Chapter 66

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Continued from last chapter.

3rd person POV:

"NgH!" Deku wasted no hesitation and punched Overhaul. From behind him ran out Aizawa and Sir Nighteye.

"NIGHTEYE! SECURE THE GIRL!" Aizawa ordered.

Sir took in the scene. Eri was bundled up in Mirio's red cape. Mirio stood over her, his gut bleeding. A wall formed from rock was standing between the injured heroes and Overhaul, and leaning on the wall was Yoko, also bleeding in the stomach and looking absolutely horrible.

"Good job." Sir's voice wavered as he wrapped his arms around his interns and Eri.

"WAKE UP, CHRONO!" Overhaul screamed as he tried to activate his quirk, but can't, courtesy of Aizawa.

Suddenly, a arrow shaped knife stabbed Aizawa on the shoulder, making him start moving in slow motion. Aizawa could not stop his eyes from closing, so as soon as he did, Overhaul made spikes appear from the ground and apprehend the heroes.

Overhaul hunched over and put his hand over one of his henchman's face. The dood exploded, and suddenly, Overhaul was a huge monster.

Deku got up and tried to kick Overhaul, but it got deflected. 

"I'll take this guy on!" Sir yelled to Deku. "GO TAKE CARE OF LEMILLION AND ANIMATOR AND ERI-CHAN!"

Deku changed course and headed toward the objective. "Eri-chan! Senpai! Yoko-chan! Are you guys ok? Can you move?"

"I've lost too much blood." Yoko mumbled. "BUt I think I can try to move."

"Yeah, I can move." Mirio panted. "Hff...."

Deku gulped. "Lets get you outta here."

He picked up Eri and started to help Mirio and Yoko out of the room through the hole in the wall.

"Please..." Eri sniffled, burying her face in Deku's shirt. "N-no more....I'm sorry..."

You are a cursed existence. 

As she stumbled out of the room, she heard a disturbing sound from behind her. She turned around. "...Sir!!!"

A spike had lodged itself straight through Sir's body, another one going through his arm. Blood spurted from his wounds.

His foresight had worn off.

"SIR!" Yoko cried.

"Go ahead!" Deku said to the people he was helping, then ran off to help Sir.

"C'mon." Mirio said, trying not to look at Sir's mangled body.

Yoko covered her wound with the cloth she had in her fanny pack and wobbled foreword.




Blood splattered the ground as the two U.A. students tried to walk. Eri was holding onto Yoko's hand, nervously looking behind her.

"Togata-Senpai...I don't think I can move anymore." Yoko crumpled to the ground, almost dragging Eri down with her. "I lost too much--"

Her eyes rolled up to the back of her head.

"....." Eri's chin trembled.

"Eri!!" Mirio gasped. "you....need to hide...somewhere safe...until the heroes come...hufff...everything will be fine! Ok.....Eri?"

He fell to the floor.

Without a word, Eri started to walk back....









"Nhh...look....its Mirio and his friend...." Tamaki limped over, his face bloody and bruised. He reached down and picked up the two unconscious students. "Police, search this area. Lets go find Eraserhead-Sensei..."

"HAI!" The police obliged to the young man's orders.

" really pushed yourself, didn't you?" Tamaki mumbled into his unconscious boyfriend's - whoops, did it again, I mean friend's - ear. "You really have to stop doing that......."

The corner of his mouth twitched up. "Anyhow...I hope you live..."

"Suneater, lets check the other rooms!"









More Denki in the next chapter


- DGD/Mrs. Kaminari

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