Chapter 11

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Yoko's POV:

"Ow!" My butt hit the ground, hard. Wincing, I took a look at my surroundings. Jiro, Momo, Denki, and I were all sitting on a very large rocky platform near the water with a small bridge connecting to another platform. 

Jiro had her hand in mine, sitting next to me. Momo was already on her feet, helping Denki up.

I hope Shoto and Chisako are ok...

"Where are we? What the hell happened?" Denki asked.

"That weird mist thing teleported us here." Jiro said.

"The others! Where are they? We're alone!" Denki fretted.

"Thank you, Mr. Obvious." I said, letting go of Jiro's hand. I smiled at her warmly, and she returned the gesture. "Yao-Momo, Jiro, are you alright?"

"Yup, my ass hurts though." Jiro replied.

"I am fine." Momo said. "Lets all stick together, it's an unfamiliar environment."

"She's right." we all stood up and stood back to back, and that's when the villains attacked.

Dozens of them - all odd looking - surrounded us. Thinking fast, Momo produced a long metal pole for herself and made a sword for Jiro. I unsheathed my ownsword and pointed the tip of the blade at the villains. Poor Denki didn't get anything.

I willed my sword to elongate and used it to fight from a distance, since I knew some of these villains looked like they had close-range quirks. I can't let them get any closer, or else they'll have the bigger advantage.

"Hey, Kaminari!" Jiro said, brandishing her sword. "Can't you like, fry them or something?"

"I can't!" Denki yelled, dodging one particularly big villain.

"During the training, you told me that you can't control the electricity in your body, right?" I asked him. "You'll hit us."

"Then I'll use him as a human stun gun!" Jiro said, and with a strong kick, she sent Denki flying  to the biggest villain.

Electricity engulfed the villain when Denki touched him.

"Hey, its working! I'm pretty strong!" Denki said. "Don't worry guys, I'll save us!"

Thats when it all went wrong. The electricity seemed to not have an effect on the villain - perhaps the electricity Denki was producing was too weak.

Cursing, I turned to Momo. "Yao-Momo..."

"I know." She crouched down, her skin shimmering. "You and Jiro distract! I'll be with you in a sec..."

"Sword." I held out my hand and Jiro dropped her sword into it. I commanded her sword and mine to both draw shallow blood on each villain, and they both obliged, zooming around.

"Why can't you make the cuts deeper, so the villains won't be able to get up?" Jiro asked me as she glanced at Denki.

"Cause then I'll draw too much blood, and these villains could die from blood loss."

"I hate logic."

"I do too."

"Done!" From Momo's back imploded a huge blanket around 100 milometers thick, covering us girls.

However, it totally ruined her hero costume.

"Go go go, Kaminari!!" I yelled.

From Denki's body shot out 1.3 million volts, electrocuting every single villain around him. After the light faded, however, Denki was turned into a idiot and started waddling around.

"Don't look, Kaminari!" Jiro covered Momo's naked body.

I stood up, and walked over to Denki, waving my hand across his face. "Helloooo?"

"Whee hee hey~" Denki said, giving me a thumbs up. Translation: Your cute. I need help.

Sudddenly, a huge hand from behind clamped around me and Denki's neck, lifting us up. Shocked, my body went limp.

"Well, well, well." The Villain said. "What do we have here?"

opposites attract | kaminari denki [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now