Chapter 29

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Yoko's POV:

A huge beast appeared before us. Koda stepped forward and said, "There, there, little beast, calm down and walk away..."

The beat did not react to Koda's quirk and kept advancing. 

"It's made of dirt." I said. "So technically, it's not living!"

BOOM! Midoryia kicked down the dirt beast, Shoto, Bakugou, and Tenya close behind him. More beasts appeared.

Then all hell broke loose.

"Yeehaw!" Chisako laughed manically as she and Bakugou blasted through more beasts.

Uraraka touched the beasts, made them float, then made them slam into the ground.

"Yao-Momo!!!!" I said. "Sword!"

She produced me a metal sword, and I swung it at a beast that very stupidly decided to come near me.

"Kaminari!" I waved my metal sword at him, and he seemed to get the idea. He held out his hands, and electricity flowed out, hitting the side of my sword and destroying many of the beasts.

We high-fived each other, and continued to destroy the beasts. I found myself thinking about the conversation I had with Natsu the other day...

Don't get distracted.


5: 20pm.

"Fi~nally, your here!" Pixie-Bob said, stepping forward.

The battered and tired students stumbled out of the forest. Many of us had overused our quirks, and were either in the desperate need of a bathroom or food.

"A 'little over two hours' my ass..." Sero grunted.

"I'm going to starve to death..." Kirishima whined.

"Hehehe..." Pixie-Bob said. "I honestly thought it'll take you guys longer. You guys did good. four!" she pointed a finger at Shoto, Midoryia, Tenya, and Bakugou.

"You lack of hesitation and indecisiveness--" Pixie-Bob said, "--It comes from your experiences, yes?"

Her expression changed, and she pounced on the poor students. "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW YOU GUYS WILL TURN OUT THREE YEARS FROM NOW! I CALL DIBS!"

"Mandalay..." Aizawa said to the brunette. "Was she always this hyper?"

"She's in a bit of a rush..." Mandalay replied apologetically. "She's at the marrying age and all..."

"Speaking of marrying age--" Midoryia got cut off as Pixie-Bob thrust her hand into his face. "I've been wondering for a while..."

He managed to point at the boy with black hair. "Is that child one of yours?"

"Oh no, that kid is my nephew." Mandalay said. "Kota! Come say hi, your going to be living with them for the next week!"

As Midoryia went to greet Kota, Mandalay came  up to me.

"Hello." She said kindly. "Are you Yoko Todoroki?"

"Yes, how did you know?" I questioned, trying to catch my breath.

Ignoring my question, Mandalay covered her mouth. "Oh, my dear, you've grown so much! Oh my..."

"Um." I said. "Do I know you?"

Mandalay's eyes twinkled. "You met me when you were a couple months old. I was good friends with your parents."

"My parents!"

"That's right." Mandalay nodded to Kota, who had just punched Midoryia in the balls. "See him? My niece - he's the child of your parents' best friends." she sighed. "I miss them..."

I gave Mandalay a grin. "Well, I'm glad I got to know you!"

Mandalay sniffed. "You've got your mom's personality..." she leaned down. "Note....don't mention heroes around Kota."


"His parents died in a villain accident, similar to yours." Mandalay said sadly. "So..."


" guys know I'm still here, right?" Aizawa cut in, apparently eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Hey, ya know her?" Chisako asked as I walked back to my friends.

"Apparently she was friends with my parents, and Kota over there is the child of my parents' best friends." I said.

As I said this, I felt eyes burn a hole on the back of my head. I slowly turned around and saw the little kid Kota glaring at me.

"W-who knew little kids can be so intimidating?" I said, averting my gaze.

After us girls dropped off our stuff in our dorms, we met up with the boys in the dining pavilion.

"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" We all shouted, and dug in.


"Rice! Heavenly RICE!" Kirishima and Denki said, shovelling heaps of the very thing into their mouth. "SO GOOD! MM!"

"I have to agree with those two idiots for once." Chisako said, her mouth full. "Soooooo good..."

"Don't talk with your mouth full, dammit! Its disgusting!" Bakugou yelled at her (with his mouth full).

"Says you, ya jerk!"

"Its like Lunch Rush's cooking!" I muttered, shoving a spoonful of curry into my mouth. "Or maybe I'm just going delirious..."

As I ate, I shot a sideways glance at Kota. He was glaring at everyone at the table, then walked away.

"...." I set down my chopsticks. I want to talk to must feel depressing to lose your parents at a young age. At least I didn't even know who my parents were....

After dinner, we went to have a bath. Turns out that our schedules overlapped with the boys, so we could hear them chattering and laughing over the wall.

"Aaaaahhhh....feels so good." Mina sighed as she eased herself into the hot water.

"It does feel really nice to relax after such a busy day." Momo agreed.

I eyed the wall separating us from the boys. "Hopefully none of the boys get any ideas..." 

I jinxed it. At that moment, we heard the unmistakable voice of Mineta drawing nearer and nearer...


Kota appeared on the top of the wall and smacked Mineta down before the perv could reach us.

"Thanks!" Us girls shouted. Mina gave him a small wave.

Kota turned, saw us nude, and with a nosebleed, he feel from the wall to the boys' side.

"Mi! Na! A! Shi! Do!" Chisako scolded. "That 5 year old just saw you naked!"


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