Chapter 20

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Yoko's POV:

"Nice try, 'Sako, you almost had him!" I said.

Chisako took a seat next to me, her face red and smoke pouring out of her ears. "Fucking Kacchan. He's strong, he's smart, he's tall, he's annoyingly hot--"

"Who is 'Kacchan'?" Momo asked.

"It's a nickname for Bakugou!" Midoryia provided.

"I like calling him Kacchan. It pisses him off. And I like pissing people off." Chisako said.

"Yeah, I know." I hit her softly on the shoulder, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kirishima frown a bit.


"CHISAKO!" Etsudo appeared over the wall. "Nice job!!!"

Aika appeared next to her. "Yeah, nice job!"

"Hey! You two! Don't encourage the other cla--ACK!" Monoma got cut off as Kendo karate-chopped him.

"Sorry about him, again." Kendo apologized. "He's been getting worse."

"Hey, so what did you say to this so-called 'Kacchan' to make him lose focus?" I asked Chisako.

She turned beet red and covered her face with her hands. "NOTHING! I SAID NOTHING!!!"

"Oho?" I grinned, leaning in. "Why are you blushing~?"

"Yeah, why are you blushing?" Mina smirked.

"Sh-Shut up! G-go away!" Chisako stuttered, going redder. "A-Anyways....who's winning....Kacchan or Tokoyami??"

"Changing the subject, huh?"

"SH-SHUT UP!!!!"

"Well, it looks like Tokoyami-kun is losing!" Midoryia said. "Its probably because Dark Shadow becomes weak in light! Kacchan probably noticed this and is forcing Dark Shadow to go defense mode! Wow! Kacchan can be real smart sometimes!" Midoryia started mumbling under his breath at top speed.

"What's he talking about?" I asked Uraraka.

"No clue." She chuckled.


"Come on, Tokoyami! Show some strength! How can you forfeit so easily?" Chisako complained.

The final match: Shoto Todoroki versus Katsuki Bakugou.

"I'm cheering for Shoto!" I said. "I hope he wins. Maybe he'll use his fire..." I gave a sideways glance to Midoryia.

"Heh......" Midoryia scratched his neck nervously. "Uh, Yoko-san, can I talk to you about something?"

"Oh, sure." I looked at him. After a few moments, I realized what he had meant. "Oh, alone?"

We met up in one of the halls.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"It's not like I'm trying to pry or anything...I'm just genuinely curious...Todoroki-kun told me a little about his past, and how he got his scar. He didn't--he didn't mention a lot about you, but back during the bus ride to USJ, you told us that you had been living with his family ever since your parents passed away. And I was wondering, um," Midoryia fiddled with his fingers. "If..."

"You want to know if I received any sort of treatment like Shoto?" I guessed. Judging my Midoryia's face, I was spot-on. "No, not really. While Shoto is a product of a quirk-marriage, I was simply just another member of the family that Endeavor had no interest in. He did train me in middle school, but he wasn't as harsh to me as he was to Shoto."

So earlier, Shoto let a bit of his dark past slip. I know he has a rivalry with Midoryia, but why resort to telling him these kinds of stuff? Now Midoryia is interrogating me as well...

"O-oh..." Midoryia said. "But......I have another question. Were your parents - your biological ones - were they the Creative Combo?"

I gave him a surprised look. "Yeah, Fuyumi mentioned them a couple of times before. Why?"

"Just wondering!" His eyes started to shine. "The Creative Combo...before they got murdered, their creative way of fighting always stood out to me! I loved how one would provide the other with the materials they need, and then they would take down the villains! So awesome! I mean, I was a baby when they were alive, but their legacy still carries on today! They worked for three years together before they got killed by a villain." he blinked. "O-oh. Sorry."

So my parents were really that admirable.

"It's fine. You're a real fanboy!" I laughed. "Now lets get back - I want to see how Shoto's match turns out."

 When we got back, Chisako gave Midoryia the stink-eye.

"What did you talk about with my friend?" She asked him suspiciously, making him trip and fall back in terror.

"Yeah, Midoryia, trying to make a move on your rival's sister?" Denki said in an easy-going manner, but the glint in his eyes clearly stated that he was not joking. His gaze flitted back and forth between me and Midoryia, jealously written all over his face. I decided to ignore it.

"Relax, it was about my hero parents." I flicked Chisako's forehead. "Who's winning?"

"Kacchan." She looked back, with some admiration in her eyes. "He's really riling your brother up."

A huge gust of wind pushed our hair back, obscuring my vision. When we could see again, there was a big block of ice off to one side of the ring, with a unconscious Shoto on top. Bakugou stomped over, grabbed my brother by the collar, and shook him, yelling.

Midnight walked over, releasing her quirk so that Bakugou let go of Shoto and fell asleep. "Todoroki (Shoto) is down! KATSUKI BAKUGOU WINS!"

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