Chapter 24

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Yoko's POV:

For the next few days, I was hella busy.

Sir made sure I didn't slack off. We worked on enhancing my quirk, but he also taught me hand-to-hand combat. By the end of day two, I was black belt in karate. I know it was pretty much impossible to accomplish that, but the author is a cringy writer who loves making useless badass characters so she's pushing unrealistic expectations onto me. Fuck you, author.

He let me tag along for patrols. Sometimes I would go with Centipeder or Bubble Girl, who seemed to be the sidekicks he trusted the most. 

One day, when I was trying to manipulate three wrecking balls at once, my phone rang, making me lose focus and the wrecking balls almost squashed me.

Sir pushed up his glasses. "I would like you to turn of your notifications from now on."

"Yes, sorry Sir!" I apologized, checking the message. It was from Midoryia. It seemed like a address.

"Sir..." I held up my phone. "Is this an address? One of my classmates sent it to me."

He leaned down and squinted. "It looks like a street in Hosu."

"Hosu?" I said, shocked. That's pretty damn far away. "What the--why?"

"Sir! You need to see  this!" Bubble Girl ran into the room and turned on the TV.

"Chaos in Hosu! Weird creatures are everywhere! Heroes are trying to regain control!"

"Shit...I think Tenya said that he was having his internship with Manual, in Hosu..." I said, my breathing slowing down. "And...Midoryia...." Shit, shit, shit. Are they in trouble?

They wouldn't die, would they?

"Deep breaths." Sir ordered. "I believe they will be fine. No idiot that doesn't have a proper hero license will run into battle."

"Yeah......" I sighed, forcing myself to calm down.

Beeeep. Beeep. Beeeeeeeep.

"Um..." I looked at my phone, seeing Chisako's ID on the screen. I looked at Sir.

"Answer it." He sighed. "The session has been interrupted anyway."

"Thank you!" I said, then answered the call.

"Yoko!" Chisako's voice sounded unusually frantic. "Oh gosh - did you see the news?"

"Yeah, I did. Where are you right now?" You're not in Hosu, right? Please don't say you're in Hosu.

"Currently I'm on the train with Miruko-Sensei." Chisako sounded out of breath. "We happened to be near Hosu, so we're going there right now. How about you?"


"I'm too far away. There's no way Sir Nighteye's agency can make it in time." I said. "Chisako, be careful."

"I will, don't worry. Crap, Miruko's calling me - bye!" she hung up.

"...." I pursed my lips, staring at my phone.

I wish I could be there with her.

But at the same time...

...I'm scared.


"I'm sorry, no visitors are allowed at the current moment."

"Look here." Yoko snarled, leaning forward to face the terrified clerk. "My brother, two of my classmates, and one of my closest friends almost died in the battle of Hosu. If you do not let me go see them right this instant, I will personally sue this company under the name of Endeavor."

The clerk gulped. "R-r-right away, Ma'am! Room 221!" she gave me the key.

"Thank you." Yoko relaxed, then made her way through the hospital.

It was the day after the Hosu incident. Sir Nighteye had allowed her to have a few hours off when they had figured out Tenya, Midoryia, Chisako, and Shoto got injured in a fight.

(A/N: if you are wondering why Chisako is there, I'll explain it in the Bakugou x OC book I'm planning to make :D)

I opened the door to room 221.

"Yoko!" Shoto stood up. His arm was bandaged, and there was a big bandage on his cheek.

Ugh, look at him. I want to punch him in the face for being so stupid. But I won't do that. Because I'm a nice sister.

But it's taking a looooooooot of my willpower not too... An irk mark appeared on Yoko's forehead as she approached her four classmates.

"You idiots!" I exclaimed. "Absolute blockheads! Dunces!  I can't with you guys!"

"Jeez, ok. Couldn't even get a 'hi, how are you'." Chisako grumbled, adjusting her broken arm.

"S-sorry..." Midoryia said sheepishly.

"We are very sorry if we worried you!" Tenya said in his usual uptight tone.

"Our bad." Shoto mumbled, guilt overtaking his features.

Yoko rubbed her temples, finding it hard to be angry at her classmates when they apologized so easily. "You guys have a lot of explaining to you."

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