Chapter 80

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Yoko POV:

Me and the others who were not involved in Round 1 watched the battle commence through the cameras.

Koda's birds were flying around, gathering info. A few chickens were 'stealthily' waddling around, probably doing the same thing as the birds for Etsudo.

As Koda was informing his teammates about Class B's whereabouts, a huge monster - Shishida -  appeared and grabbed Kirishima and Tsu.

"WA? KIRISHIMA!" Denki yelled.

Koda tried to help when Koesi trapped him in a air cage. But then, someone that was not Kosei spoke in Kosei's voice. It turned out to be Shinso, who had used his new gadget, Persona Cords, to make Shishida obey him.

"Ha! Nice work, Shinso!" Chisako yelled.

"WAKE UP!" Kosei yelled at Shishida. As Shinso advanced, Kosei used his quirk to trap him and then slapped Shishida, hard. That broke the monster out of his trance.

Denki ran up to the two Class B members. Shishida instinctively lashed out, pummelling Denki.

Even though I was worried about my boyfriend, I knew he had a strategy. Whoever touches him gets a....slight electrical shock. 

Coughing, Denki sat up from where Shishida had thrown him. Chisako ran to help Denki (I heard Bakugou growling beside me), while Tsuyu grabbed Kosei by her tongue and lurched him off of Shishida.

Shishida had recovered faster than you can think, though. He started to charge Kirishima and Koda. My classmates got ready to strike, but Shishida changed back into human at the last moment and dodged their attack. Then he turned back into a monster and knocked Kirishima away while grabbing Koda.

Chisako had snuck up from behind with Tsu. They both struck, but Shishida dodged.

Koda, Kirishima from Class A - jailed.

Kosei from Class B - jailed.

"Errrgh!!!" I grunted. "No...."

"Lets keep watching!" Uraraka said.

Breathing heavily, battered, and bruised, Shinso, Denki, Tsu, and Chisako met up together again.

Tsuyu seemed to have a idea. Goop spilled from her arms. "Kaminari, your shooter."

Denki grinned. "Aha."


Shishida, Etsudo, Hiryu, and Ibara had met up. They were talking about a decoy strategy, when Etsudo suddenly cried out.

"My chickens tell me that...three Tsuyu's are coming this way!" Etsudo exclaimed with wide eyes.


"Heh." Grinning, Denki carefully threw a shooter at Shishida's leg, and then disappeared again.

Thick, green, vines curled from Ibara Shiozaki's hair.

"It must seem like I must teach you that your little schemes will lead to a path of impurity." she said.

Back at the place where we were waiting, we started murmuring among ourselves.

Three Tsus?

I rubbed my chin.


She had once told me she can produce mucus to hide people's scent with hers. So that was why Class B thought there were three Tsuyus!

And then something went wrong.

"Hey! Whats that stuck onto you??" Hiryu asked Shishida, pointing to the shooter on his pant leg.

"Wait." Ibara said. "One has been captured."

Her hair started to pull back, revealing the member of Class A she had captured - none other than Denki Kaminari.

"Ding ding ding!" Denki grinned, even though he was trapped in vines. "And lemme tell ya, you won the wrong lottery ticket!"

He pointed his fingers at the shooter on Shishida, but Class B acted fast. Etsudo hid behind the vine wall Ibara had made, while Hiryu used his quirk to shoot off the shooter on Shishida. Vines wove around Denki, wrapping him in a tight ball so that he could not use his quirk.

"OH NO!" Mina exclaimed.

"Wait!" I said. "Its a trap!!!! Denki was just a decoy."

Sure enough, a voice that sounded like Hiryu's but wasn't Hiryu's said, "Ibara!"

"Yes?" Ibara answered, but suddenly she could not move. Shinso had brainwashed her.

"SHISHIDA! GO FIND THE LOCATION OF THE ENEMY!" Hiryu yelled, just before Tsuyu knocked him out.

Shishida started to run through the maze, with Etsudo on his back, breaking metal pipes as he roared.

"Go go go!" Etsudo yelled.

"Oh no you don't." a female voice ordered.

I averted my eyes from the camera as bright, multi-coloured lights started to hit Shishida and Etsudo from all different directions.

"Ultimate move. Rainbow Dash." Chisako said. The gloves she was wearing had allowed her to shoot different feelings at once through each finger, like lasers. "sorry about this, but you'll be feeling a lot of emotions....right about now."

(A/n: did i name Chisako's move after a my little pony character? Yes. Yes I did. Fuck off.)

With a yell, both Etsudo and Shishida collapsed, and started to snore.

"Fuuuuuuuuuck." Chisako muttered as she stumbled. "I think I'm going to pass out.....that took too much of my energy."

Shinso lifted her up (again, Bakugou growled), and brought her to the others. With the help of a brainwashed Ibara, Class A won the first round.

"WooooOoooOOOoooowWwwWww!!" I said, running up to Denki. "You actually used your brain!!!"

"Yea, surprising, right?" Denki grinned. "I did good, right????"

"You were awesome!" I kissed his cheek.

Bakugou took Chisako from Shinso, bared his teeth at the taller boy, and stalked away.

"Jealous Bakugou..." Aika sweatdropped. 

"I LOVE BEING LOVED!" Chisako yelled from where she lay in Bakugou's arms.

"So do I." Denki smirked sweeping me off my feet and lifting me up.

"Waoo!!" I yelped. "Whee!"

"Once again, I feel so single." Kirishima said.

Chisako started to twirl a strand of her hair while smiling deviously. "Like I said, Kiri darling, I have this cousin....."

Kirishima gave her a nervous laugh. "Ha...ha...yeah...."


Momo, Fumikage, Toru, and Aoyama vs Kendo, Kinoko, Kuroiro, and Manga Fukidashi.....

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