Chapter 19

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Yoko's POV:

"CHICKENS!" I shrieked, waking up. "Oh, wait."

"Dear, you're awake! You took quite a fall there." Recovery Girl said, tossing me a snickers bar and smiling warmly.

"Thank you. Where's Chisako?"

"Am I really that invisible?" Chisako asked from beside me.

"Oh...there you are."

"Here I am." Chisako agreed. "You were out for ten minutes. Guess my energy balls had a big effect on you."

"Ugh..." I rubbed my forehead. "Who won?"

"It was a draw." Recovery Girl said. "They will determine the winner by a rock-paper-scissors match!"

"That' lame." I said. "For U.A."

"That's what I said." Chisako mumbled. 

"You girls should get out there fast." Recovery Girl said. "The audience must be getting restless."

"Yes ma'am!"


"And both girls are awake! We will now determine the winner!" Midnight yelled. "Whoever wins two times in a rock-paper-scissors match will advance to the third round!"

Chisako and I stood opposite of each other and held out our hands. The audience roared. I could see Shoto in the stands, his arms crossed, and his multicoloured eyes gleaming.

"I never thought a rock-paper-scissors match would be so nerve-racking." I complained.


Chisako displayed a rock, and I displayed a paper.


"Shit....stupid hand." Chisako glared at her hand, as if that would do anything.


This time, I displayed a scissor and my friend displayed a rock.

"YES!" CHisako yelled. "You turd!"

"'Sako...the game isn't over." I rolled my eyes. "Hold your tongue."

This time, whoever won, they would get to advance to the next round. The audience went quiet, all of them sitting at the edge of their seats and placing bets on who would win the game of luck.


We both displayed rock.

"...." I stared at my hand.

"...." Chisako stared at her hand.

"...." the audience sighed.






Chisako displayed a paper and I displayed a rock.

"And the win goes to Chisako Watanabe of Class 1-A!"

"Dang!" I groaned.

"Yeeeeesssssss!" Chisako pumped a fist. "I'll be going ahead, Yoko!"

"Chisako advances to the third round!" Midnight raised her whip.


"Nice try!" Jiro said to me.

I shrugged. "I wish I could've gone higher, but at least I got into the top eight!"

"You always see the positive side..." Denki sweatdropped.

"Yeah. Like how I beat you real quick." I teased.

"HAVE MERCY!" Denki fell back into his seat.

I laughed, amused by his dramatic performance.

"Hey, Jiro." Mina whispered.

"Yeah?" Jiro replied.

Mina grinned. "Do you think Kaminari likes Yoko?"

Jiro looked at Yoko, then at Denki.


"Go Shotoooooo!!!" I yelled as my brother faced off against Iida.

Iida snatched Shoto by the waist and started to run at full speed. However, his engines spluttered and stopped when Shoto froze them over with his ice, earning the latter the victory.

"Todoroki-kun is both hot and cold at the same time, it's scary." Toru shivered.

I scratched my ear. "You think my brother is hot?" Well, I guess he is a looker. But since I'm related to him, I really don't see any appeal in him...

"Hell yeah!" Toru said. "His eyes....and his're so lucky you get to spend time with him all the time!"

"Well...we barely talked to each other when we were little." I admitted. "He was always so busy training."

Jiro sniffed. "Wow."

"Hey, look, its Bakugou versus Chisako!" Kirishima exclaimed.

The match between Bakugou and Chisako started off when Bakugou struck first. He sent a massive explosion towards the girl, but she stood there, making sure she didn't slide out of bounds instead of protecting herself from the explosions, and waited for the smoke to die down before countering. Chisako's skin was already blistered, but she didn't let that stop her.

The red-head opened her palms and advanced to the ash-haired-boy. From her hands glowed two energy balls filled with the feeling Idiocy. She fired them at Bakugou, but he vaulted himself into the air and blasted her from behind. She skidded forward, almost crossing the boundary line.

Chisako yelled something at Bakugou I couldn't hear (probably an insult or retort), then ran toward him at full speed.

Bakugou sent another explosion towards her, developing her in smoke. The crowd booed, yelling on how Bakugou should go easier on a girl. Uraraka, who sat next to Midoryia, shivered from deja vu.

When the smoke cleared, we were met with the sight of Bakugou pinning down Chisako. He snarled something to her, his hand sparking. For a moment, Chisako didn't do anything. Then she said something back to him, which made Bakugou lose focus and lose his grip on her. Chisako delivered  a strong uppercut to her opponent, knocking him back. Bakugou skidded across the sand, looking murderous.

Whatever Chisako had said to him seemed to have worn off. He sped toward her again, and this time, Chisako used her quirk. From her left hand shot out a energy ball, colliding with Bakugou's right foot. It made him temporarily lose his balance, and when he straightened, he looked around, bewildered.

"What was one plus one again?" He asked Midnight.

Midnight simply stared back at him, like what the heck?

Chisako ran to Bakugou and started to push Bakugou out of the ring, just as the effect of the energy wore off.

"YOU BITCH!" He screamed, and blasted her away. Chisako tried to regain her footing, but she eventually slipped over the boundary line.


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