Chapter 8

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"'re scaring me..." Yoko sweatdropped, feeling her older sister's piercing gaze directed to the back of her head.

Fuyumi did not reply and instead kept on staring at Yoko. 

"Did I do something wrong??" Yoko asked, trying to get her sister to talk. 


Fuyumi's answer was short and curt, and she did not blink.

"Ok then." Yoko stood up from the dining table, feeling uncomfortable. "I'm gonna go hang out with Chisako at her house."

"Ok. Don't stay out too late."

Again, a short reply that left Yoko in a state of confusion.

Yoko left, and Fuyumi followed her with her eyes.

How strange. It had been a couple days since school started, and Fuyumi sensed something different with her sister. She knew Natsu and Shoto wouldn't be able to tell, but her sister-radar was picking up the faint signal

It definitely wasn't something big. Even if it was love, Yoko herself was probably unaware of it. Fuyumi knew she was overreacting, but she wanted to know everything that happened in her younger sister's love life.

"Hey sis." The front door slid open and a tall, muscular boy with spiky white hair walked in. He had a big bag slung over his shoulder and was holding a grocery bag.

"Natsu! You're home! I thought you were going to stay in the dorms...?" Fuyumi exclaimed, surprised by her brother's sudden appearance. "What happened?"

"I felt like coming home. I bought some snacks for you guys, but it seems like you're the only one here right now. The old man's out doing hero stuff, right?" Natsu, Fuyumi's younger brother and Shoto and Yoko's older brother, said. He clicked his tongue and mumbled, "can't even make time for his own family...shitty old man..."

"Ah, how sweet of you." Fuyumi quickly took the snacks and dragged Natsu into the living room before he could bad-mouth Endeavour any more. "Yoko just went out, and Shoto's training. I don't think we should disturb him."

As if on cue, an enraged scream from the training room echoed down the hallways.

"I see." Natsu sat down on the sofa and kicked back. "How are they? Shoto and Yoko, I mean. How's school for them?"

"Hmm, I think they're doing well. Yoko's been filling me in about all the stuff that happens inside the classroom. It seems as though she's been very socially active. Shoto on the other hand...not so much."

Natsu pulled out some crackers and started munching on them.  The last time I was here, Yoko confessed that she felt guilty about feeling upset over nothing. Honestly, I hadn't anticipated her to start ranting in front of me. I don't know why she's suffering. She doesn't know why either. But at least she told me, and I'm glad she did. She looked fine every time I looked at her, but growing up in a toxic household must've taken a toll on her.

She told me that she knew how much Fuyumi and I had also suffered, since Endeavour was our biological dad. She said that was why she was so guilty - she didn't know why she felt so miserable even though our lives were worse than hers. 

She's too young to be dealing with these kinds of emotions...Endeavour, that shitty man. He fucking neglects his own family and even drove Mom and Touya-nii to the brink of insanity. He's the reason why Touya-nii is dead, why I can't even talk to Shoto without feeling strange, why Mom was sent to the hospital, why Sis has a load of pressure on her shoulders, and why Yoko, a girl who isn't even his biological daughter, feels so miserable. 

It's all his fault.

"Natsu, you ok? You just inhaled, like, fifty crackers at once with a weird look on your face." Fuyumi said, concerned. 

"Nah, I'm fine!" Natsu dusted his hands off and smiled to make his sister feel at ease. "What's it like being a teacher?"

"Slightly tiring, but educating little kids makes me happy." Fuyumi said. Her face was stern. "Don't change the subject, I know you're thinking about something complicated again. You can tell me, you know. That's what older siblings are for - to confide to."

Natsu didn't want to tell his sister about his thoughts, so he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "I have a girlfriend!"

Fuyumi's jaw dropped. "You WHAT?"

Ah shit. Natsu started sweating uncontrollably. "Um...I have a girlfriend? Her name is [redacted] and we got together, like, last week."

"Oh my god! You need to invite her over sometime! How old is she? What does she look like? Is she pretty?" Fuyumi shot one question after another, a huge smile adorning her face.

"She's the same age as me! And yeah, she's pretty. She majors in--"

And just like that, Fuyumi and Natsu Todoroki momentarily forgot about all their problems and had a nice conversation as two, completely normal siblings.

this is a filler chapter lol

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