Chapter 65

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Yoko POV:


I wandered around cautiously, being careful, when a huge boom came from below me. I jumped.

"I wonder what's happening down there." I mumbled as I took a few steps back.

I heard a big crash to the right, so I started to run down the corridor towards the sound. I started to run at full speed when I heard screaming.

I turned a wall to see Overhaul backing away from Mirio, who was holding Eri in his arms. Unconscious men littered the ground.

"Togata-Senpai!" I panted.

"Yoko!" He turned around.

"No!!" Eri whimpered. "Please - he'll - he'll k-kill you all!"

I felt myself plunging into my own memories - Endeavor. It washed over me like a bucket of ice-cold water (and thanks to Chisako for that one time I refused to wake up at a sleepover, I know how it feels like).

"Filthy." Overhaul growled.

I took a couple of steps to stand next to Mirio.

"Come back, Eri." Overhaul snarled. "Do you want to see the boy - and the girl - get killed? You were born to destroy people."

This man - 

He was making me mad as hell, so I took another step forward.

"No! Stop! Please!" Eri pleaded.

"Ah, Eri." Overhaul said in a scathing voice. "Your selfishness gets my hands dirty. Every action you take...kills another person one by are a cursed existence."

"You are a cursed existence." Endeavor snarled. "You are nothing but a burden."


"Hm? Oh. That." Overhaul said. "I have no daughter."

And then the ground exploded.

Yelping, I jumped back, my combat boots skidding across the ground. Spikes lurched up from the ground and shot toward us. Mirio lifted Eri up high, making sure she didn't get hurt. I quickly used my quirk to allow me to fly up into the air.

"Yoko!" Mirio shouted. "Follow my lead!!!!!!"

"Hai!" I jumped out of the way from more sharp spikes and tried to get to Mirio.

"I will kill and re-construct Eri." Overhaul said. "It is no big deal."

I stopped.

"Its no big deal?" I seethed, marching straight up to him. "Hurting young girls is no biggie? Hm? Do you know how it feels? Have you experienced the pain? Your the cursed existence!"

I stunned the villain enough for Mirio to sneak up and punch him.

I backed off, and ran to Eri, who was rustling inside Mirio's cape.

I picked her up. "Hi Eri. I'm a good person. Can you hang onto to me, yeah?"

Eri wrapped her arms around my neck and winced as Mirio punched one of the henchmen. "You two...are-are going to die....why are you helping me?"

"Because!" I smiled. "That's what heroes do!"

Mirio connected his fist with Overhaul's face again. Overhaul threw something at one of his henchmen - Chrono - and Chrono loaded his gun.

"YOKO!" Mirio yelled. "PROTECT ERI!"

"Hang on!" I flicked my hand, and from my wrist gauntlet dropped out a small grenade. I picked it up and chucked it at Chrono. It exploded with enough force to knock him out, but not kill.

However, when the smoke cleared, I saw that Chrono (being the smart bitch he is) had hidden in a crevice and avoided the explosion entirely.

He aimed the gun at Eri once again, and shot.

Somehow, I managed to realize that the bullet he had shot was not a normal bullet, it was the quirk-destroying one. Even so, I stood over Eri and braced myself.

I opened my eyes.

Mirio smiled down at us as the bullet pierced his shoulder.

"Togata-Senpai!!!" I yelled.

His blue eyes were sad, but he kept his posture as the bullet started to suck out his quirk.

He had sacrificed his own quirk to save me and Eri.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Overhaul place his hands on the ground again.

"Down!" I shouted. A block of metal from my pocket shielded me and Eri. But Mirio remained standing, even when the spikes pierced the side of his gut.

"Eri, let go for just a moment, please!" I whispered. She loosened her grip on me. I kept up the shield just in case, and walked around.

I flicked my hands once more, and the grenades that dropped out destroyed the spikes heading toward us. The bits and pieces of rock scraped my face and left shallow blood.

" out!" Mirio huffed.

I spun around as a spike from behind me advanced.

"You call yourself a hero?" Overhaul snarled.

I tried to dodge, but the sharp point of the rock jabbed me in the side of my stomach.

Pain flared up, and I could barely think straight. I reached down and touched the wound. My hand came back dripping red.

"CHISAKI!" Mirio yelled.

Another block of rock shot up in front of me and hit me. This time, it wasn't sharp, but it was strong enough to break a couple of bones.


Rocks aren't living..

They can't move.

They can't breathe.

Ignoring my pain, I touched the ground with my bloody fingers. Three huge blocks of rock morphed out.

I pointed to Overhaul. He stared at me. 

The blocks slammed him back into the wall. Struggling, he managed to touch the rocks and destroy them, but he had scratches over his body.

I stumbled back, my legs wobbling. The metal shielding Eri dropped to the ground as I lost focus.


The wall crashed down, and out jumped Deku.

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