Chapter 39

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Lottsa Denki in this chapter, don't worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yoko POV:

"Man, its huge!" Sato yelled.

"Wow!" Mina smiled.

All of Class 1-A was standing outside our new dorms - The Heights Alliance. It was a huge building, built under three days. 

"Looks like everyone got permission!" Sero said at us assembled classmates.

"It was a tough fight for me..." Toru sighed.

"Well, you did breath in the poisonous smoke..." Ojiro said.

I smiled at the new building. SO BIG! 

My eyes travelled from classmate to classmate. Bakugou and Chisako were fighting, as usual. Jiro and Toru were talking. 

My eyes landed on Denki. I flushed, and tried to look at something else as the sun glinted off his blond hair.

He shot me a look, a toothy grin, then went back to playing rock-paper-scissors with Kirishima.

"The buildings are around the size of my house...maybe smaller. Yes, smaller." Momo commented.

Uraraka "fainted", only to get up when Aizawa appeared in front of us.

"Now then!" Aizawa clapped his hands. "I'm going to give you all a quick briefing in regards of the dorms. But before that, just one thing...Its true that the plan was for you all to get your temporary hero licenses, but you didn't, so why were some of you walking around like you did?"

The other students pointedly stared at me, Chisako, Shoto, Iida, Deku, Kirishima, and Momo. I shrank back.

"What I'm about to say is important so listen up." Aizawa snapped. "Todoroki. Kirishima. Midoryia. Yaoyorozu. Iida. Chisako. Yoko. You 7 were present at 'the place' at 'that time' took it upon yourselves to proceed Bakugou rescue opertation."

"From the looks of things, all you classmates understand the weight of your behaviour in deciding to go there." Aizawa continued. "A lot of things have been pigeon-holed in light of everything that happened, but I'll say this: If it weren't for All Might's retirement, everybody with the exception of Jiro, Hagakure, and Bakugou would have been expelled."

I lowered my head. I felt so ashamed...bUt HeY wE gOt BaKuGoU bAcK!

"That is all!" Aizawa turned is heel. "Now, let's head in with smiles on our faces and lots of energy!"

Um, could you wait a minute? We don't think we can do that right now... Everybody thought, sweatdropping.

Bakugou noticed all our gloomed faces, grabbed Denki by the collar, and pulled him behind a bush.

"Kaminari?" I said.


Bakugou kicked Denki out of the bush, the lightning user's brain fried.

"Whey~~" Denki whimpered, doing thumbs up.

Me and Jiro held onto each other for support as we cackled loudly. The gloomy atmosphere broke, and soon (almost) everyone was laughing as Denki walked around in 'Dumb Mode'. He looked cute.

"Kirishima. Chisako." Bakugou walked up to the two red haired teens and shoved some money into their hands. 

Chisako gasped. "Is the Bakugou being nice? WE NEED TO CHERISH THIS MOMENT YOKO GET A CAMERA!"

"Uh, money?" Kirishima said. "Dude, your freaking us out."

"Stop being so stingy and take it!" Bakugou said in a scathing voice. "Your making me feel shitty about it!"

"Awwwwwwwwwww, is Kacchan feeling shitty???" Chisako said in that unbearably sassy and sarcastic tone of hers. "i HoPe He'S oK~~~~"


*TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY I_am_a_cat13!!!!!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR PROFILE! Also, Yoko's room is next to Jiro's and Chisako's room is next to Yoko's and Toru's.*

"So big..." I said as I looked around my room. "Alright! Let's get DECORATING!"

Oh yeah, just me, talking to myself.

I looked in the boxes that held my belongings. I spread out the tatami. I chucked my art supplies into my drawer. I used my quirk to easily move my other belongings like my clothes around.

I was yeeting my load of books into the bookcase when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in---AAAAAAAA!"

"CANNON BAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Denki screamed as he kicked down the door and flung himself toward the tatami.

"Oooooooooow." He mumbled when he landed with a hard thump. "Uwah, you sleep on tatami?"

"Er, yes." I said. "Also, why are you here?"

" seemed like you were ignoring me earlier." He said, making ground-angels on the - you guessed it - ground.

"oh yeah." I turned around so he couldn't see my red face. "About that...."

Denki stopped waving his arms around like a fool and sat up. "If ya just want to talk about that night, you can just say so."

I chucked a book at him. "So straightforward!!!!!"

He caught the book with his aMaZiNg reflexes. "Well, I don't want you ignoring meeeeeeeeee."

"I'm not ignoring youuuuuuuu." I said in the whiny same tone he was using.

"Yeah, well." He tossed the book back to me. "That kiss? Probably the best thing that happened to me."

I smiled. "Why, I guess that makes me the best thing that ever happened to you, since those lips belonged to me."

He sniffed. "But the real question is..." he stared at me. "I like you. I think you like me back. Do you?"

I snorted. "Kaminari. I literally kissed you."

"Kiss me again!" He said brightly.

"No." I smacked him playfully. "Well....I'll think about it."

"Soooooooo," he grinned. "We good?"

"When were we not?"

"Good point." He ran his fingers through his hair. "One more thing: Are you ready for a relationship?"

I stopped.

Was I?

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