Chapter 6

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a/n TW a bunch of cringe writing + trauma because a oc isnt good without some of that


Yoko POV:

Before dinner, I went to my room.

Our house is built in a traditional Japanese-style way. All the rooms have tatami flooring and floral plants, along with switches we had to pull to turn the lights off. I liked it - it was very serene and everything was kept simple. In my opinion, simple things are far more beautiful than complicated things. 

My room was filled with stacks of books and paper strewn all over the floor. Drawings and training schedules were tacked to my wall, and next to that were several photos of me and my siblings when we were younger. All of them were missing Shoto. 

The picture in the middle had me, Natsu, Fuyumi, and Touya, all of us making a surprised expression - Mom must've taken the picture without telling us. 

And now that I think about it...this picture was taken just a few weeks before Touya died.

I became dizzy and had a seat on my bed. Touya, my eldest brother. He would often tease me and Fuyumi by calling us 'four-eyes', but he was really nice as well. He would give me piggyback rides and sneak me extra dessert once Endeavour had left to train Shoto.

I loved him. He was my favourite sibling.

And then he died.


What a weird concept. 

My real parents died.


They were killed by a villain.


You have to be careful....

....not to die.

It's a dangerous world.

With death.

Even heroes die.


Death is inevitable.

We all die.

But it's so scary.

Shoto, he...

He went through hell.

Did he ever feel like dying?

My life is paradise compared to his, even though we live in the same household. He was brutally trained, burned, neglected, overworked, and harassed...meanwhile I grew up with three amazing siblings and a caring mom, even after my biological parents passed.

I had a good life. I have a good life. I've gotten into U.A., I'm friends with Chisako, Momo, and Tenya, and I even met that new kid, Kaminari.

But why am I so miserable?

Is it fair that I get to live a good life when Shoto and so many other people out there are experiencing hell?

Smile and nod. If someone asks if I'm ok, say yes because if I say no they'll think I'm being overdramatic. They'll ask why I'm not ok, and I can't tell them, because I don't know.

I'm just miserable.

For no reason.

Am I being dramatic?

Even Chisako goes through more than me. She has a shitty family. A family fucked up to the same level as Endeavour is. She hates her family and her family hates her. But she doesn't ever complain about it. She always smiles. Tells me to not worry about her.

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