Chapter 26

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Anyways, since there are two extras in Class A (my OC's), there are not enough teachers. SoOooOOOoOOOOoOOoo I will yeet Vlad King INTO the thing, even though he is not actually supposed to be THERE! SO DEAL WITH IT.

(edit: I sincerely apologize for my attitude back in 2021. I have changed since then.)


Finally, the day of the practical exam and written exam came.

All the teachers in U.A (well, not all, but you know...) were standing in front of Class 1-A. They were all decked out in our hero costumes.

"Why are there so many teachers...?" Jiro asked.

"We'll just have to defeat the robots!" Denki and Mina yelled excitedly.

"Actually, the practical exam will be changing, starting today!" Principal Nezu popped out of Aizawa's scarf.

"What do you mean, Sensei?" Momo asked.

The teachers explained how due to the amount of villain attacks, they planned to change up the exam and instead of robots, the students would have to fight the teachers--in pairs of two.

"Why is Vlad King-Sensei here?"

Vlad grunted. "I heard you were short of teachers so I volunteered. Lets make this quick. My class is waiting."

Shoto and Momo vs Aizawa.

Bakugou and Midoryia vs All Might.

Mina and Chisako vs Nezu.

Aoyama and Uraraka vs Thirteen.

Jiro and Koda vs Present Mic.

Tsuyu and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm.

Sero and Mineta vs Midnight.

Toru and Mezo vs Snipe.

Sato and Denki vs Cementoss.

Yoko and Kirishima vs Vlad King.

Tenya and Ojiro vs Power Loader.

Denki watched from afar as he saw Kirishima energetically interact with Yoko. He had only shared his feelings about her with Sero and Kirishima (and regretted it, those two wouldn't leave him alone).

Weirdly, Denki felt jealously as he saw his bro Kiri with his crush. He knew that Kiri would never even think about making a move, and besides, Kiri liked someone else. But - still.

Denki hit on many girls. He asked them out on dates, always got rejected. But it felt different with the daughter (or niece whatever) of Endeavor. She actually talked back to him. She actually flirted back (sometimes).

"Hey, Kaminari?" Sato waved his hand in front of him. "Ya with me?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Denki flashed one last look at his crush and followed Sato to the place they would fight Cementoss.


"So all we gotta do is to handcuff Vlad-Sensei or cross the gate, right?" Kirishima said. "You can use your quirk to make the handcuffs go onto him--"

"No." Yoko said. "He'll be expecting that. I'll do something else. You act as defense."

"Good idea."

Vlad King appeared. Quirk: Blood Manipulation. He can control his own blood so he becomes extra strong.


"Kirishima-kun, don't activate your quirk just yet." Yoko said. "Since your hardening only lasts a limited amount of time, Vlad-Sensei might stall for time and attack when you are weak."


"Lets get this over with." Vlad's skin and muscles bulged, and he advanced towards the two students.

He struck. Yoko and Kirishima dodged. Yoko needed to use Sir's advice. She needed to use her spirit and strength before her quirk. (What in the shonen--)

Vlad decided to go for Kiri first. He delivered a strong punch to the red-haired boy, knocking him out instantly.

Yoko facepalmed. "Oh god, Kirishima..."

Vlad King turned to her. "Your turn."

As he brought his fist back, Yoko used her size as a advantage and ducked. She moved swiftly, touching the clothing on Vlad. 

She commanded them to stop Vlad. Vlad tried to move, but his clothes rebelled. Vlad bared his teeth, his muscles bulging.

"Sorry, Sensei." Yoko apologized as she stepped forward and handcuffed the teacher. "But you said you wanted this to be over quickly, so..."

Todoroki (Yoko) and Kirishima pass!

"Yes! The first to pass!" Yoko said, hauling Kirishima up.

"Humph....I guess Shota trained you well." Vlad said. "Good job. Nice strategy - using your brain. You'll be a good hero."

Yoko beamed. "Thank you! Kiri-kun, wake up."

"Nghhhh?" Kirishima opened his eyes.

"We passed!" Yoko filled him in.

"Great!" Kirishima smiled, rubbing his stomach where Vlad had punched him.

"Now, you two run along to Recovery Girl." Vlad ordered.

As the two of them walked to Recovery Girl (who was monitoring), Kirishima asked Yoko, "Do you like anyone?"

Yoko looked at him. "Why?"

"No reason." Kiri said, thinking about Denki's feelings toward the girl. "Hey, how do you feel about Kaminari?"

"Kaminari-kun?" Yoko frowned. "Well, he's very nice, isn't he? He may be a little perverted, but at least he cares about his friends. He likes using cringy pickup lines, and sometimes it gets annoying, but I like to humor him. He's a good friend. And..." she went on, describing the things she liked about Denki Kaminari.

Kirishima silently grinned to himself. He couldn't wait for those two to get together.

opposites attract | kaminari denki [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now