Chapter 13

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Yoko's POV:

Our class was safely escorted back into U.A. where the injured were treated. We were all much more worried about Aizawa than ourselves, who had almost died during the attack.

Fuyumi had almost killed me and Shoto when we told her about the USJ. She also cried a lot. It looked like she had peed her pants when she stopped crying. I felt even more horrible after trying to comfort my sister - I couldn't imagine the fright she had gone through when she heard we were caught in a villain attack.

Denki Kaminari has not talked to me ever since the USJ. I don't know why I think about that. Not that I cared or anything, it's just...

Then one day, this happened.


It was a few days after the incident. Class hadn't started yet, so we were all lingering around, chatting with one another.

That's when Denki turned around to me and said, "Did it hurt?"

"Er, pardon?" I blinked.

He grinned. "When you fell for me."

I stared at him for three heartbeats, then I said, "Did you seriously just use that cringe pickup line on me?"

It's almost as bad as the one he used on the first day of school.

But for some reason, it made me smile.

Denki nodded, feeling proud of himself. I focused on the black streak in his golden hair, knowing that I would probably instinctively smack him in the face if I were to make eye contact with him.

He's so annoying, but in some sort of an endearing way. I decided to toy with him a little. "All right. You. Me. Cringe contest. Now. Before school starts."

He gave me a surprised look. "Cringe contest?"

I smirked. "Are you a parking lot? Cause you've got fine written over you."

He cringed, a hint of pink blush coating his cheeks. "Ooh, nice one. Are you Microsoft? Cause I'd love to crash at your place tonight."

I laughed. "Four plus four equals eight. You plus me equals fate."

By this time, the others were giving us weird looks, but I really couldn't care less. Chisako propped up her chin with her hands and stared at us, amused.

"Ohoho~your good at this." Denki cracked his knuckles. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not that cute, but damn, look at you!"

Who said you aren't cute?

"Don't you go blind looking at me!" I teased, pushing away the intrusive thought.

That's how we ended up exchanging cringey pickup lines with each other until a mummy walked into the room.

Wait, not a mummy. It was Aizawa, wrapped in bandages from head to toe.


"Sensei, you're all right!" Tenya exclaimed loudly.

"Can you really call that 'all right'?" Uraraka said.

"Don't concern yourselves over me." Aizawa said, going to the front of the class. "After all, the battle hasn't really ended for you guys."

"M-more villains?"

"U.A's sports festival is coming up, boys and girls."

"A sports festival!" We all yelled. "We keep forgetting that this is a real school!"

"Wait, hold up! That sounds like something the villains would like to infiltrate. Would it be all right?" Ojiro asked. He brought up an extremely good point.

Aizawa explained how the Sports Festival was probably going to be safe, and how the police had doubled in size. The U.A Sports Festival was a big event, inspired by the Olympics.

"The heroes will be scouting us!" Momo said. "The country's top heroes will be watching us through the Sports Festival."

"Naturally, entering a squad of a famous hero will get you a higher status and more experience." Aizawa said. "Remember, time is limited. If you get noticed by a pro, that gives the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. This is the chance you'll get once a year...for a total of three chances. If you want to become a hero, this is an event you can't overlook!"

After class, I fiddled with my fingers. Jiro walked over to my desk. "Hey, who do you think will recruit you?"

"Well, Endeavor, obviously." I said. "But..." I made various unnecessary hand movements, but Jiro seemed to understand.


I looked back at Shoto, who glared at his desk, then at Midoryia.

I have a feeling this Sports Festival will be entertaining.

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