Chapter 43

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Yoko POV:

The next day.

Takoba National Stadium - the Exam location for Class 1-A.

"Here we are. Everyone off the bus." Aizawa ordered us.

We all got off.

"Gather around!"

"Yes!" Kirishima started to say, when a bald boy in a different uniform than us appeared and yelled, "PLUS ULTRA!"

I plugged my ears.

"Its not good to randomly insert yourself in other people's huddles, Inasa." A boy with hair covering one eyes scolded Baldy.

"Damn it!" Baldy mumbled. Then more loudly, he said, "PLEASE ACCEPT MY MOST HUMBLE APOLOGIES!", and slammed his head onto the ground. Hard.

"Who's this guy who's ridiculously riled up?" Denki asked, shocked.

"Its like someone added Kirishima and Iida together and this is the result..." Sero sweatdropped.

"U.A. to the east." Bakugou exclaimed, with a surprisingly calm expression. "Shiketsu to the west. The school that's on par with U.A. High....Shiketsu High!"

"I've heard of them." I said. "Their real famous."

Baldy lifted his head, grinning manically. "I just wanted to try it once! Say Plus Ultra!" his head started bleeding. "Its the upmost pleasure to compete with you all!"

"He's bleeding." said a blond-haired girl next to Baldy.

"Let's go." said the boy who had scolded Baldy.

"Yoarashi Inasa." Aizawa said. "That guy is strong. He placed first in the practical exam last year...the same year as you guys. Despite that, he declined his admission offer."

Chisako snorted, shifting the bag in her hands. "Whoa, he's dumb."

"Shut up, Sako." I said. "I know this guy. He's talented. He'll be hard to beat."

"Eraser! Hey, Eraser, that you?" a woman with green-blue hair under a bandanna said, walking up to us.

Aizawa turned around, saw the woman, and I think he might've fainted on the spot.

"I saw you on TV at the Sports Festival, but its been a while since we've seen each other face to face!" The woman waved.

"That woman, she's--" Deku started.

"LeT's GeT mArRiEd!!" the woman said out of the blue.

"No thanks." Aizawa said straightforwardly.

"Waaa!" Mina and  Chisako squealed at the sudden proprosal.

"Did she just propose to Sensei...???" I said.

"Looks like she did." Jiro said.

"As always, you have a unamusing sense of humor, Joke." Aizawa glowered.

"The Smile Hero: Ms. Joke!" Deku said in that fanboy sense of his. "Her quirk is called 'Outburst'! By forcing people around her laugh, she impairs with their cognitive and motor skills! Her villain suppression techniques are insane!"

"If you marry me, we can start a family full of laughter and joy!" Joke said to Aizawa.

"That doesn't sound joyful to me."


"Is your school here with you too?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes. yes, everybody come over here, its U.A.!" Joke shouted to her students.

A group of students came over.

"Ohh! Its really them!" a boy with messy black hair said.

"Incredible! Truly incredible! All the people I've seen on TV!" a girl with ash blond hair squealed. To SHoto she said, "Can I get your autograph?"

"Ketsubutsu Academy, 2nd year, Class 2!" Joke introduced. "Their my class!"

"My name is Shindo!" said the messy haired boy, grabbing and shaking Deku's hand. "It must have been a rough year at U.A. High, right?"

He went around, gripping people's hands and shaking them vigorously. Were my eyes deceiving me, or did Bakugou scowl at Shindo when he shook Chisako's hand?

Yo Shindo came up to me and shook my hand. "Pleasure!" he said, winking.

"Nice to meet you!" I replied brightly, ignoring the dark aura forming around Denki.

(A/N: Denki, bby, Shindo is already dating Nakagame. Calm down.)

"Hey, you all change into your costumes. Don't waste any time." Joke ordered her students.


"I feel like a celebrity!" I said.

"You be miiiiiiiiiiiine." Denki said.

"We're so famous among them..." Jiro said.

"............?" Joke overheard and turned to Aizawa.

"You haven't told them?" 

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