Chapter 83

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3rd person POV:

Class A's team and Class B's team walked into the battlefield, each with plans of their own.

"Uh, you sure that plan is going to work??" Sato asked Bakugou.

Bakugou smirked. "Positive. Just stay outta my way."


"YOUR SO DAMN SLOW!!" Bakugou yelled at Jiro.

"Shut up! I'm trying to listen as we run!" Jiro snapped.


"EARS!" Bakugou yelled.

"i have a name!" Jiro said. She inserted her ear jacks into the pipes and crouched down. 

Bang clink clank tinnk bonk....

"HURRY UP!" Bakugou said.

"Wait!" Jiro exclaimed. "ITS A TRAP!"

"Alright, times up~" a unfamiliar voice said from right beside Bakugou.

Dozens of body parts started to zoom toward Bakugou and started to hit him. The hits weren't strong, but the pieces were too small that Bakugou couldn't concentrate.

"Sero!" Yoko said.

"Yeah!" Sero used his tape to make a barricade so the pieces wouldn't be able to reach them.

"Your finished." Setsuna smirked.

A burst of glue covered the tape, trapping the Class A memebers, courtesy of Bondo. With a loud SLASH, Togaru appeared and sliced apart a pipe that started to fall on top of the Class A members.

Sato raised his fists to stop the pipes when Bakugou blasted them away.

"Lets start with the most annoying." Setsuna said. "Jiro and Yoko."

Togaru swooped down and prepared to strike at the two girls, when Bakugou appeared, pushed his teammates back, and blasted Togaru away.

He had saved them.

"Thanks!" Yoko huffed.

"Shut the hell up and go find the others!" Bakugou said. "We need a perfect victory. 0-5, no casualties!"

His teammates smiled at the new Bakugou. "All right!"

Bakugou started to blast his way upwards when Awase appeared and welded Bakugou to two pipes, making him unable to move.

Sato chomped down some sugar cubes, and his muscles bulged. He jumped up and freed Bakugou in just a few punches.

Awase started to run away, when suddenly he froze.

"Hey! I can't move!" he said.

"You have a awful lot of non-living, inanimate objects on you." Yoko said as she closed her fist. Awase's body convulsed, and he coughed as she squeezed him tighter. "Makes it easier for me."

"She can be scary when she wants to be." Denki said from where he was watching through the cameras.

"Yeah no shit." Monoma mumbled.

"Jiro!" Yoko yelled.

"Leave it me!" She said. Her ear jacks connected to two speakers, and she knocked Awase out.


Bakugou blasted Bondo as Sato apprehended him.

"Ok, there's only two more left." Sero said. "That lizard lady and that love girl!"

"Leave Setsuna to Bakugou." Yoko said. "Lets go find Aika. But be careful, and whatever you do, do NOT look at Aika in the eye, unless you want to fall in love with each other."


Yoko, Jiro, Sero, and Sato started to make their way to where Aika was standing. When they arrived, Aika turned around.

"I was expecting you! Looks like Setsuna failed, hm?" Aika sang. She jumped off the pipe she was standing on, and landing right in front of Sero. Before the Tape Boy could do anything, Aika made eye contact with him.

"Whoa..." Sero's eyes turned into hearts as he stared at Aika. Aika pointed at Sato, and Sero suddenly trapped Sato with tape.

"Huh?" Yoko exclaimed.

"I've been improving my quirk." Aika said. "Now, I can make people obey me. Sero-san, Sato-san~~" 

Sero turned to Jiro and Yoko and shot his tape at them. Jiro pulled Yoko out of the way before she could get taped. 

"Change of plans." Yoko said in a scathing voice. "Obviously, Aika's been practicing. Here, put this on." she handed Jiro a pair of glasses.

Jiro obliged. "What do these do?"

"I enchanted them so that you can look at Aika in the eyes." Yoko put on her own pair of glasses. "Ok, stear clear of Sero, so he can't tape you. And make sure Sato doesn't get you."

"Ok. Do you think Bakugou has gotten Setsuna yet?"

"Probably. Ok lets go!"

They jumped out of their hiding spot. Yoko tackled Aika, while Jiro inserted her ear jacks into Sato and Sero's ears and shocked them, sending them out of their trance.

"Sorry friendo, but we're taking victory 5-0!!" Yoko said as she used her martial arts on Aika, and knocking her out.

"Huh? What happened?" Sato looked around, surprised.

"You got zapped by love." Jiro grumbled as she helped Sero up.


"Great, you got 'er." Bakugou said as he held Awase on his back and Setsuna, Bondo, and Togaru by the collar. "To the jail. And hurry up, you slow bastards!"

"Bastard my ass." Yoko huffed as she picked up Aika.


Aika, Togaru, Setsuna, Awase, and Bondo were thrown into jail, earning victory for Class A.

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