of me turned around with a grin. "Wanna hang out sometime? Grab some food together?"

Chisako is the only one who can use pet names on me. My lips twitched downwards. "We're always hanging out, due to being in the same class." I pointed out, unflattered by his flirtatiousness. "What's your name?"

He blinked, like he wasn't expecting me to talk back. "My name's Kaminari Denki. What about you?"

The door creaked open.

"Is this the right room?" A red-haired girl with lime-green glasses peeked in. She gasped when she saw me and immediately came towards me. "My favourite turd!"

"You little hoe!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around her. "I got here before you, so I win!"

"Since when was getting to class a race?" Chisako Watanabe made a face. She just so happened to be my closest friend, although she didn't come from a famous family or anything. We actually met one day when I was getting kicked around by some other classmate in elementary school and Chisako came over to kick her butt. After she did that, she turned to me and said, "That girl is such a bitch."

Mind you, she was eleven years old.

Anyways, Chisako made her way to her seat - next to Denki Kaminari and in front of a boy with strange elbows.

(Aaaaand that's where Jiro is supposed to sit....sorry Jiro!!)

"...turd??" Denki said, his eyebrows raised.

"My name is actually Yoko Todoroki." I said hurriedly so he didn't get the wrong idea. "Please don't call me turd."

"I would rather call you baby if anything else," He winked.

"..." I chose to ignore him, though I did feel my face heat up.

What the hell is wrong with me? Chisako always calls me baby and I don't it because we always say 'no homo' before?

Whatever...I think I'll avoid this boy for now. He seems like trouble.

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