Chapter 31

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Training camp, third day.

"MeOW!" Pixie-Bob accentuated the last part as she mewed. "After dinner, we are going to have a Test of Courage with both classes!"

"Test of Courage...?"

"Yep!" Pixie-Bob winked at the confused students. "But if you want to go, you have to TRAIN YOUR HEARTS OUT!"

"My heart is literally about to leap out of my mouth and run away." Yoko grumbled as she tried to turn three huge blocks of cement into metal.


After dinner.

"IT'S TIME FOR THE TEST OF COURAGE!!" Mina danced up and down, giddy with excitement.

"Sorry, Remedial course students," Aizawa said, trapping them with his capturing weapon, "but you'll be with me."


"I'll have some fun! Without you!" Yoko laughed at Chisako.


"The test of courage!" the Pussycats started to explain. "Class 1-B will go into the forest first and try to scare Class A, who will be entering the forest in pairs of two every three minutes! In the middle of the route, there's a place where you can find a card with your name on it! Take it back with you for proof!"

"A banquet of darkness...." Tokoyami muttered.

"The scaring groups are not allowed to directly touch anyone!" the Pussycats went on. "But any scaring tactic and available quirks are permitted!"


Mezo and Tokoyami.

Shoto and Bakugou.

Jiro and Toru.

Uraraka and Tsu.

Ojiro and Mineta.

Momo and Aoyama.

Koda and Iida.

Midoryia and Yoko.

"Hey, what did you talk about with Kota-kun the other day?" Yoko asked Midoryia as she walked up to him.

Midoryia sighed. "Just...about quirks........."

"He's got a strong will, doesn't he." Yoko snorted, thinking back to the first day when Kota had absolutely demolished Midoryia by punching him in the balls.


Around twelve minutes later, Uraraka and Tsu entered the forest. Mineta and Ojiro, Koda and Iida, and Deku and Yoko were still with the Pussycats, when smoke started to rise from the forest.

"Pixie-Bob!!" Tiger yelled. The students, along with the frantic hero, all ran to where Pixie-Bob had disappeared, and was met with a horrifying sight.

A huge woman with red hair and big lips had Pixie-Bob pinned down, blood splattering everywhere. A creature that looked like a green lizard had his foot on Pixie-Bob's chest. The blond Pussycats member seemed to be unconscious.

"Pixie-Bob!" They all shouted.

"This is bad!" Mandalay gritted her teeth.

Yoko looked around, her mind scattering. Chisako should be safe since she's with Aizawa Sensei. But what about Shoto? What about...


She gasped when she realized that the little boy was still out there somewhere, alone, and potentially a target of the villains.

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