Chapter 62

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Trauma. Read at your own risk.

3rd person POV:

The work study students were not allowed to speak of the organization to anyone.

Of course, that just triggered arguments.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU AIN'T TELLING ME, EH?" Bakugou yelled, irritated.

"I CAN'T TELL YOU, BITCH!" Chisako yelled back.

They refused to talk to each other for approximately three seconds, then started throwing insults at each other.

It was easy for Yoko to keep a secret from Shoto - she kept secrets from him all the time (don't tell him that she has a match under her pillow!).

But Denki?

Not so much.

As soon as she came back, Denki knew something was up with Yoko. She didn't seem as lively as before, even though she tried to keep the act up. Her grades steadily dropped.

She and Deku seemed to have a something between them, and Denki did not like it.

He tried constantly to pry it out of Yoko, but with no luck.

"Please tell me?" he did his signature puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I can't!" Yoko would refuse, averting her eyes from the cuteness.

Of course, several tries later, Denki got very frustrated.

"Why can't you tell me?" He asked one day, annoyed. "Do you not trust me?"

"Of course I trust you!" Yoko said.

"Then why can't you tell me? Its obvious there's something going on. Why does Midoryia know, but not me?"

"Believe me, you are the sole person I would tell if I was allowed." she snapped, which surprised Denki, since she never got mad at him or anyone.

That just made him mad too. "You may not be allowed, but if you can trust me, you know I won't tell anyone!"

He waited for a answer, but none came. He looked down and saw his girlfriend crouching, running her hands through her dark hair.

"I am so stressed." she mumbled. "Too much pressure. I try to keep it to myself so I don't burden anyone else, especially you, but obviously I can't. Aizawa-Sensei says to not tell anyone, but do you know how hard that is?" by this point, she wasn't talking to Denki, she was talking to herself.

"......." Denki stared. Sure, he's seen her have a breakdown before, but that was when he was in Dumb Mode. He didn't know how to react, so he stood, frozen.

Yoko's brown glasses at at the edge of her nose, displaying her blue eye. It was darting back and forth, as she tugged her hair. Her breathing was getting faster and she was trembling. 

Denki crouched down to get into eye level. Yoko was muttering something inaudible.

"Sorry if I frustrated you." he apologized. "I was just"

Yoko looked up, a smile tugging at the end of her lips. "Jealous?"

His jaw dropped. "Your supposed to be on MY side! Of course i wasn't jealous!"

She snorted, getting up. She seemed a bit wobbly on her legs, and Denki could still see the tears pricking the corner of her eyes. "Yeah....right...."

He kissed her forehead. "Yeah, well, I guess............."

"I'm sorry I can't tell you." She mumbled. "Aizawa-Sensei would not let us. I trust you, but I don't want to break more rules than I already have...."

"Neh, its fine. Kinda." Denki admitted. "Is it something dangerous?"

That got a broken laugh.

"Its hella dangerous."


Yoko was reclining on the couch one late night, with a few of her classmates still hanging around, when her phone got a notification. At the same time, Uraraka, Chisako, Kirishima, Deku, and Tsuyu's phone all also got a notification.

They all checked it, and suddenly they all leaped to their feet (confusing their classmates) and got into a group huddle.

The date of the operation has been set!

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