Chapter 35

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COntinued from last chapter.

Yoko POV:



We all slowly turned around, preparing to defend ourselves when we realized that they were not talking about us, and instead pointing the huge TV with...Nezu, Aizawa, and Vlad King on it.

"I've never seen Aizawa-Sensei look so clean." Chisako murmured to me.

"Shut up." I replied.

"On this occasion, our incompentece has caused injuries of 29 kids in our first year." Aizawa said.

"29?" I asked Shoto. "I thought it was only 28." (A/N: its actually 27, but I had to add Yoko in there.)

"Etsudo Hayashi also breathed in the poisonous smoke." He supplied, then went back to watching our teachers.

"Despite being a institution for the development of heroes, we were negligent in our defense against evil and have caused great anxiety throughout the society." Aizawa continued. "With upmost sincerity, we apologise."

One reporter stood up. "Reporting with NHA. This is the fourth time U.A. students have come in contact with the villains. This time, students were injured. How exactly do you plan to explain this to their families?"

"Their being treated like criminals..." Deku said nervously.

"We have strengthened the security around the school, and we have re-examined the campus's crime prevention station." Principal Nezu said. "We are taking 'strong measures' to our students...that is the explanation we gave."

The crowd murmured restlessly.

The mood is getting heavier.

The teachers went on answering criticising questions. At one point, Aizawa stood up and apologised to the public about Bakugou's behavior.

"We will get our student back." Nezu concluded.


"This is the location the tracker has led us to." Momo said.

"So this is their hideout..." Kirishima looked at the crumbling building. "Sure looks like it!"

"I don't know exactly, but it seems like the villains have not moved since the morning." Momo reported. "Just because the villains are here, doesn't mean Bakugou is here as well. Right now, we must take account of the info we have and act calmly."

"Lets think about our options..." Deku said, then went into 'Mutter Mode'.

"I just wanna storm right in, grab Kacchan, give him a good beating, then get outta there." Chisako complained.

"Oh no you don't." I grabbed her wrist. "We need a plan."

We made our way to the front of the hideout when we heard, "Hey, ya!"

We turned, and I immediately regretted it.

"Hey, you gurlllls~!" Two drunk man swooned, waving their hands over their red faces. "Come have a drink with us!"

".........lets get outta here." Shoto suggested, and we all quickly agreed.

"There's not that much, but there is still people here." Kirishima said. "Lets go around back."

We squeezed through a tight walkway through two alleys.

"So friggin tight." I mumbled.

"At least no one can see us!" Deku said.

"Hey!" Kirishima pointed at a window on the side of the building. "We can see what's going on though that window!"

"But its dark."

"I can make some--" Momo started to say.

"Nah." Chisako said. "Save your quirk. Me an' Kiri pooled in some money to get these." She held up night vision goggles.

My jaw dropped. "Huh? Wha--how much did that cost?"

"A lot." Kirishima said, taking the goggles and bringing them to his eyes. "But it'll be worth it." 

"Ok, then Iida and Shoto can lift you and Chisako up." I said.

Kirishima started to look around with the goggles, then stumbled. "WHOA!"

"What? What is it?" Chisako swiped the goggles. "....HA?????"

"What is it?" SHoto asked frantically.

"Is...that..." Chisako gaped. "Is that all NOMU?"

Suddenly, a massive THOOM! blew our hair back.


"W-whats happening?" Iida gasped.


"Mt. Lady, Gang Orca...even No. 4 hero, Best Jeanist!" Kiri reported.

"Tiger is there too!" I said.

"The heroes are making their move before us!"

"Amazing! Lets go, since there is nothing for us to do here!" Iida said.

"'Gone with All Might'...where's Kacchan?" Chisako and Deku muttered.



"Just when Tomura was starting to think for himself..." A scathing, unfamiliar voice said. "And beginning to lead others by himself...If possible, I would like for you all to stop interfering."

I wanted to move. I wanted to get out of here. But my body was frozen. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Something about the villain's voice was.....odd.

"Well then." The Villain said. "Lets get this over with."

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