Chapter 72

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ENJOY~!!!! (its a short chapter)

3rd person POV:

"Something smells real good, Yao-Momo!" Jiro said.

"Oh! You noticed?" Momo's eyes started twinkling. She held up a tea box. "Its called 'Gold Tips Imperial! Mother sent it to me - would you like some?"

"We don't know what it is, but sure!"

"Go Yao-Momo! Go Yao-Momo!"

"Whoo! Yao-Momo!!"

"HoT hOt HoT--" Denki said as steam billowed out of his mouth.

"That's what you get for being a idiot and drinking the tea at once." Yoko said, irritated.

"I'm so glad you like it!" Momo bounced up and down.

Too cute... Everybody thought, melting into wonderfulness.


And at last, the day before the festival!

"I CAN'T SLEEP!" Denki and Mineta jumped around.

"SH! There are people sleeping!" Mina scolded.

Denki lifted Yoko and twirled her around. "Its so exciting!!!"

"Yeah..." Yoko said, half-asleep. She fell asleep in Denki's arms.

"I feel so nervous...." Jiro sighed.

"You'll do fine." Chisako said, not looking up from her romance manga.

"Look, the rope is fraying!" Deku said, holding up the rope they used to swing Aoyama around.

"Can't we ask Yao-Momo to make a new one?"

"Yao-Momo is not your personal shop, and besides, she's already asleep." Mina chided. "You should go buy a new one next morning."

"THEN WHY DO YOU GUYS TREAT ME LIKE A CHARGER?" Denki whined, sending a electric shock through his body, which made Yoko yelp.

"H-hey!" She grumbled. "Chill. I'm trying to sleeeeeee---" she fell asleep again.

"She's a light sleeper." Shoto informed them. "The slightest sound can wake her up. But she'll be really cranky."

"Well, I'm going to call it a day!" Kirishima pounded his fists together. "You guys don't stay up to late, and make sure to sleep!"

"Sleep is for the weak." Chisako said as she poured herself another cup of coffee. "Which is why your all weak."

"Let's make tommorow a success!" Kirishima pumped fist.


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