Chapter 38

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3rd person POV:

Bakugou got turned in to the police for their safety. Pro heroes Ragdoll and Best Jeanist were going under critical care. All For One was taken in custody.

And the Symbol of Peace was no more.

This was a huge shock for everyone in Japan. The No. 1 Hero was now not a hero anymore. The Symbol of Peace was nonexistent.

For now, Endeavor, the No. 2 hero, will temporarily take the place of No. 1, until the next Japan Billboard Chart ratings.

U.A had also made a huge decision that will probably change the tradition of the school forever - it was now a boarding school. Students with permission from their parents or guardians were free to attend the dorms.

Yoko POV:

Dear Yoko,

I'm sorry I yelled at you. I hope you can forgive me. Thank you for risking your life for me.

- Kota Izumi.

P.S. The curry you guys made was horrible. 

I smiled at the letter Kota had sent to me. It was a while since I had smiled, so it was a nice feeling to experience.

I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

"YOKOOOO!" Fuyumi called. "Come down! Your teacher and, ah, All Might is here! YOU TOO, SHOTO!"

All Might? Aizawa?  I quickly tossed the letter from Kota aside, grabbed a sweater, and went downstairs.

In the living room sat Aizawa in a suit, All Might in his skinny glory, and Fuyumi, who had a terrified/fascinated expression on her face.

"What's going on?" Shoto asked as he followed me. His hair was messed up, and he looked tired. However, he still managed to look good. If I sent a picture of him right now to my friends, they'll probably get nosebleeds.

"We are here to discuss the new changes in U.A." Aizawa said. "Since your father is not here, your older sister will be taking over the role of guardian make the decisions for you."

I sat down. "Uuuum......ok, but what's happening?" 

All Might sighed. His arm was in a sling. His head was bandaged. "We are changing U.A. to a boarding school. You will be allowed to visit home on weekends, but other than that, you cannot leave school grounds without permission."

Shoto swept his hand through his hair. "So...we have to live there now?"

"Pretty much, yes."

We all turned to Fuyumi.

My sister's face was pale. Her gray eyes were darting back and forth, and she was fiddling her fingers. Her multicoloured hair fell in front of her face as she bit her lip.

I knew it was hard for her - if we left, she'll be the only one left in the house, with Endeavor coming in and out and Natsu barely visiting.

"Well, I guess I can give my consent." Fuyumi said. She bowed to Aizawa and and All Might. "Please take good care of them."

The two U.A. teachers gave her a curt nod, and started to get ready to leave. I could feel Shoto's eyes staring at All Might. To be fair, so was I.

After they left, Fuyumi let out a deep sigh. "I'm going to miss you guyyyyyyys."

"You can still see us during weekends." Shoto said.

"Yeah!" I wrapped my hands around my sister. 

"Excuse me." Shoto muttered, and went back to his room.

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