Chapter 23

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Yoko's POV:

One hour later on train.

"Wow! Such a big building!" I grinned when I laid my eyes on the Nighteye Agency headquarters. I can't believe I'll actually be interning under a hero like Nighteye!

"Hello!" A young woman with beautiful blue skin and a revealing hero costume came up to me. "Are you the U.A. student?"

"That's me!" I said.

"Great! Sir is right this way. I'm Bubble Girl!" Bubble Girl introduced herself as she led me through the hallways. 

"Yoko Todoroki." I said cheerfully. "What's the Sir like?"

"Well..." Bubble Girl pursed her lips. "It's sort of complicated. You have to make him laugh."

"Laugh, huh?" I thought back to all the times I had tried to make Shoto smile. To this day, I haven't been able to make him crack a smile, but I was still trying. If Sir Nighteye was anything like Shoto, I might have some trouble at the agency. "Oh dear..."

Bubble Girl sighed. "Don't worry about it too much. Here we are."

We came into a large room decorated with All Might posters. Behind a desk sat a very tall man with green and yellow hair and glasses.

"This is Yoko, Sir. From U.A." Bubble Girl said, then she escaped the room as fast as she could.

"Hello!" I said in the best cheerful tone I could muster. Make him laugh make him laugh make him laugh--

"Hello." Sir Nighteye slowly stood up. It took me some willpower not to flinch, because he was at least a foot and a half taller than me. "Please pass me your form."

I obliged, and he took it. He set it down on the desk and picked up a stamp.

His eyes glinted. "Do you know why I asked for you?"

"Um...." I racked my brain. "To be honest, I don't know, sir."

He raised his eyebrows. "Well, aren't you honest." he raised the stamp and showed it to me. "This is you."

"I would like to think that I'm at least a bit taller than that, but as you wish." I nodded. Please laugh please laugh please laugh--

He did not laugh. 

"And this is your quirk." He gestured to his other hand. He made a motion of his hand clamping over the stamp.

"Um. Did my quirk just kill me?" I asked, confused.

"From what I observed, you rely too much on your quirk." Sir said. "Your quirk is strong, no denying that. But you need to rely on your spirit and strength too."

"Oh..." That sounds like some cringy shonen shit, but I guess I shouldn't say anything. 

"I saw that you were calculating many moves with your smarts during the festival." He continued. "You have wits. By the end of this week, I will transform you into a totally different person."

"YES SIR!" I exclaimed with a bit too much volume. "Oops. Sorry."

The corner of his mouth twitched. "I will give you a challenge. Try and take this stamp from me in the next three minutes."

"Hm? Oh, sure! Easy peasy!" I set down my bag and cracked my knuckles.

"Tip: do not underestimate your opponent, no matter how weak they look. Start."

I immediately lunged at him, aiming for his hand where the stamp was. He simply lifted his hand so I missed, and he touched my back.

"Dammit!" I skidded across the floor, getting up. My mind was working furiously. Why had he touched me?

I lunged at him again, trying to touch the seal so I can manipulate it. He anticipated my move and spun around so I crashed into the wall. I got up, a burning sensation creeping up my nose. 

"One minute left." He dangled the stamp in front of him, tempting me to make a reckless move again.

He's just going to know my every move. I bet his quirk has something to do with seeing the future.

Seriously, what the fuck. There's strong, then there's strong. Seeing the future is way too OP. Argh, how the hell do I do this? It's not like I can change the future.

I leaped off the ground and reached out toward Sir, but this time, I didn't target his hand. I targeted his arm - so I can touch his sleeve.

However, he pulled away just in time, so I just uselessly rolled to the floor. Embarrassingggg. 

"Times up." He said. "But nice tactic you played there - ignoring your objective and going for a alternative instead. Nice job."

"Thank you!" I said, happy to get at least some kind of praise out of him. 

He strode back to his desk, and stamped my form. "Today, we start training."

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