Chapter 7

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Yoko's POV:

After Bakugou and Iida's uttering defeat, the other teams clashed against each other until it was finally time for me and Denki vs Mina and Chisako.

"We're gonna pulverize you, you lil shit." Chisako glowered down at me. 

"Mhm. Good luck with that." I said. "Not my fault if your weeping about your loss after."

"You're so annoying."

"Thanks, you too."

Villain team: me and Denki.

Hero team: Chisako and Mina.

"I feel weird being a villain..." Denki sweatdropped as we entered the building first to guard the 'nuclear weapon'.

"Me too." I said. " do you think the hero team will attack?"

Denki shrugged. "Not sure. I'm not that smart. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

"Hmmm..." I tapped my chin. "So, Chisako is most likely going to try and shoot Depression or Exhaustion energy balls...and I don't really know Ashido's quirk...maybe something that dries her skin out really quickly, since I remember her mentioning something about having lighter skin when she was younger. Acid? Maybe she'll try and melt the columns around us, and trap us so that Chisako can sneak in and touch the weapon..."

Denki stared at me blankly. I looked up. "Heh, sorry Kaminari. Just take care of Ashido for me, ok?"

He gave me two thumbs up's. "Aye aye, cap'n! Oh...and by the you have anything that can protect you from electricity?"

5 minutes later.

Match START!

I placed two fingers on the huge 'weapon' next to me, and commanded it to hover up in the air.

"Wow, nice." Denki commented.


We heard the sound of two people coming up the stairs. We exchanged a look and nodded.


The door melted, and Mina and Chisako stepped through.

Just like I suspected, Chisako charged straight at me. In her hands were two, glowing energy balls which I suspected contained the feeling Exhaustion. She threw the energy at me.

I dodged, and commanded the weapon behind me to hover up higher. Then, I took out a small piece of metal from one of my pouches and willed it to grow into the size of a shield. Chisako's energy balls bounced off harmlessly, but she had good reflexes, so she ran from here and there, shooting energy balls everywhere. 

Denki was on the other side of the room, intercepting Mina. Mina kept sliding to the boy, shooting globs of acid, but Denki was leaping around, being careful not to get hit. It was a battle of reflexes.

"Ha, we're going to win this!" Chisako laughed with glee as she shot another energy ball at me.

"Are you sure about that? You're forgetting something." I willed the shield I was holding to turn into an insulator sheet and covered myself with it. "Kaminari! I'm ready!"

"Huh?" Mina and Chisako chorused.

"All right!" Denki grinned. "Indiscriminate Shock - 1.3 million volts!"

Electricity shocked Mina and Chisako while I stayed under the safety of my insulator blanket. Their agonizing screams echoed throughout the room, making me flinch. 

Denki POV:

"Kaminari! I'm ready!" I heard Yoko shout. I looked over and saw her under the insulator blanket.

"All right!" I grinned. "Indiscriminate Shock - 1.3 million volts!"

I let loose almost all the electricity in my body.

"Ka-min-ar-i!" Chisako growled furiously, her teeth chattering as she got electrocuted. 

"A-gh!" Mina shrieked.

"TIMES UP!" All Might bellowed. "Victory to villain team! Nice job, young Kaminari, young Todoroki!!"

"Yeah!" Yoko tapped the blanket around her and it turned back into a small piece of metal. She gave me a big smile. "We won!"

I blushed. "We won!" I repeated. We high-fived and did a little happy dance together. 

"Fucking...hell..." Chisako's voice had withered away. She was laying on the ground, her entire body twitching uncontrollably. "Yoko, you bastard..."

"Jeez, I told you we would win! You guys could've come up with a strategy instead of stomping all over the place and letting us know where you were the whole time." Yoko retorted, sounding more tired of Chisako's stupidity than annoyed.

 "I'm stupid! What do you expect?"

She's just like me for real. I thought, grinning at the two friends' snappy exchange. "Ashido, you ok?"

"I'm doing fine! That was so cool - Yoko, you need to tell me more about your quirk!" Ashido stood up and swung her head to face Yoko, bright stars in her eyes. Her costume was rumpled and her hair was sticking all over the place.

"Oh, ok, so you see..." Yoko started explaining the details of her quirk to the pink-haired girl while Chisako picked herself up and grumbled a few incoherent words under her breath. I trailed behind the girls, my eyes staying on the brunette talking in front of me.

Chisako opened her mouth to say something, but closed it when she saw me. She raised her eyebrows and said, 

"Hmmm. Ah yes, how very interesting."

chisako sees all knows all

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