Chapter 69 + Author's note

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Author's note: (important)

So my OC's have nuttin to do with the arc where Shoto and Bakugou to the remidial studies or whatever so I'm just gonna skip that arc.




Yoko POV:

I attended Sir Nighteye's funeral. After, we said goodbye to our mentors, as our internships were ending.

Centipeder was appointed the new leader of the agency. The kids who did interns had to do extra studies with Aizawa. 

Eri had regained consciousness, but she was still unstable, so they were keeping her isolated.

Aoyama was also acting....weird.

A few days later, we were back to creating ultimate news. I had a special move in mind, but I had to cooperate with Setsuna Tokage from Class B to improve.

A couple days later...

"Woo! Watch this!" Mina exclaimed, cracking her fingers. She started to break dance.

"Oh! I want to try too..." Deku said.

"I'll teach you!!" Mina offered.

Aoyama joined in, and soon the three of them were dancing on the floor.

"Hey, speaking of passion...." Denki said. "Jiro's got a awesome one too!"

"Huh?" Jiro yelped.

"I mean, your room was FULL of instruments!" Denki said. "That goes beyond the level of hobby!"

"C-cut it out!!" Jiro protested.

"Your like, a full musician!" Denki ignored her.  "Its so co--"

One of Jiro's ear jacks stopped right in front of Denki's face. "I said, stop! Yoko, control your boyfriend!" she huffed and took her seat.

"Uh..." Denki said. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I think you offended her or something." I said. "But, why? Jiro is a good singer and musician...but anyways," I slapped Denki, "don't tease her!!!"

"Nweh..." Denki rubbed his cheek as Aizawa came up to the front.

"Its time for the School Festival." Aizawa announced. "You guys need to decide on what your going to do."


And our class totally lost it.

"A MAID CAFE!" Denki yelled.

I  facepalmed. Thinking pervy as always--

"THAT'S WEAK, KAMINARI!" Mineta yelled, raising his hand. "A BOOB--"


"I need to tie this down." Tsu said, tying Mineta up.

"A mochi stand!" Uraraka suggested.

"A arm wrestling contest!" Kirishima said.

"How about a crepe stand?" Sato asked.

" A dance!" Mina posed.

"A petting zoo..." Koda stammered.


"My own sparkle show! ✨" Aoyama said.

"A skit or something?" Jiro raised her hand.

"Karaoke!" Chisako yelled.

"A band!" I did jazz hands.

We shouted out more suggestions, like "Soba stand" and "Haunted house".

"I will erase the ones that are impossible, or inappropriate." Momo said, erasing the ideas like "Boob-" and "Sparkling show".

The next day, Shoto filled me, Kirishima, Tsu, Uraraka, Chisako, and Deku in on what they had chosen to do for the festival: A concert.

With Jiro managing music, and Mina managing the dancing. Apparently the details were still fuzzy, so we needed to discuss more after me, Kirishima, Tsu, Uraraka, Chisako, and Deku were done with studies.


We opened the door and stepped in. 

Sunlight was streaming through the window, shining on the little girl's blue hair. Her crimson eyes twinkled with nervousness and anticipation.

"Eri!" we all exclaimed.


"They want to see Yoko, Midoryia, and Togata?" Tsu asked.

"Yeah." Aizawa said. "Ever since being in the hospital...this is the first time Eri has asked for anything."

Flashback over.

"Sorry we couldn't visit sooner!" Deku aplogized.

"HI! Do you want fruit?" Mirio asked. "You look like you'll like peaches, like me!!!"

"Apples." Eri said in a sweet voice. The horn on her forehead had shrunk.

"Apples!!!!" I grinned. "I like apples too!!!"

We cut the apples for her, and after we had eaten a few, Eri looked up.

"Um..." Eri said. "I...while you were saving me, I was know Lemillion and Animator's name, but I don't know your's." she nodded to Deku.

"Oh! My name is Izuku Midoryia! You can call me by my hero name, Deku!!!"

"Hero name?"

"Its like your code name."


"Deku...Lemillion......Animator..." Eri said. "That man with the glasses and yellow/green hair..."

"!!!!!!!" we students collectively thought.

"Everybody was so hurt because of us." Eri said softly.

Nobody has told them about Nighteye...

"I'm so sorry you all had to face so much pain because of me." Eri said in a shaky voice. "Because...because of me, Lemillion had to lose his powers...." she started tearing up.

"Eri!" Mirio ruffled Eri's hair. "Not a single one of us is in pain!! All I'm thinking right now is, 'I'm so glad you are safe!'"

"We all fought very hard to see you smile!" I smiled.

Eri stared at us. Then she looked down, stretching out her cheeks with her fingers and making weird faces.

I tilted my head. "?"

"I-I-'m sorry..." Eri sniffled. "I seem to have forgotten how to smile..."

The truth hit me in the face like a sledgehammer. 

In a way, Eri has not been saved from Overhaul.

Suddenly, Deku stood up and walked over to Aizawa. "Sir! May Eri leave the hospital for one day?"

"Hm? I supposed it can be arranged."

Then my mind clicked, and suddenly I could guess what Deku was about to say.

"Can Eri attend the School Festival?"

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