CHapter 55

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BTW there isnt gonna be a lot of Denki for the next few chapters.


Continued from last chapter.

Yoko POV:

I swallowed as Sir Nighteye started to make his way to Deku with a scary face.

"What do you think your playing at, wearing that face?" He snarled.

"Er...." Deku mumbled.

"Are you in shock, that I am All Might's former sidekick?" Sir continued, looming over Deku.

"A-ah, t-that's u-um..."

Sir reached down and started returning Deku's face to normal. "All Might does not have wrinkles like that! How utterly offensive. I ask you to leave."

I decided to stop standing around like a useless piece of.................dirt, and started to help Bubble Girl out of the Tickle Machine with Mirio.

"M-Miriro-kun....Y-Yoko-chan...who is this kid?" Bubble Girl asked, tears in her eyes.

"He's in my class." I explained. 

"In order to excel your wish to intern under me, yes?" Sir sat down and touched his fingertips together. 


"Your form....give it here." Deku handed Sir his form. Sir lifted up one of his famous stamps, and brought it down.....'missing' the form.

" missed." Deku said.

"No didn't. I do not have any intention  of employing you!" Sir barked. "I have a agency of two sidekicks and already two interns. How am I benefited to employ you? What can you to contribute to the community? How will you benefit the others?"

"How can useful?" Deku said, his face scrunching up.

Sir stood up, holding up his stamp. "Three minutes. Seize this stamp from me."

Ah, like he did with me! I thought.

"Mirio. Yoko. Bubble Girl. Leave us." Sir commanded.

"Yes, sir."

"That didn't sound so lively."



We left.

"Hey...Mirio-kun, did you have to do that kind of stuff too?" Bubble GIrl asked as we walked down the hallways.

"Nope!" Mirio said, upbeat as always. "He recruited me!"

"How about you, Yoko?" Bubble Girl questioned.

"Well, he recruited me too, but he tested me like that too." I said. "I almost got the stamp, but time ran out. I'm lucky he still kept me."

"Waa! I'm like, super jelly!" Bubble Girl huffed.

I laughed, but deep inside....

I was worried about Deku.

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