Chapter 57

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Continued from last chapter.

3rd person POV:

"Ah..." Eri shuffled back from the three U.A. students.

"You mustn't be causing problems for heroes." the man said. He was wearing white gloves. "Let's go back...Eri."

"Please forgive my kid." the man, Overhaul, said to Deku, Yoko, and Mirio. "She get carried away with her games and hurt themselves. She is a trouble-maker, as you can see."

Deku's expression was pure shock.

Chisaki Kai!

Yoko put on a forced smile and forcefully slapped Deku. Deku jolted.

"You forgot to put on your mask and hood, you know!" Mirio said to Deku, swiping on his hood. Then to Overhaul he said, "We should be the ones apologizing! That mask of your's...your in the Eight Precepts of Death, right? Your famous around here."

"That's right. Pay no attention to the mask....I'm just sensitive to the dirt." Overhaul said. "Its the first time I've ever seen you three. Are you rookies? You look young."

"That's right! We're rookies, but we're doing over best!" Mirio said with overloading enthusiasm. "We must be prepared to face what the uncertain future brings."

"Which office are you affiliated with?" Overhaul asked, his eyes glinting.

"We're still students! LIke little baby chicks..." Mirio said, avoiding the question. "Their making us participate in a field training right now. Now, we have to finish circling this block! Lets go!"

Yoko knew what Mirio was doing - they couldn't allow the villain to know they were U.A. students doing work studies under Sir Nighteye.

However, the look in Eri's eyes brought Yoko back to her own past - whenever Endeavor would push her out of the way, or hurt her....the terrified glint would always return.

Yoko tugged at her gloves, giving Eri a sideways glance.

"Please don't go..." the little girl whispered.

"U-um!" Deku said. "Y-your kid seem frightened by something..."

"That's because I scolded her." Overhaul lied.

"Lets get going." Mirio said urgently.

"But these bandages don't look normal to me." Deku said. "Nor the metal arm and leg, or the bloody scratches..."

"They just play rough."

"Three little kids, shaking, hurt, and not saying a word doesn't seem normal to me." Deku clutched the kids tighter.

"Please don't impose your idea of normal on other people's families." Overhaul glowered.

"Deku," Yoko whispered. "We should go."

"What are you doing to these kids?" Deku asked ferociously, totally ignoring his fellow heroes.

Overhaul sighed, spreading his hands. "All you perceptive. All right. Its an embarrassing topic...I don't want to talk about it in the open." he turned around back into the alley. "Could you follow me this way?"

Yoko gave Deku a Oh my fucking god you are so stupid look, then they followed Overhaul into the alley.

"You see, I've been worried about my kid." Overhaul said. "No matter what I say to her, all she try to do is defy me."

"Raising three children can be tough, huh?" Deku said.

"Indeed. Their hard to understand. Especially when they should be thinking about..." he started to tug his glove off. "What kind of person they should become..."

Suddenly, Eri twisted her head to see Overhaul. She wiggled out of Deku's grasp and ran to the villain's side.

"Oh, are you done with your tantrums, now?" Overhaul asked his 'daughter'.

She nodded nervously.

"Er....Eri-chan?" Yoko called, perplexed by the girl's strange behaviour.

"She's always like this." Overhaul said as he and his 'daughter' disappeared into the darkness. "Good luck with your work."

Deku started forward, but Mirio grabbed his arm. "Don't chase them! Did you not see?? He just showed his killer intent. That's why she followed him."

"She obviously knows what he is capable of." Yoko said.

She's being used...

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