Chapter 16

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Yoko's POV:

"Aika! Etsudo!!!" I bounced up and down, trying to get my friends' attention. "OVER HEREEEEEE!"

"Oi, people are looking." Chisako grumbled.

"Its a cafeteria, dummy. Of course people are looking."

"HEY HEY, GIRLS!" Denki and Mineta came up to us. "Did you hear that the girls have to do a cheer before the next event?"

"Uh, no." We both deadpanned.

"You're free to not believe us!" Mineta said. "But its a message straight from Aizawa-Sensei."

I frowned. "We have zero experience of cheer-leading."

Denki shrugged. "Its not a bad time to start now!"

I gave him a suspicious look. "Hm."

"Well, if Aizawa-Sensei says so..." Momo said.

"I'm out." Chisako and I said at the same time.

"No way I'm letting these pervs see me in a cheerleader uniform." Chisako huffed.

I rubbed my chin. "I just think these two are lying."

"Yokoooooo!" Denki whined.

I shrugged. "Getting in trouble from Aizawa-Sensei is better than humiliating myself in front of heroes who might want to recruit me."

Mineta and Denki looked at each other. "Suit yourself, girls."

As they walked away to convince the other girls, me and my friends snagged some food and went to sit down. As I took a small sip of my juice, I realized that three people from our class was missing - Shoto, Midoryia, and Bakugou.

Hopefully they're not gouging each others' eyes out...


"CLASS 1-A! WHAT'S THIS?" Present Mic screamed.

I hid my face from second-hand embarrassment as everybody in the stadium gawked at the other girls in my grade, who were all clad in cheerleading uniforms;.

"Idiots, told you they were lying." Chisako grumbled.

I silently walked up to Denki and Mineta and socked them both in the stomach.

"OW!" the two perverted boys whined.

"Next time, I'll aim my fist for your eyes." I threatened.


"All right, I'll decide who fights whom through lottery, and after some fun recreation, we'll commence!" Midnight said, holding up a lottery box. "It's up to you if you want to participate or not! Now--"

"Um!" Oijro raised his hand. "I'm sitting this one out!"


He explained how he couldn't remember anything while doing the team battle, due to a purple haired person's quirk. He says that he knows it was foolish, but he just couldn't do it. Then another boy--a boy from class 1-B, said that he wanted to sit out too.

I scanned the people that were gathered around Midnight, searching for the so-called 'purple-haired boy'. I found him right away, due to his unique hair colour, and gazed at his face to see if he was feeling any sort of guilt for his actions. His expressions gave nothing away, so I returned my attention back to Midnight while making a mental note that the boy probably had some sort of memory-wiping or brainwashing quirk. I might need to go against him in the one-on-one battles.

"How callow..." Midnight said, a shadow covering her eyes. Then she cracked her whip. "I'll have you know that greenhorns like you...GET ALL MY LOVE! Which mean the team in sixth place, Team Kendo, will be filling in..."

"Um," Kendo, a orange-haired girl from Class 1-B said. "If any team should be advancing, it shouldn't be us, it should be them..." She looked at someone who was presumably from her class - a steely looking guy with a mask over his eyes. "Team Tetsutetsu deserves to advance!"

"K-Kendo!" Steel-Dude (Tetsutetsu) cried with joy.

Tetsutetsu and Ibara Shiozaki entered, putting up the number back to 20 again.

The results came out like this:

Deku vs Shinso.

Shoto vs Sero.

Ibara vs Etsudo.

Me (Yoko) vs Denki.

Iida vs Mei Hatsume.

Mina vs Aoyama.

Tokoyami vs Momo.

Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu.

Bakugou vs Uraraka.

Chisako vs Aika.

I sniffed. "Kaminari, I'm going to crush you."

"Getting into the competitive spirit, eh?" Denki rubbed the spot where I had socked him. "Oooh, this is going to be fun."

Of course, we first did a lot of recreational activities to allow the contestants who hadn't made it to the second round to have fun. It wasn't mandatory, but Chisako and I had some fun relaxing with the other girls from other classes.

Then it was time for the battles to start. First, it was Deku vs Hitoshi Shinso, the purple-haired guy. Just like I had thought, his quirk was Brainwash, so if someone replies to something he said, they had to do whatever he commanded them to do. Deku got brainwashed, but broke out of it when he broke his own finger with force. Then he pushed Shinso out of bounds, gaining victory.

Next, it was Shoto vs Sero. I was backstage, since it was my turn after them. I was cheering for Shoto, of course. Something about my brother's  expression put me off, though. He seemed pissed. A lot. A lot-lot. Maybe he had a run-in with Endeavor around that why he was absent during the lunch break?

As Sero used his tape to swing Shoto off balance, Shoto made a huge block of ice to freeze Sero. The heroes and students in the stands all took a collective step back, some of them terrified while the others impressed. Some were both.

Yeah, he definitely had a run-in with Endeavour.

It took a while for the ice to be removed, so I started pacing up and down the halls and tried to calm myself down. So far, I had been on a team with Denki for the most part. This was the first time we were facing off one-on-one. I knew the details of his quirk because of the team-up battles we did in class earlier, but he knew my quirk as well, which gave me both a advantage and a disadvantage.

Whatever. That guy was stupid as fuck, I could probably outsmart him easily.

"Phew..." I breathed out heavily and turned my heel to pace down the hall again, when I suddenly felt a blistering heat against my skin.

I looked up.

It was Endeavor.

opposites attract | kaminari denki [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now