Ruins of the Forgotten

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3rd POV
The unnamed Cookie kingdom was glittered and blessed with pure daylight. The air was warm and the kingdom was shining. Several Cookies woke up to start their day, greeting each other their mornings and getting ready for their jobs. Some were getting ready producing supplies for the kingdom, some were getting ready for expeditions and some were talking to other Cookies. However, this day is no ordinary day...

"I can't believe you found an old ruin near here Wizard Cookie!" Alchemist Cookie said ecstatic. "We can finally have some clues as to what is the history of this kingdom!" "I know! The sugar gnomes have been very vague for some reason..." Wizard Cookie remarked. "But we finally have answers!

"Hey guys whatcha doing?" Gingerbrave asked nosily. "Oh, hi Gingerbrave! Wizard Cookie found some old ruins near the kingdom, it is highly possible it is a part of the kingdom's history!" Alchemist Cookie replied. "Haven't you always wondered why this kingdom was in ruins in the first place?" She asked.

"And since now that we know the legends and the Ancients were the ones that originally built civilizations, why does this kingdom exist?" Wizard Cookie added. "Huh...never thought of that..." Gingerbrave remarked. "Anyways, we're heading off this afternoon to do some research!" Alchemist Cookie spoke. Excitement in her eyes. "Oh, can I come? I can help!" Gingerbrave asked his eyes gleaming. "Uhm...Really?" Alchemist asked. "Let him come, he's good at finding objects in...weird places..." Wizard Cookie remarks how they found an extra Cookie Cutter inside one of the bathrooms inside the castles, why was Gingerbrave even IN the castle bathrooms?! "Alright, he can come." Alchemist Cookie agreed. Gingerbrave exclaimed a "Yes!" In response...

Later that afternoon, they went to explore the ruins. All are in awe of the place. "I'm still amazed about this place, and I've been here twice!" Wizard Cookie remarked. "You know for a ruins, it's quite...big!" Alchemist Cookie remarks. "Hey, look at this! This statue has a brand on it!"
Gingerbrave noticed, always the curious type...
"Strongest amongst the weakest Cookie type, rose above all, this Cookie broke every expectation. No matter how small" Gingerbrave recited the brand. "Strongest amongst the weakest Cookie type?" Hmm...we need to research this room further." Alchemist Cookie remarked. "We also need to research theses symbols and pictures on the walls embedded on the roof" Said Wizard, already using some type of levitation spell to hold himself up to view the pictures. "You can explore here Gingerbrave...Gingerbrave?" Alchemist gestured to Gingerbrave for a moment. She sees him staring at the statue...

Gingerbrave couldn't help but stare, he fazed out for a moment, looking at the Cookie Statue

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Gingerbrave couldn't help but stare, he fazed out for a moment, looking at the Cookie Statue. He didn't know what it was but for some reason the Cookie looked...


"Gingerbrave!" Alchemist brought him back to reality. "Wha-huh?" Gingerbrave asked confused for a bit. "You were fazing out for a bit..." Alchemist remarked. "Are you sure you're feeling well?" Wizard Cookie asked. "Y-yeah! I'm fine...I" Gingerbrave remarked. "I'll go explore some more" He remarked before going to a different room. "You think he's ok?" Alchemist Cookie asked worried. "Well...this is the same Cookie who escaped the oven and becoming a snack" Wizard spoke. "I mean...what can beat that?" He said as he used the same levitation spell to lift himself up again. "I guess..." Alchemist Cookie replied and continued her research.

Gingerbrave wandered around the second room for a bit...the place was empty, only with a few pictures and glyphs that he didn't really understand the meaning of...he sighed as he put his hand on his head. Pondering with questions like "Why did I get distracted?" Or "Why did that Cookie look familiar?" The questions pondering his brain(?) left him confused...he sighed as he decided to sit down next to a wall and wait for Alchemist and Wizard Cookie...

Or so he thought...
He accidentally activated some kind of secret passage and fell right into the floor with a yelp. Gingerbrave then hit on a flight of stairs going down to a hallway. "Owe..." Gingerbrave said as he grabbed his head in pain. "Woah..." Gingerbrave at the end of the hall he saw a glowing light beam before his eyes. Gingerbrave looked back and saw that the passage he saw was closed and the hallway in front of him was the only light standing in his path. He walked towards the light nervously...but soon calmed as he saw the source of light.

Gingerbrave stared the glowing sphere almost mesmerized by it

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Gingerbrave stared the glowing sphere almost mesmerized by it. It was in the middle of a dark room where the light glowed brighter than he has ever seen!
And as he got closer...

He leaned in...

And touched the sphere...

"All right! Let's take a break for now!" Alchemist Cookie spoke, mostly towards Wizard Cookie. "Say, have you seen Gingerbrave? This place isn't that big right?" She asked. "He hasn't come back yet?" Wizard Cookie asked, strange...Gingerbrave would've bothered them if he found something right? A bright light appeared in the room Gingerbrave was in as Alchemist and Wizard Cookie pondered. "What was that?!" Wizard Cookie asked. The bolted towards the light and see it coming from the floor. "It must be a secret passage! Quick, hand me the pickaxe!" Alchemist Cookie asks as Wizard Cookie passes her the pickaxe and she forces the door open. A flight of stairs are revealed as the run straight from the light disappeared. Wizard and Alchemist Cookie looked in worry as they saw the familiar Cookie in the distance. "Gingerbrave!" The both yelled in worry as Gingerbrave's body was found unconscious at the end of the hallway...

In an empty room.

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