Chapter 33

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I'mMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmMMMMmmm depressedDDDDdddddddddddDDDDDD

for no reasonNnnnnnnnnNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNnnnnnnn

Ok sorry

Chapter might be crappy

deal with it




"Why were you in the way?" Endeavor thundered at the small cowering girl in front of him. "You are nothing but a burden to the family."

He pushed the girl aside, making her elbow scrape against the gravel.


You are nothing but a burden.


Denki POV (finally 🙄):

I frowned as I saw Yoko sleeping in the hospital bed.

"Is she ok?" I asked Chisako, who was next to her.

"Don't look at me, I'm no doctor." Chisako mumbled. She didn't sound so pissed though. Her hair was messy. Her glasses sat on the tip of her nose, and her clothes were rumpled. The only injury she had gained was a good scolding from Aizawa and Vlad King.

"How's your brother?"

"He's fine, he's still apologising to Shoji." Chisako shrugged.

We sat in uncomfortable silence and waited for Yoko to wake up. I wondered where Shoto was - maybe he was on his way.

I looked at Chisako again. I never thought Bakugou would get close to anybody, but he and Chisako seemed to have some kind of connection.

"........she likes you back, y'know." Chisako mumbled.


Chisako nodded to Yoko.

"Oh." I flushed. "Wait, I never said that I like her."

She snorted. "You don't have to. Its pretty obvious."

I hid my face with my hands.

"She says a lot of nice things about you, most of them which I disagree." Chisako said. "She may be dense, but at least she actually acknowledges your presence."

"You act like you--"

"Have been ignored before by someone I liked?" Chisako scowled. "Well, your right."

"O-oh." I was terrified by Chisako. She could probably knock my two front teeth out. And would.

"You guys shouldn't have a conversation like that in front of the person your talking about." Yoko said.

Chisako and I jumped about four feet high at the sound of her voice.

"Your awake!" I said.

"Yep." she looked at us with big, brown eyes and a innocent expression like Oh yeah, I totes didn't eavesdrop your conversation you were having in front of me. "How are the others?"

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