Chapter 28

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"Yoko!" Fuyumi cried. "You're alright! Oh my goodness, my heart dropped when I heard about the villain! I'm so glad that you're okay!"

"I'm glad too." Yoko managed as her older sister crushed her with a hug. "Is Shoto back yet?"

"Not yet, I texted him to come quickly, though."


Yoko looked up, surprised as she heard another voice echo through the house - a voice she hadn't heard in a long time.

"Natsu!" She shouted, hugging the tall white-haired boy.

"Hey!" Natsu Todoroki laughed. After Endeavour, he was the second tallest in the house, so Yoko had to jump quite a bit to reach his neck. He shared several features with his father - a well-built body, thick eyebrows, and spiky hair. The only difference was that his hair was snow-white, like their mother's. At the current moment, he was wearing a gray hoodie and sweatpants which made it seem like he never left home.

"How about you two catch up in Yoko's room, I'll bring some tea." Fuyumi said, smiling slightly.

Natsu lifted his younger sister up in a fireman's carry and brought her to her room as she laughed.

"How's your girlfriend? When do I get to meet her?" Yoko asked Natsu as soon as he let her down.

Natsu flushed. "She's great. Why do you want to meet her so much?"

"Well." Yoko said, pretending to think deeply. "It's important to meet my future sister-in-law!"

"Hey!" he complained, tickling her. "Oh, you got me. How're you? I heard there was a villain at the mall."

"Oh yeah, about that..." Yoko said. "My classmate was threatened. It was scary..." At least it wasn't me. 

Natsu wrapped his arms around her. "Well, I'm glad your ok."

"Dude, you're strangling me."

"Sorry!" He grinned and let go. "So, forget the villain. How's school? Wait, don't answer that just yet. How are you feeling?"

Yoko looked at him, surprised by the sudden change of subject. Oh, I see. He must be thinking about the time I stupidly ranted to him about my feelings. God, I wished I hadn't done that. I don't need to burden anyone else with my problems... 

"Um...I'm good, I guess." She lowered the volume of her voice by a fraction and flopped back on her bed. "Other than Aizawa-sensei's twisted way of teaching us, and the constant fights that break out between Midoryia, Bakugou, and Chisako, school's been pretty normal. Oh, and there's that one time when we got attacked by villains at USJ, but that was a long time ago. The sports festival was fun. I could've totally gotten a higher place if it weren't for that stupid rock-paper-scissors match." 

Oh shit, I started yapping.

Natsu stared at her for a bit, then started laughing. "Well, it's good to hear that you're having fun!" She avoided my question about her feelings though.

"Shoto should be coming back soon. You should play some soccer with him!" Yoko suggested.

"Ah...maybe." Natsu said a little awkwardly. "I dunno, I'm still on rocky terms with him. I can't really hold a normal conversation with's all Dad's fault."

Yoko's face immediately darkened at the mention of Endeavour, and the mood in the room became ten times tenser.

"...sorry." Natsu finally said. "Wanna play Mario Kart?"

"Hell yeah. Dibs Toad!"


Yoko's POV:

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